Biden Goes North To Alaska For 9/11

Biden Goes North To Alaska For 9/11

Biden Goes North To Alaska For 9/11

UPDATED BELOW: Look, I LIKE Alaska. I’ve been there. It’s an incredibly amazing state. Yet it is quite mind-boggling that, on the 22nd Anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, Joe Biden will be in Anchorage, Alaska instead of at the Pentagon, New York, or Shanksville, PA.

Biden will not participate in any of the observances at 9/11 memorial sites in New York City, Virginia or Pennsylvania. Instead, the president will stop in Alaska for a Sept. 11 observance at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage on his way back to Washington after a trip to Asia.

Biden is scheduled to travel to India from Sept. 7-10 to attend a summit with other world leaders, followed by a stop in Vietnam.

Well, sadly, we know how Joe Biden did in Vietnam. And it really wasn’t pretty. 

When your staff leaps in to shut the press conference down, then it’s bad, REALLY BAD. No one that I know can remember ANY time that a press conference was shut down or an event was shut down because the President was going off script. 

President Bush being informed of the attacks while sitting in a school room filled with children is a different story. He powered through and then started doing what he had to. 

Joe Biden, on the other hand, wandered essentially all over the stage in Vietnam yesterday. Yet, not long after 9/11 he went on the Oprah show and read a letter from one of his constituents.

But now, given all his actions and even what he’s said or not said during prior 9/11 remembrances, did he phone it in? This is some of what he said last year on 9/11. 

And in the years since 9/11, hundreds of thousands of American troops have served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and so many other places around the world to deny terrorists the safe haven
and to protect the American people.

And to all our service members and their families, our veterans, our Gold Star families, all the survivors and caregivers and loved ones who have sacrificed so much for our nation: We owe you. We owe you an incredible — an incredible debt, a debt that can never be repaid but will never fail to meet the sacred obligation to you to properly prepare and equip those that we send into harm’s way and care for those and their families when they come home — and to never, ever, ever forget.

All of that was said just a year after the incredible failure and debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

To be sure, some of the media is trying to assure us that Joe Biden not showing up at any of those three sites is ok because Bush and Obama observed 9/11 on the White House lawn means this choice is ok. 

No, no it is not. Joe Biden doesn’t get to head north to Alaska and phone it in. Especially given his role in the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Now, I don’t know what President Bush will be doing to commemorate 9/11, but we do know what Governor Ron DeSantis will be doing. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will meet with families of 9/11 victims in New York City to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the terror attacks Monday, The Post has learned.

Seven families invited the Republican governor and first lady Casey DeSantis to meet with them at the site of the attacks to mark this year’s anniversary, a DeSantis spokesperson said.

The first plane hit the towers at 8:46 am on September 11, 2001. This year, Joe Biden will be in Alaska. That is HOURS behind. How do they plan for him to commemorate this anniversary of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil? No one is saying anything, and there is no statement posted on the White House site. At least his staff planned for some social media postings.

Instead of phoning it in, he could’ve gone to New York City, to the Pentagon, or to Shanksville. Who cares about the sanctuary city issues New York is facing, and the fight they are in with Joe about it, this should take precedence. 

Instead, Joe will meet with military in Anchorage, Alaska to opine about 9/11. He will land in Anchorage at 4pm eastern time, give a speech at 4:45 and be wheels up by 6pm. Currently, the official line from White House staff is that ‘it’s totally fine that Joe isn’t at a 9/11 memorial. No one goes to Pearl Harbor either!’ 

Except that someone did the math. Twenty two years after Pearl Harbor … what happened?

Yes, that’s correct, JFK was assassinated on  November 22, 1963. The optics and scrambling by the Biden Administration are REALLY bad right now. 

I remember 9/11 vividly. There are so many I know who were there on the periphery or right in the thick of it on that day. Is it too much to ask for the leader of this country to step up and honor our loss and honor their memories? I just don’t think phoning it in from north to Alaska is the answer. 

We REFUSE to forget 9/11. Joe shouldn’t either.

UPDATE: Joe spoke this afternoon and it was just as bad as it could be. For starters he both whispered and yelled. He ALSO blatantly lied. 

Yes indeed. He lied. Even CNN’s 2021 interview of him makes ZERO mention of him going to Ground Zero.  Not only that, but the White House website has nothing up regarding 9/11. NOTHING. 

Feature Photo: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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