It’s Been Four Years Since The Hunter Laptop Scandal And The Lies Continue

It’s Been Four Years Since The Hunter Laptop Scandal And The Lies Continue

It’s Been Four Years Since The Hunter Laptop Scandal And The Lies Continue

Four years ago today, the New York Post dropped a story about Hunter Biden and the laptop he abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware. As soon as that story hit the airwaves, the censorship and the lies began.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) reminded us of this in an op-ed for Fox News this morning. 

Monday marks the fourth anniversary of the biggest lie the Biden-Harris administration told: that Mr. Hunter Biden’s laptop was not real.

Three weeks before the 2020 election, the New York Post published its first article on the contents of Mr. Biden’s laptop. The report featured an email in which one of Mr. Biden’s business partners mentioned a meeting with President Biden. President Biden had denied meeting with Hunter Biden’s business associates while on the campaign trail.

Photographs later proved that President Biden had met with one of Hunter Biden’s business partners. In fact, everything on his laptop was authentic—and the FBI, members of the Biden-Harris campaign team and Hunter Biden himself knew it all along. Instead of squarely addressing the content of the laptop and telling the American people the truth, the Biden-Harris campaign developed an elaborate scheme to mislead voters just three weeks before the presidential election by pretending the laptop was Russian disinformation.

It wasn’t just the Biden-Harris campaign who were frantically trying to stuff this particular genie back into the bottle. The rest of the media piled on in an effort to protect Joe and Hunter. None of this was true they blared on a daily basis. Shamefully, they peddled the lies and gleefully participated in censorship of not only the New York Post’s reporting, but others as well. 

And then big tech along with social media jumped into the censorship game. The New York Post was locked out of Twitter for weeks. Anyone writing about Hunter and the information on the laptop had their reports either throttled or had their accounts locked down. 

As Jim Treacher reminds us, censorship of Hunter and his laptop, plus photos of him drugged out of his mind were immediately censored. 

That’s Hunter Biden. The photo came from the laptop he abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, less than five miles from his father’s house.

Vladimir Putin didn’t take that snapshot. He didn’t plant the laptop. It belonged to Hunter, who then abandoned it and lost legal custody of it because he’s a drug addict.

And yet when I posted that photo in October 2020, just weeks before the election, my Twitter account was instantly locked down.

I don’t mean within minutes, either. The instant I clicked the button to post that, I was locked out of my account.

The lies and censorship went into overdrive. As our long-time readers know, we forged ahead on reporting on the censorship and the ‘protect Joe at all costs’ narratives at play. Those 51 intelligence officers STILL to this day (bet me) believe the laptop was Russian disinformation and will die on that hill, even as the FBI verified it and the contents were genuine. 

60 Minutes is on record DURING an interview with President Trump, stating the laptop contents weren’t real. 

Is it any wonder that four years later, 60 Minutes, who is under fire for their manipulation of their interview with Kamala, has refused to acknowledge they were wrong? 

Social media and big tech are also responsible for the lies and censorship. Twitter’s involvement finally ticked off Elon Musk, who bought the company and then published the Twitter Files. 

Emma-Jo Morris, who broke that original story, feels that the censorship exposed a very dirty secret. 

“The real sin in all of this was the collaboration between social media, legacy media and the intelligence community,” Morris said. 

“Nobody apologized, and I don’t mean apologized… to their readers and their listeners,” Morris continued. “Not a single one.”

And they won’t. 

What this anniversary of the Hunter Biden laptop story showed us, is how it is glaringly obvious how partisan most of the media along with big tech and the social media platforms truly are. They’ll peddle any lie they can to protect the Biden Brand or even shove Kamala into office. 

They’ve decided to be the gatekeepers of misinformation whether it’s Hunter’s laptop, or illegal immigration gangs terrorizing New York City or apartment buildings in Aurora, CO. Joe Biden going into serious decline? How about those fiery but mostly peaceful riots? Speaking out the wrong way concerning Covid, WRONG THINK! Nothing to see here folks. Censorship and lies for the win! 

Contrary to Tim Walz’s assertion, our FIRST AMENDMENT unequivocally guarantees us the right to free speech AND the freedom of the press. While too many in the media have forgotten that, Americans haven’t. 

Senator Kennedy is correct. 

Democracy only works when we can say what we believe. You are not free if you cannot say what you think. And no one can cast an informed vote when those in power censor relevant information. The American people know that the best way to correct misinformation is with more and better information, not censorship.

The laptop is real. Social media engaged in censorship. The media and Democrats lied about it all. Our Freedom of Speech was stifled to protect a corrupt politician and his family. The shame is on ALL of them. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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