Dr. Ben Carson went on NBC’s “Meet the Press” yesterday morning, and Chuck Todd thought that he might get a little fight going when he asked that Carson address Donald Trump’s latest campaign rally “incident” when an audience member referred to President Obama as a Muslim.
Instead, Chuck Todd got a different kind of answer.
Responding to a question on “Meet the Press,” the retired neurosurgeon said, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.”
He also said that Islam, as a religion, is incompatible with the Constitution.
Carson, who is near the top of several early presidential polls, said a president’s faith should matter depending on what that faith is. “If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter,” he clarified.
Carson went on to elaborate in another interview.
In an interview with The Hill, Carson opened up about why he believes a Muslim would be unfit to serve as commander in chief.
“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” Carson said. “Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution.”
Carson said that the only exception he’d make would be if the Muslim running for office “publicly rejected all the tenants of Sharia and lived a life consistent with that.”
“Then I wouldn’t have any problem,” he said.
However, on several occasions Carson mentioned “Taqiya,” a practice in Shia Islam in which a Muslim can mislead nonbelievers about the nature of their faith to avoid persecution.
“Taqiya is a component of Shia that allows, and even encourages you to lie to achieve your goals,” Carson said.
Well, Chuck Todd started a fight, but not between Donald Trump and Ben Carson. CAIR is now planning on holding a press conference today demanding that Dr. Carson drop out of the presidential race.
“Mr. Carson clearly does not understand or care about the Constitution, which clearly states that ‘no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office,'” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “We call on our nation’s political leaders – across the political spectrum – to repudiate these unconstitutional and un-American statements and for Mr. Carson to withdraw from the presidential race.”
He said this incident demonstrates why the Constitution is needed to protect Americans of all faiths.
First of all, Mr. Awad, that’s Dr. Carson to you.
Second, Dr. Carson’s opinion is constitutionally protected (see: First Amendment). And he’s not backing down.
"Dr. Carson stands by those comments this morning and does not believe Islam is consistent with our Constitution," Carson's camp tells ABC.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) September 20, 2015
Third, the American people generally agree with Dr. Carson. Gallup did a poll back in June that listed off “non-traditional” potential candidate categories, and Muslim candidates only did better than atheists and socialists.
And Pamela Gellar points out, rather ironically:
CAIR is calling for his (Carson’s) withdrawal — the terror-tied advance team is laying down the law, sharia law, making it perfectly clear that jihad terrorism and criticism of Islam is off-limits, in accordance with sharia. Interestingly enough, they cite religious freedom, something that is forbidden in Muslim countries under Islamic law.
So, the question is, could a Muslim be an American president? Is Islam compatible with the freedoms guaranteed the in the Constitution? In Islamic countries, do the freedoms that Muslims have here in the United States exist? Is there a separation between church and state in any Islamic country that CAIR can cite as an example? Let’s not even get into the problems between Sunni and Shia that would surely result in major diplomatic issues if the president of the United States was one or the other when dealing with Middle Eastern countries. Or is there a generic “American” version of Muslim that works?
Maybe we should ask CAIR if they would support a Muslim woman being president of the United States, and see what their answer would be.
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