Lies: No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortions

Lies: No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortions

Lies: No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortions

The Democrats are living off vibes and lies in this election season. None of them can bear with the inconvenient truth that late-term abortion and “baby executions” are still a thing.

In fact, they and their fellow sorority sisters and D.C. cocktail party “journalists” will fact-check your ass into oblivion if you call this out.

We all remember this exchange:

TRUMP: Well, the reason I’m doing that vote is because the plan is, as you know, the vote is, they have abortion in the ninth month. They even have, and you can look at the governor of West Virginia, the previous governor of West Virginia, not the current governor, who’s doing an excellent job, but the governor before. He said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby. In other words, we’ll execute the baby.

LINSEY DAVIS: There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born. Madam vice president, I want to get your response to President Trump.

Yes, Trump made the mistake that the statement was made by the governor of West Virginia, which he corrected later down the road. But, the brutal truth was still there under the spotlight. A truth Linsey Davis called a lie.

We bring this gruesome picture to light because abortion is one, if not THE one key platform of the Kamala Harris ticket. Yet, she says this:

Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion. That is not happening.”-Kamala Harris

Our borders aren’t being breached while you sit in your office drinking Chardonnay, playing Solitaire and planning your next house party appearance, either, Madam Vice President. Institute for Family Studies researcher, Lyman Stone with some thoughts on this recently:

We can barely expect the Vice President of the United States to speak and not recite a contrived word salad her team whipped up for her, much less expect her to do the damn math here.

Nor can we expect the crew who are too busy calling our side of the aisle “weirdos” who obsess over eating cats and dogs, to take a breath and digest these numbers. It may harsh their mellow, man.

Take 83 year-old late-term abortion doctor, Warren Hern in Boulder, Colorado. He said (more lies) himself in The Atlantic that he “doesn’t restrict his work” to the cases of women carrying children with health issues or genetic abnormalities. To him, “every pregnancy is a health issue”. “Vialbility” is not just about gestational age in his view, it is about “a woman’s willingness to carry”.

Willingness to carry?!

I admit, at the 30th week of my one and only pregnancy, I was downright miserable with pre-eclampsia (which ultimately evolved into HELLP Syndrome and could have killed both me and our son). I had gestational diabetes. I was worried and nervous about what the next 10 weeks held in store. I was questioning my decision to bring a life into this crazy world. I hated being pregnant because after every doctor visit in third trimester, something else was wrong with me. My situation would have been a “viable” situation to argue for aborting my child in Hern’s lens. No questions asked. I could have walked in to his clinic and said that I wasn’t feeling my pregnancy anymore because I was “unwilling to carry”.

To think I could have missed out on 18 years (so far) of watching an incredible young man grow up and now, find his way in this world is chilling. My son, who came out kicking, screaming and peeing all over everyone while I was knocked out with the velvet hammer and receiving blood transfusions, may have come out needing some assistance for a few weeks in a NICU. He may have needed some early intervention in elementary school due to some delays, which he ultimately grew out of. He may have been a bit wild as a youngster with Sensory Processing Disorder and we might have been kicked out of a place or two or given a few side-eyes. He may have been a but smaller in stature than his peers for some time. This young man now is brilliant. He is incredibly intelligent, focused, driven and, not to mention, an athletic, muscular powerhouse. He is also one of the most incredibly loyal, respectful, introspective and caring human beings I have the pleasure of knowing.

My “certifiable risk of death from being pregnant” was high when my doctor discovered my protein levels, hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP). THAT would have been enough for me to say “let’s end this” at Warren Hern’s clinic.

In fact, on the table, I remember saying to “take me”. I wanted my baby boy to live more than I wanted this life for myself.

I highly encourage those who believe the lies to read through Lyman Stone’s commentary on X. Though, most will still call it lies:

We’ve come to the dangerous precipice where medical staff and doctors not actively providing medical care to a small, voiceless individual with a heartbeat is not “execution”; it is “life-giving” to the “mother” (who does not want to be a mother).

It’s all a bunch of LIES.

Look out, here come the fact-checking, pearl-clutching, sorority sisters!

Is this really A New Way Forward?

Featured image via Skitterphoto on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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  • ScottS says:

    Abortion = infantacide.

    No way to sugar-coat it., no matter how hard you try.

  • A humane reader says:

    You are disgusting. How dare you use the suffering of women with your condition to spread such vile lies? Preeclampsia and HELLP kill. It is very rare for preeclampsia to happen before 24 weeks, and if it does it’s often very serious and requires mediate delivery or the mother will die. (But she’s just an incubator so who cares, right?) Sometimes she can be given blood pressure medicine for a few weeks and be observed, but more often than not, delivery has to happen right away. That said, the vast majority of preeclampsia cases happen post 25 weeks so the baby is viable anyways! And the vast majority of women who are HELLP and Preeclampsia survivors would give anything to have had a full term baby, not suffer sometimes life-changing health problems or endure the NICU. You mock their trauma. Shame on you.

    What kind of sick monster accuses women who make it to the third trimester of having an abortion for funzies?! Seriously, you think a woman who has preeclampsia is just saying, “Oh kill it, I’m done?!” Many of those babies have names and nurseries waiting for them. Baby showers may have even happened. No one is doing t
    it intentionally, no one. At 30+ weeks a baby that can survive outside of the womb is born, either through c-section or induction and put in the NICU depending on size and gestational age. That’s it.

    What you are describing is infanticide, aka murder which is a literal crime. If a baby is past the age of viability, they are saved. If they are not or there is a health issue, then they are give palliative care. Period. It is an awful and deeply personal and traumatic decision that parents do not make lightly. It’s gross and deeply cruel to suggest otherwise.

    And if the pregnancy has to be ended that late due to a health issue it’s because the health issue was discovered late. I bet you had a 16 or 18 week ultrasound when you were pregnant. You know what they’re like. Major issues can’t be discovered until that point. And sometimes health issues arise even later. Preeclampsia can’t be diagnosed before 20 weeks. Sometimes a woman is diagnosed with cancer, sometimes she has other issues. Maybe ask a doctor instead of some activist. Or, better yet, talk to someone who has endured a pregnancy that had to be ended early for medical reasons. Bonus, thanks to all the insane abortion laws being passed, there are more women enduring this than there used to be because women are literally being forced to carry babies with horrific defects to term and then watching them suffer in their last moments. It’s incredibly traumatic, equally as much as what you endured, if not infinitely more so.

    Criminalizing palliative care is disgusting. Calling parents murders who feel that ending a wanted pregnancy rather than watch their child suffer is inhumane. And you can blather on about partial birth abortion or whatever all you want. In every state where abortion has been on the ballot it’s passed and that will keep happening because many people know people who these tragedies have happened to. Or they at least bother to care and be humane.

  • Scott says:

    “In every state where abortion has been on the ballot it’s passed and that will keep happening because many people” have been indoctrinated into a death cult, just like you. You did a great job spouting all the talking points of the abortion industry, I don’t think you missed a single one. Good Job.

    You’re a liar, a fraud, and a ghoul.

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