Liz Cheney Is A Democrat Now

Liz Cheney Is A Democrat Now

Liz Cheney Is A Democrat Now

It’s official, she’s a Democrat. Liz Cheney is campaigning for Kamala Harris today. Not only that, but it’s WHERE she’s appearing that is quite the spiteful gesture to Republicans.

Vice President Kamala Harris will campaign alongside Liz Cheney, the most prominent Republican to cross party lines and endorse her, on Thursday in Wisconsin at a symbolic location: the birthplace of the Republican Party.

Ms. Harris and Ms. Cheney plan to appear together in a joint appeal to the sort of Republican voters who may retain conservative positions but are repelled by former President Donald J. Trump and his politics. Their event will take place in Ripon, Wis., the site of a series of meetings that helped lead to the foundation of the G.O.P. in 1854.

The two women agree on little politically beyond their distaste for Mr. Trump. They had next to no relationship when they overlapped in Congress, though they did speak on the phone about Ms. Cheney’s endorsement earlier this summer.

As our readers know, Liz endorsed Kamala Harris during an event at Duke University last month in a desperate attempt to regain some type of relevance. 

Liz’s only platform is that Donald Trump is a bad evil man who is dangerous for this country. What kind of danger does he pose? She never answers that question. She just hates him so much that she’s willing to throw ALL her conservative principles into the trash. 

Will she question Kamala’s tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act that actually HURT our economy?

Will she bring up the fact that Kamala supports the longshoremen strike and the greedy union bosses that will further cripple the economy?

Will she speak out against Kamala and Tim Walz’s support for abortion up to the moment of birth? 

Oh I know! She’ll talk about how Kamala has been super effective as our Border Czar!

That IG report can and should be read in full, here. 

Will Liz talk about how Kamala is now the Presidential candidate, yet didn’t actually RECEIVE any votes? Will this newly minted Democrat speak about and offer support, REAL support, not a measly $750, to American citizens whose lives and homes have been devastated by Hurricane Helene?

I bet she won’t. Her hatred of Donald Trump is so deep and unrelenting that she kept people from testifying concerning January 6, and doesn’t care that documents and transcripts are missing from the J6 Committee files. 

Kamala is going to chalk this up as a win, while Liz goes full Democrat. 

Cheney — who has argued that the former president is a “liar,” a “con man” and a potential “tyrant” who, if elected again, would “torch the Constitution” — vowed after leaving Congress that “I will do everything I can to make sure [Trump] is never anywhere near the Oval Office again.”

The Harris campaign says that the vice president, at her event with Cheney, plans to note that while Republicans may not agree with her on every issue, she promises to uphold the Constitution, America’s fundamental principles, and the rule of law.

Liz’s role on the J6 Committee was pure law fare. We know it, and so does she. Yet her TDS is so deep that she’s throwing any principles she has left into the trash. For nothing. 

Never mind Liz’s previous pro-life stance. She thinks the Supreme Court was wrong on the Presidential immunity decision AND she thinks SCOTUS decided wrongly on Dobbs. 

For someone who portrays herself as a principled Constitutionalist, evidently states rights don’t matter. Furthermore, this newly minted Democrat wants us to forget her prior statements regarding Kamala Harris. 

The people in Wyoming, during her three terms in Congress, elected her over her primary contenders by around 75,000 votes each time. In the general, she would garner an average of 150,000 votes. The people in Wyoming knew with her stance on J6 and her hatred of Trump that she was the wrong person to represent them. Which is why Harriet Hageman won by a 66% margin over Liz’s 49%. 

Wyoming citizens knew then what people are finding out now. Liz is a Democrat and always will be. 

Feature Photo Credit: Hudson Institute, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/cropped, edited in Canva Pro Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/cropped, edited in Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    No, Liz, honey. Trump didn’t corrupt the Republican party. It was already corrupted by Progressives the likes of you. Trump simply moved into the void left by the Progressive termites within the Republican party.

    And Liz has always been a Deep State Progressive. Even though she was a Republican, she was never really Conservative in the strictest sense.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    Well, we here in Wyoming ran her sorry a$$ out of the state politically once she revealed herself as a Dem-winger. Now if only it were feasible to somehow run her and her father out of here physically…but they’re imbedded like a blood-fattened tick with the billionaires who have destroyed Teton County and Jackson, the only communist enclave in the state.

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