Abortion Extremism: A Human Rights Violation

Abortion Extremism: A Human Rights Violation

Abortion Extremism: A Human Rights Violation

We sat through a few days of Kamala Harris and her fellow Democrats calling abortion other things like: “reproductive health care” and “bodily autonomy”, and will sit through a few months of this charade.

Lila Rose calls the ghoulish behavior of the Democrats and their obsession with abortion out here:

The science is clear: a new and distinct human being comes into existence at fertilization. At that moment, a baby’s sex, ethnicity, hair color, eye color and countless traits are already determined. Life at this stage, and every stage, is precious and should be protected and defended.

Harris refuses to protect the human rights of the most vulnerable Americans. In fact, she is all too willing to partner with the abortion industry, which profits from the killing of our most vulnerable children.”-Lila Rose

Rose is not wrong.

Here’s a reminder, for those who have forgotten:

Kamala Harris chose to use the influence of her position as California’s attorney general to prosecute journalists who exposed alleged federal crimes rather than those who allegedly committed crimes — all in violation of her oath of office as attorney general.”-Lila Rose

Indeed, she did. She used Planned Parenthood as a platform for her Senate bid. She sent authorities to raid the homes of citizen journalists who dared to expose Planned Parenthood with KGB-style tactics:

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who sent agents to raid the home a citizen journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s practices of harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies, is using her Senate campaign website to advocate for the abortion giant, promoting a petition to defend Planned Parenthood.”-Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America

Kamala Harris has been in bed with Planned Parenthood for years. And, Abortion, Inc.-Planned Parenthood is rallying behind Harris:

Kamala Harris is more than qualified and ready to lead the nation as we face down the most urgent threat to democracy and our basic rights. In no uncertain terms, we must defeat Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Project 2025, whose shared vision for America is a national abortion ban. This November we will decide who has the power to make our health care decisions. The overwhelming majority of Americans have made it clear time and time again where they stand when it comes to abortion rights: no politician is more qualified to make decisions about our bodies than we are. Full stop.”-Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Full stop. A child’s heartbeat. And, excuse me, Alexis? Kamala Harris is not making “decisions” just about a pregnant woman’s body. What these women forget is that they are also making the decision about another living being inside of them-a decision that kills a voiceless human being. So, yes, some of us would agree this is a human rights violation.

Yet, Kamala Harris is dubbed the “loudest” voice on abortion, cozying up with Planned Parenthood and taking on the “predatory practices” of crisis pregnancy centers.

…And in the midst of the vast amount of confusion, the need of you as the truth tellers to sort out fiction from fact and combat misinformation and disinformation, which we all know often creates a situation that is ripe for predatory practice.”-Kamala Harris

An alternative to an abortion is a “predatory practice”, according to this wannabe president.

So, we are left to dissect fiction from fact. The “truth tellers” will bust out windows and vandalize crisis pregnancy centers for their “predatory practices”. The same “truth tellers” will dress up as abortion pills and dance in the streets. These “truth tellers” will tell you that it’s not a baby, a child, growing inside of you to ease the abortion guilt-that the heartbeat you hear is only a fetus or a “clump of cells”, not yet a human being. The “truth tellers” will tell you that a woman does not have control of her body BEFORE making the hard decision to take another’s life. These very same “truth tellers” will tell women that they have a right to decide when to have a family. They will, in turn, down the line, also tell existing women who are parents of children who were allowed to be born, that they do not have the rights to know when their child switches names or genders in school. And, the very same “truth tellers” will bumper sticker the crap out of their Subarus with “no human is illegal” stickets.

They will recite: A heartbeat is not a heartbeat. Bones are not bones. Organs are not organs. A life is not a life. Abortion is “health care” and not a human rights violation. They will make women recite this script until they believe the lies.

Facts or fiction? Dissect, away.

Featured Image: rchristie/ryanFlickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons/Cropped

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  • Scott says:

    A society that celebrates the killing of it’s most vulnerable for no purpose other than for the convenience of those too lazy or uncaring to prevent the pregnancy in the first place (and don’t give me the rape crap, that is exceedingly rare) is doomed to fall. Remember this in November. We don’t have many chances left to right this ship…

    Good post as always Lisa

    • Scott says:

      OOh, and still waiting for our two resident indoctrinated ghouls to show up and shit all over these pages… Guess they’re still too busy fapping over the DNC shitshow…

  • Que says:

    Yet at Truth Social yesterday Donald Trump posted that “My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” WTF?


    Because Trump has never been a true conservative. He’s transactional, and that’s all. Some of us tried to say so way back in 2015.

    • Turtler says:

      I’m not surprised, and that is one reason why I have generally been a loyal member of Trump’s rank and file constituency I have never been a fanatic for him (except in contrast to the leftist alternatives). I am a Loyalist Neocon and more of a Cruz/DeSantis man. However, even a transactional Conservative New York Dem in false colors is better than what we have now. Also on some level Trump has to try to counteract the extreme pro-abortion fanaticism and how the left is bludgeoning him and Vance over that with deranged claims they will ban it altogether.

      I do not support Trump because he is perfect or aligns with all my beliefs or is a principled conservative that is my dream candidate. I support Trump because he is far better than the alternatives and will slow the destruction of America’s Constitutional Republic as constituted. In current Year, that will have to be good.

      • Que says:

        “I support Trump because he is far better than the alternatives and will slow the destruction of America’s Constitutional Republic as constituted. In current Year, that will have to be good.”

        Yeah, we know the drill. I’ll probably vote for him — if only because the alternative is worse. Lather, rinse, repeat.

        I’m not looking for perfection. But I’d really like to vote for a candidate for which I can be proud, instead of listening to his acolytes make excuses for him.

  • Stephen C says:

    Well I don’t get it. Aborting. Why don’t these people practice birth control?

    • Bruce says:

      Technically, abortion is “birth control”..

      Pretty much everything else is CONTRACEPTION; i.e., the PREVENTION of conception.

      The difference is as subtle as a train-smash.

  • rbj1 says:

    “In no uncertain terms, we must defeat Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, and Project 2025, whose shared vision for America is a national abortion ban. ”

    Which is a flat out lie. Trump does not share the Project 2025 people’s agenda 100%, he has his own. And Trump is on record as leaving abortion up to the states. Both philosophically (federalism) and practically (there aren’t 60 votes in any future Senate to override a filibuster, which must be preserved.)

  • Bruce says:

    “Moloch worshipers for Kamala”? Slip a few signs like that into every Kamel-Waltz gathering and observe the reactions, if any.

    As for the rising campaign against RFK Jr? See also::


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