Joe Biden: China Lies Unmasked

Joe Biden: China Lies Unmasked

Joe Biden: China Lies Unmasked

Denial for Joe Biden is not just a river in Egypt. Denial has been the modus operandi of Joe Biden’s entire administration.

As if the American people are stupid, the Biden family has long tried to mask their relations and back-door meetings with China and business associates tied to the Chinese government. In all honesty, it makes the whole Bill “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Clinton scandal look like a minor blip of corruption in our history.

But, the photos from the archives Joe Biden’s “yes men” have held close to their vests for so long have finally been released. While Joe Biden insisted of “doing no such thing”, the pictures tell a different story of a then Vice President Biden meeting with his (pardoned) son’s business associates.

Yes: NARA had pics of Hunter and Joe meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping and with multiple execs of BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed company aligned with Xi’s global Belt and Road Initiative — a company then in the process of being co-launched by Hunter.

That is:The sitting vice president was using his office to promote his son’s ambitions to earn tens of millions promoting the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party.

And the only thing Hunter ever had to sell was access to Joe, meaning his dad was advertising that he was indirectly for sale, you just needed to pay his son.”The New York Post Editorial Board

What do we see in these photos?

In the photos, Joe Biden is depicted meeting BHR Partners CEO Jonathan Li and two other top executives from the company in December 2013, around the same time Hunter Biden was launching the firm. Another photo shows Joe Biden introducing his son to Chinese President Xi Jinping during the same trip.

Both meetings were previously uncovered through written evidence, including congressional testimony and emails. The newly released photos of them, however, underscore how Joe Biden misled the public by initially asserting that he never interacted with his son’s business partners and kept an “absolute wall” between him and them.”-Ashley Oliver, Washington Examiner

The timing on this photo drop is “convenient”, to say the very least.

And, who was President during this time? Where is Barack Obama these days? At which of their mansions are he and Michelle ringing in 2025?

Remember where we were in 2020 into 2021? We were all on lockdown from a virus that originated in China. We were also told that we were “racists” for claiming this. We were kept away from our families, some lost their jobs and our economy took a huge nosedive and sunk further after Biden’s Inauguration Day in 2021. This meant nothing to Joe Biden who sat comfortably in his easy chair watching Murder, She Wrote reruns and eating Jeni’s chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream. He did all of the legwork beforehand and cemented his financial security-while compromising our security and our country as a whole.

All deals were “incredibly ethical”. “Dad” attended dinners “out of the kindness of his heart”, said Hunter Biden.

In all honesty, these were not “back-door meetings”, these dealings were in the faces of the American people and the Democrat-Doting media ALL ALONG. The smug old fool and his crack-addled, entitled, a$$hole son who seemingly can not hold down a job did not hide their ambitions to the American public. No, they flaunted them. They did this blatantly in the faces of Americans. They willingly and eagerly compromised us and our economic and national security to cement their influence and well-being. NONE of the Biden family is innocent and can claim ignorance to this. Even “Doctor” Jill cannot feign unawareness. The sad and pathetic element of all of this is that Americans willfully ignored the corruption. They saw Joe Biden as the “hard-working public servant” and not as a career, establishment, criminal, “Big Guy” who gets the 10 percent, D.C. gangster. Biden was a pro at international relations and policy-equalling Kissinger’s experience, even.

Will anything be done about this blatant disregard? Joe Biden will fade happily, blissfully into the sunset in January. His senility and frailty now will prevent further probing by relentless talking heads who will be too obsessed with finding the next Trump scandal. Hunter will enjoy his pardon and continue to finger paint, dodge child support payments and snort coke off random strippers’ backs. They’ll go on family vacations to Nantucket. None of them will have ANY worries about their financial futures. They say the mask is off, but these scumbags did not even TRY to hide what they were doing, not in the least. It’s time we believe this and remember this.

Yeah. Keep on with the “Orange Man, Bad” narrative, Democrats. Xi Jinping thanks you.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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