Democrats Continue To Waver In Support Of Biden

Democrats Continue To Waver In Support Of Biden

Democrats Continue To Waver In Support Of Biden

Democrats have not taken a respite this past weekend and are still scrambling to either defend Joe Biden or come up with another plan altogether. The fear and panic is palpable.

Some, in all honesty, don’t know what to think or say. Take Representative Don Beyer of Virgina, for example. He got together on a ZOOM call yesterday afternoon to voice his support for Joe Biden whilst Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) on Sunday, ranking members including, Reps. Jerry Nadler, Mark Takano (D-CA), Joe Morelle (D-NY), and Adam Smith (D-WA) all were in favor of the Big Guy stepping down.

Let’s rewind the tape back a bit. Post debate, Beyer was heard suggesting Kamala (God Forbid) take his place and called Joe Biden “very fragile’ because he could barely string two sentences together.

Beyer is not wrong, but, why the sudden change of heart?

He’s clearly very very fragile. Fragile physically although his handshake is very firm. Also really has trouble putting two sentences together.

My perfect world is Joe — in deciding after talking to Leader Jeffries, Majority Leader Schumer, others — steps aside now, let Kamala run as the incumbent, which I think makes her even stronger. With that, I’m a team player. I’ll do whatever the team wants”-Don Beyer

That is what Beyer said after the debate. If the “perfect world” is Joe, Mr. Beyer does not have very high expectations of this world, now does he? And, Kamala as an incumbent? Imagine a President with that cackle! And, this would make her stronger? She had every opportunity to show her supposed “strengths”. She was given the tough task at the beginning of the Biden/Harris administration to contain our borders and we all saw how that worked out. Kamala Harris proved to be WEAK in this duty and every aspect of her other duties as our Veep.

I support President Biden. I support the Biden-Harris ticket, and look forward to helping defeat Donald Trump in November. I was proud to host an event this week in Northern Virginia with the President, and will continue doing all I can to support the Biden-Harris campaign in Virginia and across the country.”-Don Beyer

Glad you’ve asked. This Don Beyer is the very same Don Beyer who likened Joe Biden to Jesus at a Virginia fundraiser in McLean on July 3rd:

But few had to endure more than this man. Losing his wife, losing his daughter, and losing his son. The vicissitudes of American politics.”-Don Beyer

He chose some of those “vicissitudes of American politics”. These were borne out of poor policy decisions, incompetency or sheer selfish ambition. He brought a great deal of this upon himself.

But all through he has been a good, good man. He’s resilient, optimistic, indefatigable, and above all courageous.”-Don Beyer

A “good, good man”? C’mon man. He wasn’t (and still isn’t). And he’s “resilient” (and frail) and optimistic and indefatigable (even though he needs to sleep more and work less)? Don’t even get us started on courageous. He was so “courageous” in 2020, that he campaigned in his basement.

Beyer is not alone is his newly renewed faith and support of Biden. Democratic Reps Maxine Waters and Bobby Scott also spoke in support of Biden, according to one of the sources. Ahhhh, yes…Crazy Aunt Maxine-there’s the person we want to be making assessments about the mental stability of someone else, right there!

There are top donors amongst the Democrats, as well, who are standing by Joe Biden:

Wasted money. If only, I had that amount of cash to piss away…

Adam Schiff (D-CA) also offered up some advice:

He should seek out people with some distance and objectivity. He should seek pollsters who are not his own pollsters. He should take a moment to make the best-informed judgment, and if the judgment is run, then run hard and beat that S.O.B.“-Adam Schiff

Those with some objectivity may actually tell Joe Biden (and Jill Biden) the truth. Instead of seeking out distance and “objectivity”, Joe’s wife, sister and crackhead son have attempted to come to the rescue. As a result, this is what we saw in the days following the debate:

The man acting as president answers with a resounding “yes” when those ask if his party supports him.

And, as Hakeem Jeffries hosted this ZOOM call, he was reported to have remained silent on his position. It does seem curious. Will he try to steer Democrats towards Kalama? God help us all. It will be curious what they do-or what they try to do in the upcoming weeks before the Democratic National Convention. Be on the lookout for more indecision before the DNC next month.

Photo Credit: Featured image: Democrat donkey caricature via DonkeyHotey Flickr, cropped and modified, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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