Biden Amnesty Plan Is Shameless Pandering For Votes

Biden Amnesty Plan Is Shameless Pandering For Votes

Biden Amnesty Plan Is Shameless Pandering For Votes

The NEW Biden amnesty plan he’s unveiling today won’t solve the current border crisis and is blatant pandering for votes.

President Biden is set to announce new initiatives Tuesday to ease the path to permanent residency for migrants living in the US illegally while married to Americans, according to multiple reports.

The 81-year-old president’s actions to speed up lawful status for people living in the country without legal permission follows his election-year executive order on June 4 that threatened to shut down the US-Mexico border to asylum processing if the average number of illegal arrivals crosses 2,500 per day in a week.

The new policy will allow an estimated 500,000 non-citizen spouses and roughly 50,000 of their children to apply for lawful permanent resident status that they are already eligible for without leaving the country, officials familiar with the plan told the Washington Post and the New York Times.

There are a great many who will assume that this means yet another way that Biden is solving the border crisis. But it doesn’t and it won’t as this amnesty plan has NOTHING to do with anyone who has waltzed into this country illegally since Joe took office in 2021. 

That’s right, this plan doesn’t even scratch the surface let alone get near the surface of the hundreds of thousands of illegals who’ve entered the country these last three years. Why? 

In order to be eligible, noncitizens must – as of June 17, 2024 – have resided in the United States for 10 or more years and be legally married to a U.S. citizen, while satisfying all applicable legal requirements. On average, those who are eligible for this process have resided in the U.S. for 23 years.

Those who are approved after DHS’s case-by-case assessment of their application will be afforded a three-year period to apply for permanent residency. They will be allowed to remain with their families in the United States and be eligible for work authorization for up to three years. This will apply to all married couples who are eligible.

In other words, anyone who arrived here illegally AFTER June 17, 2014, is ineligible. Thus, this plan won’t stop the current tide of illegal immigration and does nothing to alleviate the uptick in crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Such as the heinous rape and murder of Rachel Morin in Maryland last August. 

The sister of slain Maryland mom Rachel Morin told The Post on Monday that the family fears her illegal-migrant attacker may be a serial killer who murdered other victims while in the US.

Accused Salvadoran gang member Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, 23, was arrested Friday in the brutal rape and murder of Rachel Morin, 37, on a hiking trail in August in Harford County, Md. — and had already been wanted in a previous killing in El Salvador and the assault of a mom and young girl in Los Angeles at the time.

“Something we’ve been concerned about is that there are other victims out there … whether they were attacked and it ended the same way as my sister, or maybe there are some out there who are still alive but never came forward,” said Rebekah Morin, 43. “Hopefully now they do come forward.

Nor does Biden’s amnesty plan stop other criminal illegals, including some who are underage, from assaulting and sexually molesting teenage girls. 

An Ecuadorian migrant is in custody after a 13-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a secluded part of a vast Queens park, according to sources.

The migrant, who sources believe entered the country in 2021, was taken into police custody early Tuesday — five days after the girl and a 13-year-old boy were held at knifepoint with a “machete-style” blade in the sickening, broad-daylight attack inside Kissena Park on Thursday afternoon.

And lets not forget the fact that some of the illegals in this country are found to have a terrorist axe to grind. At least, that’s the ones we know about.

The DHS official said the president’s actions “will advance our country’s interest in keeping American families together, while ensuring anyone known to pose a threat to public safety cannot take part in our immigration system.”

Uh huh, sure. Pull the other leg. 

But again, this is just another way that Biden, who is polling badly among young people and Black Americans, is trying to gin up more votes. 

Advocates for immigrants say even the modest program for spouses will be a major relief to immigrants and millions more of their U.S. citizen relatives who they hope will vote in the November elections.

“Hopefully, it will also inspire people to not sit this one out,” said Marielena Hincapié, a scholar at Cornell Law School and a former executive director of the National Immigration Law Center. “I’m hoping it’s an indirect benefit from an announcement like this.”

Oh, they are hoping this will be a DIRECT benefit given this announcement comes a mere five months before the election. ‘I’m giving you amnesty! Vote for MEEEEEE!!’ 


There’s even a helpful video, which tells me this plan has been in the works for quite some time!

This amnesty plan is pandering in favor of votes and won’t do a damned thing to stem the tide of illegals streaming over our border by the thousands on a daily basis. 

Feature Photo Credit: mail-in ballot box by Felipe Sanchez via Shutterstock, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    All immigrants should be stopped at the border, and any who sneak in illegally should be immediately deported, with two exceptions. ANY with terrorist or gang ties (no real difference) should be treated as the non-uniformed invaders they are, and summarily executed, preferably publicly, as a warning to others.

  • agimarc says:

    The EO to protect illegals who have married and had kids from deportation is weapons grade persuasion, for this group is the very last group up for deportation. It is an attempt to change the subject by starting a discussion about breaking up families, which is good persuasion.

    How much it will help Dementia Hitler is anyone’s guess, as it may very well be buried in all the other noise.

    If I were to do deportations, I would do it by time in country, last in, first out, and work your way back 4 years to the beginning of the current wave as Job 1. Job 2 will go after those in during Trump. Job 3 will go after those during O’Bama, which would be covered by the EO. By the time we get there, we will have deported 15 – 25 million illegals. Cheers –

  • GWB says:

    our country’s interest in keeping American families together
    Well, those aren’texactly “American families” if the spouse is an illegal alien, hiding from the law.

    And, concur entirely with Scott. I would just add that the gallows should be spaced along the southern border.

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