John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair Wished #SanBernadino Terrorist Was White NOT Muslim [VIDEO]

John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair Wished #SanBernadino Terrorist Was White NOT Muslim [VIDEO]

John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair Wished #SanBernadino Terrorist Was White NOT Muslim [VIDEO]

Many of us remember December 2, 2015. We remember hearing about a major active shooter situation in San Bernadino, CA. Fellow Victory Girls Deanna wrote about the unfolding situation here. As she pointed out, Hillary’s response was as follows.

Well guess what? Her call to stop gun violence while the situation was so fluid wasn’t quite what her campaign had in mind. Specifically it wasn’t what Clinton campaign chair John Podesta had in mind. As we find out today from Wikileak’s 9th drop of Podesta’s emails, he wrote THIS heinous little gem.

Jim Hanson is correct, this is sick beyond belief. Folks, you are NOT reading the above email incorrectly. The campaign chair for Hillary Clinton definitely wrote that he’d rather a WHITE guy was the shooter instead of a Muslim terrorist!!

John Podesta, Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, looks on before the first vice presidential debate at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia on October 4, 2016. / AFP / Paul J. Richards (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)
John Podesta, Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, looks on before the first vice presidential debate at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia on October 4, 2016. / AFP / Paul J. Richards (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)

Not only that, take a look at the date and time of the email. Podesta wrote this exactly ONE day after two terrorists attacked, killed, and wounded Americans getting ready to celebrate Christmas with family and friends. The 14 Americans below had their lives cut short by terrorism.


It was obvious by the end of the day December 2nd that the two responsible were indeed terrorists. By the time John Podesta wrote his sick email, it had become glaringly evident to all but the most willfully obtuse that Islamic terrorism is alive and well on American soil. As 14 families mourned and 21 other American families prayed for the recovery of their injured loved ones, Obama had this to say.

Now keep in mind, near or around the same time Obama was speaking, Podesta was emailing that sick atrocious email I posted above.

Here’s the deal folks. The fact that John Podesta thought this was a legitimate comment to make speaks volumes. It speaks to the lack of character of he and those in the Clinton campaign who agreed with him. It shows the absolute reluctance and willful blindness of the campaign and Hillary Clinton herself, to recognize the reality of terrorism we face here and abroad every single day. Why else would her response be a stupid call for new gun laws and his response was to wish the terrorists were WHITE??!!

Fourteen Americans lost their lives that day to terrorists. They lost their lives on American soil. If I were any member of those families or of those injured who are working hard to rebuild their lives, I’d be calling Podesta and Hillary on the carpet ASAP.

Podesta’s comment was absolutely SICK. And if we don’t watch it, he’ll be right there in the White House in January. Is this who we want there? NO. Absolutely not.

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  • Kevin Collins says:

    With every passing day, more evidence comes out what sick people these are. And the fact that mainstream media won’t expose them proves that they are just as sick.
    God help us all.

    • Nina says:

      Agreed. Character, honesty, truth…all have been booted into the gutter by those on the left. Sadly and infuriatingly, for reasons I am unable to fathom, far to many are willing to excuse their actions. Shameful beyond belief

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