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Fauci is now claiming he had nothing to do with pushing masks, lockdowns, and keeping schools closed. NONE of this is his fault you see!
Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that “something clearly went wrong” with the country’s Covid-19 response in an interview published Tuesday — but absolved himself from some of the most impactful results of his anti-infection recommendations.
“Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did,” Fauci told The New York Times Magazine when questioned about the “heavy-handed” policies he suggested throughout the pandemic.
“I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.”
This is the man who described himself as THE arbitrator of the SCIENCE. But now he says the Covid response wasn’t handled correctly??!! Don’t blame him, he only made recommendations. Such as masks. When he recommended masking, the country went ballistic. People were buying masks from everywhere they could find one. The mask will SAVE US ALL! Except…
From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent. But for an individual who religiously wears a mask, a well-fitted KN95 or N95, it’s not at the margin. It really does work.
OH. So across the entire population of the U.S., masks were maybe 10% effective? WOW. Tell that to all the children who were forced to wear masks. Tell that to those with asthma and other respiratory issues who were forced to wear masks. And how about those who are deaf?
— Terri Galvin (@TerriGalvin) January 18, 2023
Woman, 26, wins $180,000 payout from Minnesota hospital that 'fired' her for being DEAF, after bosses said COVID masking rules meant she wouldn't be able to lip-read
That’s ok. Fauci followed his own rules and everyone else could just suffer.
Anthony Fauci defends not wearing mask while watching Nationals game
— New York Post (@nypost) July 25, 2020
To be sure, Fauci didn’t directly shut down skate parks, businesses, churches, and schools. But his recommendations were followed To. The. Letter.
Yet we are now supposed to believe him when he says he was the innocent party in all of this? He was just following the science and it was the folks at the state and local levels who are solely to blame?
He was a vocal supporter of vaccine mandates. How did that turn out for everyone? People were fired for refusing the vaccines on a variety of grounds. The mandates harmed businesses all over the country, decimated families and friendships. Fauci himself was told to stuff it. What does Fauci say now about the mandates?
Dr Fauci, who did not make policy but offered medical advice to people that do, was a vocal supporter of vaccine mandates throughout 2021.
Despite his admission that vaccine mandates backfired, the US still requires proof that travelers coming into the country have been vaccinated against Covid.
Talking about the mandates during a sweeping interview Monday, Dr Fauci told the New York Times: ‘Man, I think, almost paradoxically, you had people who were on the fence about getting vaccinated thinking, why are they forcing me to do this?
‘And that sometimes-beautiful independent streak in our country becomes counterproductive.’
Fauci’s vacillating stances on everything helped CREATE the skepticism many people had regarding vaccines! What does he have to say about herd immunity?
The classical definition of herd immunity has been completely turned upside down by Covid. And let me go through the steps. Herd immunity is based on two premises: one, that the virus doesn’t change, and two, that when you get infected or vaccinated, the durability of protection is measured in decades, if not a lifetime. With SARS-CoV-2, we thought protection against infection was going to be measured in a long period of time. And we found out — wait a minute, protection against infection, and against severe disease, is measured in months, not decades. No. 2, the virus that you got infected with in January 2020 is very different from the virus that you’re going to get infected with in 2021 and 2022
Except that even the flu virus’s change over time! So I’d say once again he’s gaslighting us.
In just one thing Fauci is marginally correct. He and others like Deborah Birx made recommendations from a public health standpoint. However, what many of our leadership across the country failed to take into account is the REST of the assessments that should’ve been given equal weight.
That’s exactly what many elected and appointed officials at all levels of government failed to do during the pandemic. Protecting public health is one important component of an overall pandemic response plan, but other things matter too: the economy, the learning loss from closed schools, the social effects of lockdowns. Too many public officials ignored those other things for too long, and we’re still dealing with the consequences.
But Fauci takes ZERO responsibility for his role in all of this. Lab leaks? Quit asking him about those!
The very last two questions in this interview show us exactly why Fauci will never understand why he is so intensely disliked and can never be trusted.
Now, the gay community with H.I.V. is very, very different from the ultraright MAGA community with Covid. However, there is a bit of connection there — a segment of society that was bucking against what the government was trying to do.
What the gay population was saying is that you’ve got to take our thoughts into consideration, and that you have a too-rigid clinical-trial apparatus. One of the best things I did in my life was put aside their theatrics and their attacks on me and started listening to what they had to say. And what they had to say was not just a kernel of truth; it was profound truth. It was mostly all true.
Their “theatrics??!!” WOW. The arrogance is jaw-dropping and telling.
Fauci wants to be absolved of everything so he can go his merry way rewriting the history of the H.I.V. and Covid responses HIS way.
Too bad you arrogant little SOB. I, for one, refuse to play your game.
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Feature Photo Credit: Original Artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click
He’s a bureaucrat who went to med school. As far as I can tell he never saw a patient of his own. I’m happy people are finally realizing what an arrogant little quack he was.
Until actual justice (preferably 18th century French style justice utilizing lamp posts) is performed on this worm….the VICTIMS of his direct actions on AIDS and on COVID (and their families) will never meet satisfaction.