Ronna Officially Out After Talking Head Tantrum

Ronna Officially Out After Talking Head Tantrum

Ronna Officially Out After Talking Head Tantrum

Say what you will about Ronna McDaniel. We know she did no favors for the RNC and, apparently, she did no favors for the ratings over at NBC/MSNBC, either.

According to this, Ronna and the news networks have parted ways. NBCU News Group Chairman Cesar Conde, issued a statement to employees last night:

There is no doubt that the last several days have been difficult for the News Group. After listening to the legitimate concerns of many of you, I have decided that Ronna McDaniel will not be an NBC News contributor.”-Cesar Conde

Yeah, she wasn’t much for getting contributors to the RNC, either, Cesar. Moving on, though.

No organization, particularly a newsroom, can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned. Over the last few days, it has become clear that this appointment undermines that goal.

I want to personally apologize to our team members who felt we let them down. While this was a collective recommendation by some members of our leadership team, I approved it and take full responsibility for it.”-Cesar Conde

Poor Chuck Turd. I mean TODD. His tighty-whities were in knots.

Our very own Nina talked all about this just the other day. But Chuck was not the only bag of hot air that was upset at the news group’s decision to hire McDaniel as a contributor. After all, it is all so inexplicable! She “attacked all of the journalists”. She said (Trump) “is part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government.”

GASP! Side note: WHAT system of government would that be, Rach? The democratic cleptocracy?

Huh? Ronna might have ushered in “doomsday” if she stayed on staff just one more day. The end of politics, even! Rachel Maddow to save the world!

You wouldn’t hire a made man like a mobster to work at a D.A.’s office, right? You wouldn’t hire a pick-pocket to work as a TSA screener. So I find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable, and I hope they will reverse their decision.”-Rachel Maddow

Apparently, the Democrats voted in (hired) head of the Biden Crime family to be president. And, excuse me? A pick-pocket TSA screener? The American Democrats “hired” a career politician who has done nothing to benefit the American people and has done everything to keep himself and his precious family living off the backs of Americans for practically their whole lives.

We continue with Conde’s statement:

Our initial decision was made because of our deep commitment to presenting our audiences with a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences, particularly during these consequential times. We continue to be committed to the principle that we must have diverse viewpoints on our programs, and to that end, we will redouble our efforts to seek voices that represent different parts of the political spectrum.”-Cesar Conde

So diverse are their viewpoints! Apparently, five days of a “widely diverse” perspective was all they could possibly stand.

Hey, Jennifer? Howza ’bout holding contributors on all sides of the political spectrum accountable for their actions and statements? Let’s talk about Chuck “Liberal Bias Does Not Exist” Todd. Let’s discuss NBC’s Today Show darling, Savannah Guthrie and her “unbiased” journalistic performance with former president, Donald Trump. I could go on and name more names. Weijia Jiang. Kaitlan Collins. And, while we are on this subject, let’s talk about the nature of reporting and “journalism” in America today.

Remember, for almost four years, it was all Russia, Russia, Russia and Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment? And, I know we’d all like to forget, but let’s keep fresh in our minds the panic the left-leaning bags of hot air gave us in 2020. Remember how we all were going to kill each other and our loved ones if we didn’t wear a mask and stand six feet apart and lock down in our houses? Remember, how it was not okay for our kids to go to school but it was perfectly fine for individuals to go out and “protest” (riot) in the “Summer of Love”? Remember how they all drooled over Anthony Fauci? Remember how the talking windbags called a Joe Biden victory before all the votes were even counted? Remember how they painted a rosy picture of Joe Biden’s first 100 days as President? They continue to paint a rosy picture of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency year later-all while avoiding any stories of corruption, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe’s “connections” with his son’s business dealings, Joe’s senility, Joe’s sexual proclivities, and cocaine in The White House. Illegal immigrants and criminals who shouldn’t be here are still “migrants”, Jews are “Zionists”, oh-and the big one- ALL Trump supporters (or just opposed to a second Biden term) are “White Supremacist-Nazis”. You get the drift.

In all honesty, I couldn’t care less about Ronna McDaniel getting ousted. But her ousting is a tell-tale sign of the elitist Democrats who are in control of our media and that should be a cautionary tale. This is why we need to remember. We need to remember all of it. The temper tantrums, the lockdowns, the riots. the corruption, the increased crime across America, the blatant and willful bias delivered through the ol’ boob tube daily. We need to remember them all-each and every single one of them-the miserable, disgusting, self-absorbed, egotistical, backbiting, condescending, whiny-a$$ babies that our media has become.

And, that’s the way it is, to quote Walter Cronkite. Extra, extra. Read all about it! NBC tried to be “diverse” and opened their minds for five days…and when they did, the rest of their freaking brains fell the eff out.

Feature Photo Credit: Ronna McDaniel via Gage Skidmore on Flickr, cropped, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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