Dems And Media: OUR Violent Rhetoric Isn’t The Problem, Trump’s Is

Dems And Media: OUR Violent Rhetoric Isn’t The Problem, Trump’s Is

Dems And Media: OUR Violent Rhetoric Isn’t The Problem, Trump’s Is

Democrats and the media  will happily point the finger of blame at President Trump’s rhetoric, while refusing to take responsibility for their YEARS of spouting the same.

Since this second attempt on President Trump’s life, the media, Democrats, and anti-Trumpers have gone into overdrive pointing the fingers of blame at President Trump. 

“Quit blaming folks until you decide to take a look at what’s coming out of your mouth,” “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg said on Tuesday. She also argued that only Republicans were contributing to violent rhetoric.

“Let’s stop this both sides stuff because it’s not correct. It is not both sides. It is one clear side, and you can point to many, many reports, you can point to all kinds of stuff that’s been reported, you guys have to, you have to pull it back. This is not us or them. This is you got to stop doing what you’re doing, JD, and what you’re doing Mr. T [Trump], because you are not helping the situation,” Goldberg added.

The New York Times’ Zolan Kanno-Youngs joined CNN’s Dana Bash on Tuesday and said, “you have a former president who, yes, has been the target of apparent assassinations twice, but is also an instigator of political violence.”

NBC News’ Lester Holt, just hours after the assassination attempt, said the attempt on Trump’s life followed “fierce rhetoric” from the former president and his running mate, JD Vance.

It hasn’t been Republicans who’ve called for their opponents to be surrounded and screamed at in airports, hallways, and restaurants. That was Maxine Waters. It wasn’t a Republican who stood on the steps of U.S. Capital and proclaimed Republicans have reaped the whirlwind. That was Chuck Schumer. It hasn’t been Republicans calling one man a major threat to Democracy for the last eight years. That’s been the Democrats as a whole, with Hillary chiming in yesterday.

Democrats stood idly by while cities burned in 2020, and the media called the protests ‘fiery but peaceful.’ They advocated for people to donate to bail funds for the rioters, hello Kamala! Gwen Walz spoke approvingly of the smell of tires burning, while waiting for four days to bring in the National Guard (piddly little cooks they) – hello Tim Walz! Not a Republican in the bunch. 

Democrats and far too many in the media absolutely want another January 6.

And their continued rhetoric of blaming Trump for the two attempts on his life, not only shows their desperation but it also shows how they believe THEIR hypocrisy is completely acceptable. 

But when it comes to Donald Trump, victim-blaming is de rigueur. According to the Times’s premier Trump-basher, Peter Baker, Trump is responsible for the attempted assassinations against him. “At the heart of today’s eruption of political violence is Mr. Trump, a figure who seems to inspire people to make threats or take actions both for him and against him,” writes Baker in today’s lead print story. Trump “inspires” the attacks against him. It is hard to imagine this line of thinking applied to other victims of assassination attempts—Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Abraham Lincoln, for example—but it is as tautologically true in their case as in Trump’s.

Supporters of President Trump aren’t allowed to be angry that he came within a millimeter of being killed on July 13, 2024. We aren’t allowed to be angry that it was mere chance that Secret Service spotted the rifle of Ukraine fan-boy and all-around loon, Ryan Routh. Nope, all of this is President Trump’s fault. 

Keep in mind, this is the same media who had glowing interviews with this loon on multiple occasions, yet it’s Trump’s rhetoric that is to blame for the attempts on his life, not the media’s. Not the Democrats. And definitely not the folks at the Biden Harris White House. Yes, we are looking at you Karine Jean-Pierre. 

It’s all Trump’s fault that this is happening. I’m not alone in thinking his name calling is juvenile. But has Donald Trump EVER called for any kind of violence against his political opponents? No. 

Never mind the lack of evidence. The media, Democrats, and anti-Trumpers refuse to accept responsibility for taking Trump remarks such as his claim of the auto industry facing an economic bloodbath, out of context. Instead, they continue to frame it as Donald Trump threatening his opponents and Americans as a whole.

It’s all HIS fault, not theirs. 

The coldhearted tone recalls an imbalance pointed out by the late Charles Krauthammer.

“Republicans think Democrats are wrong, while Democrats think Republicans are evil,” he would say.

The distinction is significant.

Being wrong can be corrected.

Being evil puts you beyond the pale and requires a far different remedy.

There are a very few in the media and within the Democrat party who are willing to look in the mirror and reveal the hypocrisy here. Don Lemon, already being castigated for his hateful diatribe against Melania Trump had a meltdown this morning.

However, there is one in the media who surprised me. 

Will Chris Cuomo’s response make a dent in the blame game against Trump? Sadly no. 

The Democrat media complex is here to tell you that THEIR violent rhetoric is acceptable. They can brand Trump as a threat anytime they like, and anything that happens to him is HIS fault. Always. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Blackwing1 says:

    Well of course it’s Trump’s fault. If that SOB weren’t A) Alive, B) Running for president, and C) Threatening to drain the swamp and expose the Dem-wing/RINO corruption, we wouldn’t have to continuously ratchet up the hatred to try to get some left wing-nut to try to kill him.

  • Scott says:

    I’m gonna have to argue with Mr. Krauthammer just a bit.. it’s become clear that democrats, at least those in power and the media ARE evil. Their comments / actions and lies about it are proof.

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