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To celebrate Christmas one of Eric Garner’s children, his daughter Erica Garner, tweeted the address of NYPD officer, Justin D’Amico, one of the officer’s present when her father died, and the addresses of five possible relatives.
In the tweet, she says, “another officer that helped killed [sic] my dad,” and urges her 5,000-plus Twitter followers to visit the webpage. According to the New York Post, the webpage was viewed about 500 times before the tweet was later deleted.
The disgusting tweet came less than a week after a crazed gunman fatally shot NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu following a post on his Instagram informing his followers that he planned to kill two police officers in response to the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. It also comes during a time when police departments across the United States are on high alert because of dozens of copy-cat threats.
An NYPD source said that Erica Garner’s “disgusting” tweet “poses grave danger” to Officer D’Amico and his family.
“She clearly wants someone to go to the officer’s house and assassinate him in cold blood just like Ramos and Liu,” the source said.
Ed Mullins, head of the NYPD sergeants union, called the tweet “terrible behavior that continues to cause divisive actions throughout the city.”
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Mullins added.
D’Amico got immunity in exchange for his testimony before the grand jury that cleared fellow cop Daniel Pantaleo of responsibility in Eric Garner’s July 17th death. The grand jury ruling has inflamed the ongoing anti-police protests and riots that have been plaguing the city. Protesters have been calling for the deaths of cops and have attacked two NYPD officers on the Brooklyn Bridge.
In her 1:45 a.m. tweet, Erica Garner posted the link to a page on, which allows people to anonymously post documents for public viewing. She called the knowledge about Officer D’Amico “just something light” and used the hashtag #Doxx, which refers to the online practice of revealing information about people’s private lives.
The Garner family attorney, Jonathon Moore, who is preparing a $75 million suit against the city, said that Erica Garner “did not have any knowledge of what was in those links.”
“Nobody in the Garner family, including Erica, would consciously send information out about the personal address or phone number or any identifying information about the police officers, particularly after what happened to those two officers,” Moore said.
Yeah, sure she didn’t know what was in those links. If she didn’t, then why would she say it was about one of the officers that “killed” her dad?
I’ll believe that she and her family wouldn’t endanger a police officer or his/her family about the time that Hell freezes over or when one of my friend’s pigs sprout wings and fly away.
And absolutely, positively nothing of the sort will ever happen in relation to this:
New NLRB rules give unions access to workers’ email addresses and phone numbers
That’s right, your right to hold your own opinion will NEVER, EVER be used against you.
But this officer was part of a group that cold bloodedly killed a man. Hang him.