DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

UPDATED: We have illegals getting smuggled into the United States who have ties to ISIS and the DHS admits that, out of the 400 they know of thus far, the whereabouts of 50 illegals are unknown.

The Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants who have come to the U.S. from Central Asia and elsewhere as “subjects of concern” because they were brought by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network, three U.S. officials tell NBC News.

While over 150 of them have been arrested, the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown, the officials said, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement is looking to arrest them on immigration charges when they are located.

“In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS because of some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to take extra care,” said a senior Biden administration official, “and out of an abundance of caution make sure that we exercised our authority in the most expansive and appropriate way to mitigate risk because of this potential connection being made.” 

So…AFTER they are already in the United States and have been roaming around for who knows how long, suddenly DHS identifies FOUR HUNDRED illegals who have a highly suspect background? Tied to ISIS? 

Now, suddenly the Biden Administration is being extra cautious? AFTER they are already here? 

According to O’Leary, ICE is likely looking to arrest these people even if there’s no evidence they are plotting a terrorist attack.

“I believe the [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals, and using the immigration charges is not uncommon,” O’Leary said. “They are in violation of that law. And if you need to take somebody off the street, that’s a good approach to do it.”

Federal law enforcement agencies are “not panicking” about the group of people, but they have been identified as “subjects of concern,” and are prioritizing them for arrest out an an abundance of caution, two of the officials noted.

Well, doesn’t that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside? We aren’t supposed to panic because the feds aren’t panicking. That’s just great. 

Let’s look at the numbers again. FOUR HUNDRED. 

We don’t have a border and the border patrol is so overwhelmed its a given that people with criminal intent slip through the cracks or skirt the actual border crossings all together. We’ve already seen that with other suspected terrorists who were caught inside this country, and we’ve seen it horrifically play out with the criminals here illegally who’ve assaulted, raped, and murdered Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, and too many others in the last year. 

Yet, according to the Biden Administration, and especially Alejandro Mayorkas, there’s no reason to panic. 

We aren’t supposed to be concerned he says. No one is plotting anything against the United States. Pinky swear! 

Keep in mind, the four hundred we are talking about right now are a new batch of illegals with suspected terrorist ties. So the eight that were arrested the other week, that I wrote about here, are from a DIFFERENT group. As was the Afghan on the terror watch list.


But let’s not worry our little heads about all this. ISIS ties? No biggie. Can’t seem to find 50 of them? Meh. Nothing to see here move along. 

Illegal immigration under Biden’s tenure has put this country at risk. Four hundred with ISIS ties were smuggled into the U.S. That’s those that we KNOW about right now. How many more are out there that we DON’T know about? 

That is a question that Biden needs to be asked at tomorrow night’s debate. 

Update: Mayorkas spins this into the ditch. What NBC reported is, according to him, “inaccurate.” 

And everyone is thoroughly vetted. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Feature Photo Credit: migrants at border via iStock, cropped and modified 

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  • Scott says:

    That is a question that Biden needs to be asked at tomorrow night’s debate (but won’t be). FIFY

  • GWB says:

    Let’s look at the numbers again. FOUR HUNDRED.
    Yeah, that’s a lot. It’s also a minuscule number.
    FOUR HUNDRED is a lot of terrorists.
    But it’s a tiny drop in the sea of 7-10 million illegal entrants in the last few years. How many more are out there?

    I don’t think Kurt Shlicter’s book “The Attack” is prophecy. But it sure is something we should contemplate the possibility of. And then prepare for.

    • Nina Bookout says:

      Yes, when you look at the numbers, the % is low. However, 9/11 only involved a very few. 400 could do a lot of damage. A LOT

      • GWB says:

        Yeah. I was contrasting the import of both considerations and seeing no good side.

        Also, where are the other 200? They mention 400, and say 150 are arrested, and they don’t know where 50 are. I know math is white supremacy and stuff, but leaves 50% of the original number not even mentioned? Oy.

        What? Me, worry?

  • […] IT’S INTENTIONAL:  DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them. […]

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