Election Games! Parole Program For Ilegal Immigrants Won’t Be Renewed

Election Games! Parole Program For Ilegal Immigrants Won’t Be Renewed

Election Games! Parole Program For Ilegal Immigrants Won’t Be Renewed

The election games are afoot! Late yesterday in a Friday news dump, DHS announced they won’t extend the parole program for illegals here from Cuba, Venezuela, and Haiti.

The Biden administration will not be extending the legal status of hundreds of thousands of migrants who were allowed to fly to the U.S. under a sponsorship program designed to reduce illegal border crossings, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.

Instead, migrants who have come to the U.S. under the policy will be directed to try to obtain legal status through other immigration programs, leave the country or face deportation proceedings.

The administration first launched the sponsorship program in October 2022 to discourage Venezuelans from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border by offering them a legal way to enter the country if American-based individuals agreed to sponsor them. It was then expanded in January 2023 to include migrants from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua, whose citizens were also crossing the U.S. southern border in record numbers at the time.

The timing sure is interesting isn’t it?? Especially given that these are illegal immigrants who otherwise would’ve illegally crossed the border. Instead, the Biden Administration gamed the system and gave them parole. Which has led to many on the Democrat left AND the media to claim they are here LEGALLY. No, they aren’t. 

It has also led to multiple factual stories of Venezuela gang members getting arrested for the crimes of rape, assault, murder, and more. 

That’s something we here at Victory Girls have been yelling about for years now. The Biden Administration threw the gates wide open leaving our Border Patrol and ICE overwhelmed. It was entirely logical to assume that thorough vetting was tossed into the ditch on the orders of Mayorkas and the Biden-Harris team. Which has left this country wide open to gangs and terrorists.

This parole program also led to hysterical hyperbole based upon facts regarding Ohio towns and cities such as Springfield having their resources stretched to the limit because the Biden Administration dropped Haitians on their doorstep with zero assistance provided. 

But now, suddenly, the parole program has been brought to a screeching halt. 

An agency spokesperson told the Herald that “the two-year period was meant to allow people to seek humanitarian relief or other immigration benefits for which they may be eligible, and to work and contribute to the United States.”

“Those who do not have pending immigration benefits or who have not been granted an immigration benefit during their two-year parole period will need to depart the United States prior to the expiration of their authorized parole period,” said the spokesperson. Otherwise, those people may be put in deportation proceedings if their parole expires and they haven’t left.

Over half a million people arrived in the U.S. through the program as of the end of August, according to government data. The first two-year paroles under the program are set to expire later this month. [emphasis added]

Everyone who came in under the program is supposed to leave when the two years are up. Does anyone REALLY believe that A. They will self-deport? B. That DHS has enough resources and manpower to find all half a million plus and start deportation proceedings? Not hardly. 

This is pure election pandering. 

Keep in mind, any time the word deport is mentioned, the left starts shrieking about genocide. But when asked about the criminals who have raped young girls, killed women and children, brutally beaten boys and men, and are terrorizing apartment complexes, they go radio silent. 

The only thing that many, including myself can think, is that the internal polling must be horrendous right now for DHS to make this move. Especially given the fact that Kamala suddenly visited the border last week. 

I find it slightly humorous that she’s walking along a ….WALL, when she and Joe have screamed to the high heavens for years now that walls are bad because Trump! Whether Kamala likes it or not, she had the honorary title of Border Czar, until she decided it was a political deadweight for her. 

There’s another part to the timing of this that resonates on a couple of levels. 

This tells me two things. One, the Harris-Walz campaign AND the Biden-Harris Administration is very worried. Two, they will be ginning up all the TRUMP BAD FOR DEPORTING INNOCENT PEOPLES! media blasts should Trump prevail in November. 

Something else to think about. Joe DID absolutely appoint Kamala to be Border Czar. Yet, this is what he did yesterday. 

The media isn’t reporting on THAT part. But they admit he’s hitting the campaign trail next week for…other candidates. Not Kamala. That also speaks volumes. 

The election games are indeed afoot. Most of which seem to be dunking on Kamala instead of propping her up. 

I don’t think we have enough popcorn for the next few weeks. 

Feature Photo Credit: Election 2024 sign via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Edward Lunny says:

    Hah, in addition to our usual enemies, the chicoms, russians, norks, Iran we have another enemy. An enemy in our own country. Who, you might ask, could that be ? The government, our fascist treasonous government. Currently run by and controlled by the democrats, vile, evil scum that they are. Doing everything and anything, assassination anyone, to destroy the country and eliminate any who disagree with them. The deliberate policy to fill the country with 3rd world vermin, terrorists, and criminals is an ongoing destruction project. You cannot hate these people enough. The response to the recent hurricane is just another example. Our internal enemies should suffer personally, all of them. They’ve earned it in spades.

  • Jack says:

    Does anyone REALLY believe that A. They will self-deport? B. That DHS has enough resources and manpower to find all half a million plus and start deportation proceedings? Not hardly.
    Or C: Will even try.

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