January 2, 2017
The city of Chicago blew past its 2015 homicide count by the end of August 2016. The only question was, just how much higher would it rise in the remaining months of the year?
The numbers came in on Sunday, and they surprised no one who has been paying attention to just how bad things are in the liberal bastion that may someday have Barack Obama’s presidential library within its borders.
So what on earth is happening in Chicago?
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said during a news conference Sunday that Chicago was among many U.S. cities that have seek a spike in violence, including in attacks on police. He said anger at police has left criminals “emboldened” to violent crimes.
He also said it’s becoming clearer to criminals that they have little to fear from the criminal justice system.
“In Chicago, we just don’t have a deterrent to pick up a gun,” he said. “Any time a guy stealing a loaf of bread spends more time pre-trial in jail than a gun offender, something is wrong.”
The bulk of the deaths and shooting incidents, which jumped from 2,426 in 2015 to 3,550 last year, occurred in only five neighborhoods on the city’s South and West sides, all poor and predominantly black areas where gangs are most active.
Police said the shootings in those areas generally wasn’t random, with more than 80 percent of the victims having previously been identified by police as more susceptible because of their gang ties or past arrests.
The champion of the poor, black and disenfranchised was supposed to be President Barack Obama, former community organizer of Chicago. So, what has he and his administration had to say about his former hometown’s descent into daily violence?
The last public comments that I can find from President Obama about violence and homicide in Chicago are from 2013. Yes, nearly 4 years ago. In January 2013, Hadiya Pendleton was murdered in a park. She had just returned from Washington D.C., where she had performed at Obama’s second inauguration with her high school band. Her senseless murder gave the president a springboard for a speech in Chicago.
After that speech, it seems that Chicago disappeared off the radar of the administration. For all that the Obama family may consider Chicago as “home,” they seem to take all their Christmas vacations in Hawaii. The Obamas are not moving back to Chicago when the president leaves office in 18 days. They are going to be leasing a home in the Washington D.C. area in order to let daughter Sasha finish high school at the exclusive Sidwell Friends School. And once Sasha finishes school? Well, I’m not a betting woman, but I doubt that Chicago is their first choice of home. And honestly, I wouldn’t count on that presidential library in Chicago, either. If Obama truly wanted his presidential library to reflect his two terms in office, he should have it built on a golf course somewhere on Oahu.
Barack Obama used the Chicago political machine to launch himself onto the national stage, and then into the White House. Now, with his so-called hometown in the grip of a wave of violence that seems unlikely to stop anytime soon, what does the president who has the national bully pulpit and the supposed moral standing to talk to young angry black teenagers, who think that shooting someone is the solution to their problems, have to say?
A fitting legacy.
Barack Obama is the ultimate user. He no longer cares about anything but his own personal wants and his own petty need to have the last word. Seven hundred sixty-two people dead in Chicago? Meh. Hand him the sand wedge.
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