Americans Don’t Understand Great Communicator Biden’s Empathy

Americans Don’t Understand Great Communicator Biden’s Empathy

Americans Don’t Understand Great Communicator Biden’s Empathy

Biden is such a great communicator that Americans fail to understand his empathy. That’s the assertion by AP News today. The headline is laugh out loud funny.

Biden’s empathy shapes policy, but some voters don’t feel it

Gee, I wonder why voters are skeptical?  KJP asserted yesterday that he’s a terrific communicator!

And yes, the jokes are definitely writing themselves. We are supposed to believe that Joe Biden’s empathy is at the very heart of how he governs, which has been done very empathetically since election. 

They said: “The People Have Chosen

It would be quite something if the next occupant of the White House was a personality trait. I don’t think that’s what the Biden team intended to say. To be fair, they were probably running on Red Bull and donut holes at that point. But I don’t think this was just another empty slogan.

Empathy has arrived in a big way, and it’s time to deal with it.

The prevailing view is that empathy is a good thing for humans to possess: It’s a positive and unifying social force for good. But the people who study it are increasingly less convinced. What’s even murkier is the relationship between empathy and leadership.


Many people still don’t understand what empathy means: They mistake it for compassion or sympathy. Empathy is about understanding and sharing the emotions of others, or “getting” where they’re coming from. Compassion is when we have powerful feelings of warmth or concern for somebody who is suffering. Compassion can be pleasurable. Empathy is hard work.

Oh indeed, empathy is hard work especially when you can’t even convey that emotion sincerely. I’ve lost count on how many stories Biden has told in order to convey how wonderfully empathetic he is, and every single one of them ends up as a lie or half-truth. 

Let me count the ways:


Corn Pop

First wife and daughter killed by a drunk driver

The Amtrak stories

House nearly burning down 


Adopting someone else’s life story as his 

Law school scholarship lies

Civil Rights and Puerto Rico:

The exaggerated biography that Mr. Biden tells includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned three degrees. And last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been “raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.”

The list goes on and on. Given the laughing response to KJP insisting Joe Biden is the best communicator EVER, is it any wonder that the AP News decided to bring out the empathy card again??

But here’s the rub for Biden: A majority of voters in Alabama and across the U.S. don’t believe he cares about people like them. Nor do they trust his ability to manage a sprawling federal government that often moves at a sluggish pace.

This perception has made it harder for Biden to sell his plans for the economy and make his case to voters around the country that he deserves a second term in an all-but-declared reelection campaign.

Of course the AP tries to make this a hyper partisan issue. The problem is, Joe’s problem is Joe himself. Our border is a sieve and he’s done nothing to get it under control. Fentanyl is sweeping the country and Joe demonizes law enforcement instead. He declares Covid over and his Administration walks back his remarks. China is sending intelligence gathering balloons over the U.S. and Joe does nothing for two weeks. The Afghanistan debacle leaving hundreds behind, billions in weapons and arms scattered all over the country, and thirteen soldiers dead isn’t empathetic whatsoever. 

Having the DOJ label parents as terrorists isn’t empathetic nor is it leadership. Standing in front of Independence Hall screaming at Americans who disagree with Joe’s politics wasn’t very confidence inspiring either. 

Killing the Keystone pipeline and draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has certainly endeared Joe to oil and gas workers. As for inflation, it’s still going up but Joe is certain he’s not to blame. 

That’s super generous of him isn’t it? Today’s speech wasn’t any better. 

He then goes on to tell us that those fabulous EV’s will ensure billions of barrels of oil will no longer be needed. Lots of genuine compassion and leadership there isn’t it? And the media wonders why no one has any confidence in Joe nor his Administration. 

Nearly every speech Joe gives is a combination of Angry/Grandpa/Old man yelling at the sky/mumbling and spinning more lies. Yet the AP tells us it’s just Joe engaging in some serious empathy that most Americans are evidently too dumb or too partisan to understand. 

Oh, we understand all right. Joe Biden is a train wreck inflicted upon this country by the Democrat/media complex. AP News can spin for Joe Biden all they want, but Joe’s empathy schtick is just as false as his tall tales.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Royalidiot says:

    It’s not that they don’t understand it………They just don’t believe it….

  • Cameron says:

    It’s not unlike Obama. The fault wasn’t with him and his disastrous policies. No, no; it was because they simply didn’t explain things. You People just didn’t understand.

  • Edward Lunny says:

    It’s not hard to understand, quite simple actually. He ain’t got none. Never has. Joey Bidet is an ignorant pig and has always been. Additionally he’s a groping pedophile and a traitor.

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