Biden: Putin’s “Off-Ramp” May Be Nuclear Armageddon

Biden: Putin’s “Off-Ramp” May Be Nuclear Armageddon

Biden: Putin’s “Off-Ramp” May Be Nuclear Armageddon

Speaking to donors in New York, Joe Biden warned that Putin’s off-ramp from war may be Nuclear Armageddon.

Oh, well. Isn’t that nice? Let’s just go back to practicing the ‘hide under your school desk drills in case of an attack’ shall we? Yes, it certainly seems that Russian troops have lost more ground in the last few days, even as Putin himself called for more territory to be seized and threatened consequences if Ukraine and the world didn’t back off. 

Yes, Putin has both overtly and covertly threatened to use any means necessary to accomplish his goals concerning Ukraine. 

In a speech last month announcing the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of troops to fight in Ukraine, Putin said Moscow was prepared to use nuclear weapons to defend any of its territory, accusing the U.S. and its allies of “nuclear blackmail” and moving to “destroy” his country.

“I want to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and some components are more modern than those of the NATO countries,” Putin claimed in a nationally televised address.

And, as an additional slap in the face, OPEC+ with Russia as one of the members, told Biden to pound sand regarding oil production. 

The thing is, should Biden have actually said that we are facing nuclear armageddon? Should he have invoked memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis? I don’t think so. I think this was a case of irresponsible bucket mouth on Biden’s part. 

Don’t get me wrong, Russia’s moves are and should be highly concerning. Especially when we are left wondering where certain submarines are. 

A top-of-the-line Russian nuclear-powered submarine has gone missing from its harbor in the Arctic along with its rumored “doomsday weapon,” according to multiple reports.

NATO has reportedly warned members that Russia’s Belgorod submarine no longer appeared to be operating out of its White Sea base, where it has been active since July. Officials warned that Russia may plan to test Belgorod’s “Poseidon” weapons system, a drone equipped with a nuclear bomb that Russia has claimed is capable of creating a “radioactive tsunami,” according to Italian media.

The drone can be deployed from the submarine at any time and detonated at a depth of 1 kilometer near a coastal city. Russian state media has claimed the device can create a 1,600-ft. wave that smashes into the coast and irradiates it.

Upon first seeing the news of the missing submarine, I doubt I’m the only one who had thoughts of a certain Tom Clancy book and movie! Are we now in the “Hunt for Red October Chapter Two” right now? 

Keep in mind, Putin’s move to annex additional areas in Ukraine is recognized to be illegal by much of the world. Secondly, is Putin really, as Sec Def Austin states, engaging in some ineffectual nuclear saber rattling?

The problem is, threats of using nuclear weapons shouldn’t be taken lightly. And yes, somehow Putin AND Ukraine need to get their butts onto an off-ramp that will solve this mess both countries are in. Threatening the use of nuclear weapons is NOT THE WAY. 

What doesn’t help ease anyone’s concern was this announcement by BARDA (the agency housed within the US Dept of Health and Human Services), about a recent $290 million purchase they made. 

Yet, we weren’t supposed to worry. Until Biden opened his mouth last night and started yammering about his good ole pal Putin threatening nuclear armageddon. 

We were promised peace, prosperity, and no more “mean tweets” during the scope of Biden’s basement-dwelling campaign. Now, we have the highest inflation we’ve seen in years, OPEC+ is laughing at us, money is flowing to Ukraine by the boatloads, and Russia is throwing a months-long military temper tantrum that may or may not involve nuclear weapons. 

With the Biden Administration, there are no adults in the room. They send brain-addled Joe Biden out to talk to major Democrat fundraisers and he decides to declare nuclear armageddon is imminent. And all those donors looked around and proclaimed, ‘this is fine!’ 

Two things are clear. One, Putin may or may not have his finger poised and ready to push the nuclear button. Secondly, this country is facing armageddon for sure. It’s an Armageddon brought on by Biden and his handlers, not Putin. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Finger on the nuke button via Pixabay, cropped and modified 

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