Biden House Of Cards Is Imploding From Within

Biden House Of Cards Is Imploding From Within

Biden House Of Cards Is Imploding From Within

Of course, we knew Joe Biden laying an egg on national television during a debate would eventually happen.

We knew that the current pResident was not mentally or physically up for the challenge of his current four-year term, let alone an encore. We knew what we would be staring down in 2024 if Joe Biden got elected in 2021. We hate to say it to the Democrats but, “we told you so”.

Now, reports are surfacing about the Biden White House crumbling from within. The jig is now up and “Doctor” Jill Biden and staffers are scrambling and, according to this, “at each other’s throats“:

The debate fiasco has opened up a lane for the family to surpass staff and start helping out their father and brother who they love dearly.”-White House Staffer

Move over, let Lady Macbeth take over.

It all started when staffers threw the Big Guy under the bus post debate. The excuses, the excuses, they threw out to save face. They were there with Joe Biden at Camp David. They prepped him on the essentials. Biden blew it and blew it hard. This angered “Doctor” Jill and started finger-pointing in the opposite direction at the staffers. The Biden family even called in Hunter Biden for enforcement at post-debate meetings. The president’s sister, Valerie Owens, even flew in and showed up to a handful of these meetings. The back-biting started to intensify; with rumors swirling about the family discussing the firing senior of White House adviser Anita Dunn and her husband Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal lawyer. White House chief of staff Jeff Zients says this rumor is unfounded.

Still, Joe Biden (lying-dog-faced-pony) soldiered on; claiming it was his own fault for botching up the debate. This did not stop the finger-pointing.

I’d beg to differ with calling Biden (or anyone in his family) “generous and compassionate” but, we will keep this Amtrak train a-rolling.

Since the debate, Biden family members have felt that some of the president’s top aides in the White House and on the campaign have thrown the president under the bus rather than taking responsibility for what led to a catastrophic debate performance, according to one of the sources.”NBC News

Typical workplace drama, if you ask me. But this shows me one thing: there is no loyalty amongst these people. They are all snakes in a pit. Perhaps the staffers deserved to know the truth about their boss and his family. These events as of late brought all of this to light. In another way, I have no sympathy for these staffers because they knew all along who they were enabling to remain in The White House an additional term and what this additional term would inflict upon innocent Americans. I will also say that, in their defense, if you are abused and berated by your boss on the regular and he or she tries to blame you for not doing their job, there will, eventually, be retaliation.

The chickens have come home.

Now, Joe Biden’s family has stepped in and is attempting to save whatever face they have in front of the American public. Joe Biden said “God wants him” to go on yet, we are also hearing rumblings, still that the Uncle Joe may want to move out of The White House after all:

CNN and The New York Times each cited an unnamed “key ally” to Mr. Biden, 81, who said the president will be making a decision about his campaign’s future after a blitz of media appearances over the holiday weekend.

The Times report cited the ally as saying Mr. Biden ‘knows’ that he will have to step aside if he is unable to convince the public that he is fit for the job.”-Jeff Mordock, The Washington Times</em>

According to this report, The White House and campaign officials pushed back:

After all, Joe Biden needs to “sleep more and “work less“.

Perhaps, this should be the new campaign slogan for the Biden White House. In the meantime, we’ll stand by and watch The White House, the staffers within, Joe Biden’s family and the liberal “journalists” spinning themselves in circles, go into free-fall. It will only take a slight breeze at this juncture for this house of cards to tumble.

Photo Credit: Killarnee, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Cameron says:

    “Biden family members have felt that some of the president’s top aides in the White House and on the campaign have thrown the president under the bus rather than taking responsibility for what led to a catastrophic debate performance”

    The aides and the media did everything but hold his hand and set up a teleprompter with the answers. The man is senile and he can’t hold it together for a 90 minute debate.

  • Cameron says:

    And there’s a broken tag up above.

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