DOA: Senators Vote to Dismiss Second Trump Impeachment

DOA: Senators Vote to Dismiss Second Trump Impeachment

DOA: Senators Vote to Dismiss Second Trump Impeachment

Nancy Pelosi was all but giddy when she posted a video of procession ceremony to deliver the article of impeachment against Donald Trump to the Senate yesterday. She probably celebrated with a $20 dollar pint of ice cream. Too bad a second impeachment may not happen. In fact, it may be Dead on Arrival, DOA.

A “great process” It happened “so quickly”! Poor Nancy. It became DOA so quickly, too.

You think? Not to mention wasting time with the Mickey Mouse BS of a second impeachment when millions of individuals need to get the COVID-19 vaccine. How’s about focusing some efforts in movement and logistics in getting our most vulnerable vaccinated, our economies up-and-running and our kids back in school? Nope, impeach, impeach, impeach.

The point of order, which was defeated 55-45, argued that the Senate does not have the constitutional authority to try a president after he has left office. But we know Nancy and her crew doesn’t Constitution much. Those who voted in-favor of a second impeachment trial? No big surprises here. Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, and Toomey.

It’s DOA, guys.

Romney even “consulted” Constitutional-law scholars about whether or not an impeachment trial can be held after a President is out-of-office. These law scholars claim that Congress does have the right to impeach Trump based on “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors”.

I’ll of course hear what the lawyers have to say for each side. But I think it’s pretty clear that the effort is constitutional. I believe that what is being alleged and what we saw, which is incitement to insurrection, is an impeachable offense. If not, what is?”-Mitt Romney

Mitt, it’s DOA. Let it go.

Private citizens don’t get impeached. Impeachment is for removal from office, and the accused here has already left office.”-Rand Paul

Paul went to bat in calling this attempt unconstitutional. Mitch McConnell tap-danced and decided to straddle the fence. Democrats want another impeachment. Inciting violence and a coup, the reason for this particular impeachment. But all of this, gets a pass:

DOA. But people want justice. Orange Man is (still) bad. One does not have to condone what happened at The Capitol to see that this second attempt to impeach Trump (who is no longer in office) is a waste of time, energy and resources. Not to mention the overtures of “unity” that are being shouted from the rafters of the Democrats. How, exactly is the second impeachment of the 45th President of The United States, who, we mentioned, is no longer in office? Or did he win, legitimately, to warrant an “impeachment” trial? I can see how this may raise some eyebrows. But, after all, Trump lost, Biden “won”.

Last year’s impeachment trial cost American taxpayers around $3.06 million dollars. This price tag includes the money spent on the salaries of 106 congressional staffers from the House Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee and the Oversight and Reform Committee. And, let’s not forget, Nancy Pelosi’s souvenir pens.

Of course the media will hold out hope for some loophole, somewhere, to bring Donald Trump to yet another impeachment trial. The circus act continues. Democrats (and a few token Republicans who want to curry favor) will be looking for reasons-any reasons-to get Donald Trump away from running for any sort of office in 2024. My guess is they would not be fighting so hard for Impeachment 2.0 if they thought this was not even a remote possibility.

Now, I know a liberal may read this and say that I may be minimizing what has happened. I’m not. The riots at the U.S. Capitol should not have happened. No one should have died on that day. Pushing an impeachment of a President who is no longer president is futile exercise and not the answer especially when overtures of “unity” echo loudly. Democrats have incited violence for the better part of 2020 with little to no consequences. Republicans are fractured. There seems to be no cohesive unity within the GOP. Want our Republic and our “unity?” Let’s start with “unity” in the form of a Primary Her/His Ass-Out List to include Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Pat Toomey and Mitt Romney.

Don’t get so excited, Chuck. All indicators point to this Impeachment 2.0 being DOA. As dead as some of Biden’s voters, in fact. Tell Nancy to hold off on ordering those pens.

Photo Credit: Phil Roeder/FlickR/CC BY 2.0

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  • Bucky says:

    IIRC after Trump’s first Senate trial failed to convict some Dem’s claimed that he was guilty because a majority of Senators said so. Why will this time be any different?

    If a former President can be impeached what’s to prevent Miss Nancy and the geriatric Dem leadership from drafting more articles of impeachment against Trump and Schumer from having more show trials? It’s all political circus to distract from Beijing Biden’s obvious declining mental ability.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

  • talgus says:

    if only Speaker Pelosi was giddy about doing things for US citizens. Only to them.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt

  • Zoopy says:

    whar my $2000? bums. stinking lying bums!

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