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Cruz and Kasich Working Together to Stop Trump? Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

Cruz and Kasich Working Together to Stop Trump? Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

Cruz and Kasich Working Together to Stop Trump? Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

The gloves are coming off. Late Sunday night, the Cruz and Kasich campaigns released joint statements, confirming that they are working together in certain states in a coordinated effort to make sure that Donald Trump does not get to the 1237 delegate mark.

(photo: AP)
(photo: AP)

In a pair of simultaneously released statements, the campaigns announced that Kasich would pull out of Indiana to give Cruz “a clear path” ahead of that state’s winner-take-all primary May 3, while the Cruz campaign will “clear the path” for Kasich in Oregon, which votes May 17, and New Mexico, which votes June 7.

“Having Donald Trump at the top of the ticket in November would be a sure disaster for Republicans,” Cruz’s campaign manager, Jeff Roe, said in a statement. “To ensure that we nominate a Republican who can unify the Republican Party and win in November, our campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana and in turn clear the path for Gov. Kasich to compete in Oregon and New Mexico, and we would hope that allies of both campaigns would follow our lead.”

And here is the statement from Kasich’s campaign:

It’s a bold strategy, but can these Wonder Twins pull it off and force a second ballot at the GOP convention in July?

Predictably, Donald Trump is NOT happy.

But what did he expect the Cruz and Kasich camps to do once he started signaling that he would pretty much quit if not given the nomination on the first ballot?

Can we get that in writing, that Trump will actually go to Scotland and play golf if he doesn’t get the nomination on the first ballot?

Well, now we know what Kasich is still doing in the race, Donald. He’s looking out for himself. And if blocking you from the nomination on the first ballot is his goal, then allying himself with Cruz is the smartest move that he’s made in a long time.

The big question is, will this alliance be successful? Is there a vice-presidential or a cabinet position “wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more” deal in place between Cruz and Kasich? Obviously, as stated by the campaigns, this alliance is only going to cover Oregon, New Mexico, and Indiana. What happens after those states, if things continue as they are now?

Or, is this the game changing moment in the Republican nomination race?

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