A Nation Of 12 Angry Men: Reasonable Doubt For Everyone Except Brett Kavanaugh

A Nation Of 12 Angry Men: Reasonable Doubt For Everyone Except Brett Kavanaugh

A Nation Of 12 Angry Men: Reasonable Doubt For Everyone Except Brett Kavanaugh

The Senate, as Deanna notes here, in a vote of 51-49 has set cloture in motion regarding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Sadly, for the state of our Republic, it is likely the next few hours and days will get worse not better. What we are seeing is a nation of 12 Angry Men demanding reasonable doubt for everyone except Brett Kavanaugh.

Photo Credit: Artwork by Darleen Click

Since his nomination on July 9, 2018, we have witnessed a horrendous amount of vicious anger directed at Brett Kavanaugh.

The Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee told us that three months isn’t enough time to read all 42,000 pages of 12 years of legal opinions and so, like whiny little two-year olds, they won’t even try.

Then, mere days after his 30 hours of testimony in front of the committee, the Washington Post gleefully prints a story accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Since then, Americans and women especially have been ordered to BELIEVE HER OR ELSE!

What is Ford’s evidence we ask? WE DON’T CARE ABOUT EVIDENCE! they respond.

Why did Senator Feinstein sit on the letter and not advise Ford that the Committee really needs to investigate. DON’T BE MEAN TO AN OLD LADY! they scream.

How come the letter, the story in the Washington Post, and her testimony differ on multiple levels?

Why don’t the four friends that Ford names back up her assertions that it was Brett Kavanaugh who assaulted her?

We were left with more questions than answers. But when we ask those questions, once again the Democrat Left orders us to stand down and BELIEVE HER because we told you to!

We have been told it is an imperative that we believe Ford because Kavanaugh was a stupid teenage boy whose insider fart jokes and waffling on drinking means that HE LIED and Ford didn’t.

We are told that because a man pushed to the limit due to the viciousness of threats and reactions to Ford’s allegations dared to forcefully defend his honor and his family, is too temperamental for the job.

We are told that it is ok to doxx Senators and young children in order to protect their chosen narrative.

We are told that it doesn’t matter if people have been falsely accused, we must ALWAYS believe the accuser if they are on right side of political aisle.

Whatever happened to:

Due Process?

Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

Reasonable Doubt?

Why does our Constitution not matter?

Composite of “Equal Justice Under the Law” United States Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC. and Blind Justice and the Bill of Rights.
Supreme Court – GOR-7508H Credit: http://joelgordon.photoshelter.com/

According to far too many attorneys around the U.S., none of that matters. The ONLY thing that matters is politics. 

“the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt; the presumption of innocence; [and] the right to confront and respond to an accuser” are not necessary for the purposes of determining if Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasely Ford more than 35 years ago or whether he should serve on the Supreme Court.

A nation of jurors from the Democrat Left inform us that the credibility of Ford’s accusations must not matter. A nation of jurors is willing to find Brett Kavanaugh guilty while ignoring the fact that there is still ZERO evidence to back up Ford’s claims. But we MUST convict no matter what!

This identity politics virtue signaling is dangerous to us all.

This was a great example of how identity has been weaponized for political gain.  Don’t think this is the end of Identity Politics, though.  The Democrats need identity to survive.  Mao’s Cultural Revolution relied on hearsay and Identity, and was implemented shortly after the Great Leap Forward had failed to propel the nation forward economically.  The Democrats are failing massively.  They are launching their own Cultural Revolution.  I’ve warned friends of mine who are sympathetic to the ’cause’ to be careful.  Movements like this eat their young.

Senator Lisa Murkowski has bought into this and it will backfire on her.

The Democrat Left is demanding we throw away Reasonable Doubt, Due Process, and the Presumption of Innocence away in favor of FEELINGS and Politics and toe their line!

Nope, not going to happen! The only line I will toe is the one called the Constitution. I demand Presumption of Innocence and Reasonable Doubt for Everyone INCLUDING Brett Kavanaugh!

Feature Photo Credit: (image source: http://joelgordon.photoshelter.com/)

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  • GWB says:

    not necessary for the purposes of determining if Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasely Ford more than 35 years ago or whether he should serve on the Supreme Court
    That’s *partly* true. We shouldn’t have to have a trial re “whether he should serve on the Supreme Court”. Anything requiring a trial should likely stop a nomination.

    The problem is that you *do* need all those things to determine whether he assaulted her 35 years ago. The fact you couldn’t possibly hold a trial on the basis of available evidence means it should not have the same effect on a nomination as someone actually going through a trial.

    If the Demos hadn’t turned this into a circus, there might be a bit more truth out there, and a better understanding of Kavanaugh’s temperament.

  • Jim says:

    ”We are told that because a man pushed to the limit due to the viciousness of threats and reactions to Ford’s allegations dared to forcefully defend his honor and his family, is too temperamental for the job.”

    So a man, under great and unfair stress, displays his emotions? What is wrong with that, given the shrieking feminists are always demanding that men become more feminine, less stoic and show their inner feelings? The double standard of the trendy Left has been shown again and again during this saga. I could suggest that Dr. Ford is herself too unstable in temperament and memory to practise as a psychologist, but the Left would excuse her due to the ”stress” she has allegedly been under. Of course they would require the use of ”alleged” if and when her memory or truthfulness is challenged, though certain witches have stated that the use of ”alleged” or ”allegation” does not apply to men being accused in some way. Men should be sent straight to judgement without any consideration of due process including objective examination of the facts.

    • GWB says:

      Well, Jim, it’s not necessarily men. It’s whomever they need to grasp a little more power – men, whites, Christians, even blacks and hispanics when it suits.

  • Jim says:

    ”It’s whomever they need to grasp a little more power …”

    Yes – your correct and that’s what I have seen from the Sisters of Intolerance over the last 25 years or so when working in public service departments where ambitious and unscrupulous Feminist women predominate: they will sacrifice anyone who gets in their way. Thank God I’m retired.

  • unominous says:

    The kind of victim who is most likely to end up before the Supreme Court is the kind who feels he has been railroaded by an unfair process.

    I think that would make Kavanaugh the most sympathetic Justice ever to sit on that bench.

  • David Gudeman says:

    “If people who are victims, if people feel that there’s no fairness in our system, particularly within our courts, we’ve gone down a path that is not good and right for this country.”

    But oddly enough, that only counts for Democrat-protected groups. If men feel that there is no fairness in our system, particularly in our courts, because women always get the benefit of the doubt, that’s just fine.

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