Fox News Hosting All Women Town Hall With Donald Trump

Fox News Hosting All Women Town Hall With Donald Trump

Fox News Hosting All Women Town Hall With Donald Trump

Fox News has announced it will host a town hall with Donald Trump. The audience will be women only, and the topics will be geared toward women’s issues. Harris Faulkner will host the event, which will be taped and aired on October 16.

Some in the media have been dogging Trump for only talking to men, saying that Trump’s demeanor and message are just for men. At first glance, with one male and one female going up against each other in this election, it may look like guys versus gals.

The Audience

Trump has been making rounds with popular podcast hosts with mainly male audiences, such as Theo Von and, most recently, the Flagrant podcast hosted by stand-up Andrew Schulz, Akaash Singh, AlexxMedia, and Mark Gagnon.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris does her spot on some slutty show called Call Her Daddy. This podcast has an extensive female audience. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s just some comedic relief for some. To each his own. However, with such a large audience of young women, Harris’s going on the show was brilliant, even if she had nothing of substance to say. That’s quite sad when you think about it.

Fox invited Kamala Harris to do her own televised town hall and said she was welcome on their network anytime. She turned down their offer and, of course, accepted one on CNN.

The Topics

So what will the topics be in this all-women audience town hall on Fox? First, let me say immediately that I love and adore Harris Faulkner. I am so glad she is hosting this important event.

A host of issues are important to women, including the economy, abortion, immigration, health care, and Faulkner will give the former president a chance to get into the details of these issues without the haze of intentional misinterpretation by leftist media and the Harris campaign itself. – The Post Millennial

While the economy hits everyone, regardless of what sex you are, we can all agree that abortion will be talked about. And probably immigration. But what I am hoping is that a good portion of time is spent talking about keeping single-sex spaces and sports safe for women.

Right now, in America, men across the nation are celebrated for pretending they are female.

However, the big topic will be abortion; with an all-women audience, I’d say this will be the case. Donald Trump has repeated that he would veto a national abortion ban. His stance on abortion has been disconcerting at times. In recent months, he has only been more forthright with his thoughts. Well, sort of.

Trump also takes credit for getting the abortion issue back to the individual states, thanks to the Supreme Court and the three Justices he nominated and instrumental in this decision.

More On Abortion

The topic of abortion will be significant in this upcoming town hall. And it should be.

While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated somewhat in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

Among Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican Party, 57% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

Among moderate and liberal Republicans, 67% say abortion should be legal, while 31% say it should be illegal.

Majorities of both men (61%) and women (64%) express support for legal abortion. – Pew Research

Do those numbers surprise you? There are all sorts of different websites with stats that vary. Regardless, it’s a big deal, and Donald Trump needs to talk about it with the women.

Will we solve the world’s problems in the hour allotted to the women and Trump on October 16? Of course not, but it is an opportunity for Trump to gain more support, establish a better footing with women, and win their votes.

I’d like to see the trans cult movement and immigration discussed. It would be nice to be more specific about these issues instead of making wide-sweeping promises.

Also, wouldn’t it be wonderful if Melania joined him for part of this town hall? No, she isn’t vying for the presidency, but it’s still nice to hear from her.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/Donald Trump/Cropped/License CC BY-SA 2.0

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