Fox News #GOPDebate Round One: The Undercards

Fox News #GOPDebate Round One: The Undercards

Fox News #GOPDebate Round One: The Undercards

Let the games begin!

If you’re anything like me—and I suspect you are since you’re reading this blog—you’ve been anticipating this day for months, like a restless kid on Christmas Eve hoping for a shiny new bike. Perhaps not necessarily because you’re super-stoked about the candidates—although we’ve got some damned-fine potentials—but because Barack Obama’s days are numbered. (Seriously, if I could do a back-flip, I would. And yes, I’m counting.) Well, Debate Day has finally arrived, and it starts with the hors d’oeuvres: The seven candidates whose poll numbers didn’t quite propel them into the Main Event this evening. Which could have something to do with the fact that there are a bazillion-gazillion candidates…But don’t count them out, because at least a handful of them are highly qualified and would make an excellent POTUS, something we haven’t had in nearly Seven. Long. Years. Here are this afternoon’s contenders:

Photo Credit: The Hill
L-R: Perry, Santorum, Fiorina, Jindal, Gilmore, Pataki, Graham (Credit: The Hill)
  1. Rick Perry: Former governor of Texas for 14 years; governed the 12th largest economy in the world; oversaw the creation of a third of the nation’s private sector job growth since 2001; endorsed by none other than former Navy SEAL and Lone Survivor author, Marcus Luttrell. This marks Perry’s second run for POTUS.
  2. Rick Santorum: Former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania from 1995–2007; This is Santorum’s second bid for POTUS as well, finishing second to Mitt Romney in 2012.
  3. Carly Fiorina: Former CEO for Hewlett Packard; she boasts a great rags to riches story; lost her California senate race to Barbara Boxer (hey, it’s California); pundit Steven Crowder has dubbed Fiorina a potential Margaret Thatcher for America.
  4. Bobby Jindal: Current two-term governor of Louisiana; Jindal’s parents immigrated to the U.S. from India when his mother was just four months pregnant with Jindal; has strong conservative creds.
  5. Jim Gilmore: Former governor of Virginia from 1998 to 2002; served in the U.S. Army as a counterintelligence agent; current member of many boards and commissions, including the NRA.
  6. George Pataki: Former governor of New York from 1995-2006 (pre-legalized urinating on the sidewalk — thanks for that, DeBlasio); He defeated three-term incumbant Mario Cuomo; one of just three GOP governors in N.Y. since 1923.
  7. Lindsey Graham: Current U.S. senator from South Carolina since 2003; hawkish on national security; weak on immigration, the mountain of debt, etc etc. Graham served in the Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserves as a lawyer and in the JAG Corps, and currently holds the rank of Colonel in the Air Force Reserves.

The good news for this group is: Donald Trump won’t be the over-exposed, center-of-attention during Happy Hour.

So, what do you think will happen in this afternoon’s debate? It’s likely that Fiorina will criticize the “political class in D.C.” Jindal will tout his record in Louisiana, and perhaps highlight his recent decision to defund Planned Parenthood in his state (and why it took five grotesque videos to compel that decision?). Will Perry remember which three unconstitutional agencies he’d eliminate as POTUS—oops!—or will he be polished and ready to shine for his second round at-bat? Will Graham admit he’s part of said dysfunctional political class, and slither away punch-drunk if/when Fiorina gut-thumps him? Will anyone figure out who the heck Jim Gilmore is (he actually has pretty good creds)? Whatever happens, this is an opportunity for any of them to climb out of the lower rung, and leap into the top tier going into the next debate. Because, in the end, only one will survive.

Happy Hunger Games…and:

Fox has full coverage of the debate here and here (sadly, to watch streaming online, a TV subscription is required). Round Two, featuring the Top Ten Contenders, begins at 6:00 p.m. pacific.

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  • GWB says:

    Jindal’s parents immigrated to the U.S. from India when he was a boy

    If this is true, then he’s ineligible to be President. I think they immigrated before Jindal was born.

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