Biden: Babies Aren’t People, Gimme A Sniff

Biden: Babies Aren’t People, Gimme A Sniff

Biden: Babies Aren’t People, Gimme A Sniff

Another day ending in Y, another list of gaffes made during PREPARED remarks by Joe Biden. (YOU are president of the United States. YOU will read the speech off the teleprompter.)

This time, old Grandpa Joe decided to open the window of his skull, and showed everyone just how mashed his brains have become. The setting was the White House, and the event was a Women’s History Month speech. And things went pretty off the rails for the old man. Just how bad was this? The official White House transcript HAD TO BE ALTERED because there was just no hiding the boo-boo this time. The comm shop is probably day drinking again as they clean this up.

In the ongoing battle of Joe Biden vs. The Teleprompter, the Teleprompter wins yet again.

… Biden mistakenly said during a Women’s History Month event that he wanted to “keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisers.”

White House stenographers specified in an official transcript that he meant to say “convicted domestic abusers.”

This would be funny if Joe Biden WASN’T PRESIDENT. Age is clearly not just a number here, but don’t you DARE suggest that the 80 year old man is anything BUT competent! In fact, he’s totally healthy and everything is fine!

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only WTF moment of this particular event. There was the word salad.

What does this even mean. Is Nancy Pelosi out stealing spines the way a vampire sucks blood? Between Biden and Kamala Harris, how does anything get done in this White House???

And then there was the baby who cried. Yes, baby, we all cry listening to Joe Biden. But then Grandpa Joe had to bust out this gem for the ages.

Are babies people, Joe? Maybe babies aren’t people because he sees them as his huffing drug of choice.

And this is not the first time that Biden has been caught on camera trying to sniff a baby. I’m not sure how Biden ranks babies when it comes to sniffing people, but they definitely rank up there with young girls, family members of Congresspeople, and random women. Honest question – has ANYONE ever seen Joe Biden sniff a man?

But back to the “I like babies better than people” line. Really? If the Biden administration is pro-baby, then why are they so pro-abortion that Biden called for “codifying” Roe v. Wade into federal law during the State of the Union? If the Biden administration is pro-baby, then why are they so invested in making sure that kids with any gender identity issues are sterilized permanently either through drugs or surgery? Sterility is a known side effect of “puberty blockers,” and yet Biden himself advocates for “gender-affirming care” because he’s been told that it’s the thing to say. Hey Joe – where do babies come from? How do you expect people to have babies if they’ve had all those parts removed, or rendered infertile through drugs?

If Joe Biden likes babies better than people, then why does he have a granddaughter who has never met him, that his family does not acknowledge, and who his son is actively trying to alienate by denying her the Biden last name?

Yeah, I know – we are all reading a whole lot into a throwaway line that Grandpa Joe meant to be all cutesy and stuff. But look at the totality of this event – all the word salad, all the gaffes, all the weird moments. Do we really think that this old man is up to another four years in office, let alone finishing out the next year and a half? Do we really think that this elderly, shuffling grandpa inspires respect from China or Russia, Iran or Saudi Arabia?

And to the parents of the baby that was sniffed – apparently Democrat Representative Jimmy Gomez of California’s six month old son – how on earth did you trust Joe Biden to hold your baby? Not because of the sniffing, but because he’s an 80 year old man with balance issues who might have dropped him. If Joe Biden has to hold a baby for a proper sniff, make him sit down in a chair with several pillows around to help him hold steady so nobody gets hurt.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    “how on earth did you trust Joe Biden to hold your baby?”.. Because like all good leftists, children are just props.. And aren’t you assuming a lot, saying the baby is their “son”.. they’re likely waiting for the baby to hit kindergarten when the child will obviously be old and mature enough to decide it’s own gender…

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