Kamala Harris Serves Up New Helping Of Word Salad

Kamala Harris Serves Up New Helping Of Word Salad

Kamala Harris Serves Up New Helping Of Word Salad

Oh look, it’s the Christmas gift that no one asked for – another interview starring Vice President Kamala Harris, where she dishes up a solid helping of word salad for us all to digest.

Remember, when you watch this woman speak, that she is just one flight of stairs away from taking over the Oval Office. Remember that if Joe becomes completely and obviously incapacitated, she will be taking over the White House. Listen up, Democrats. THIS is the brain trust that you decided should be one heartbeat away from the presidency.

Kamala Harris gave an interview to Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC, so of course it was a friendly environment. And yet, the vice president cannot string together a fully cohesive sentence even when she isn’t under pressure. When served up a softball regarding Donald Trump’s most recent media feeding frenzy regarding immigration, Harris just… well…

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell, Harris slammed former President Donald Trump’s remarks that migrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.”

But the veep then stumbled over her words while turning her comments to the 2024 presidential election.

“You know, every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime,” Harris said, without correcting herself.

“Lawrence, this one is, this one is,” she told the host.

“We are literally talking about people who are attempting to divide our country in the most crude, frankly, and profound way,” she said. “We are talking about those who are intent and purposeful to, to attack fundamental freedoms.”

She continued: “The freedom to be free from fear of violence and hate … the freedom to just … be. The freedom to just be.”

Oh boy, it seems that Kamalafile.exe crashed somewhere along the line, and the reboot lost some more code. This will be the most electiony election that has ever electioned, apparently. And she has used that “freedom to just be” line before, and it sounded incredibly stupid then. For some reason, Kamala Harris thinks that line is something good and profound, so she REPEATED it. And yes, she kept going.

Harris continued her stream of consciousness in other parts of the lengthy interview, which had been scheduled to be in person until O’Donnell tested positive for COVID.

“I have been fortunate and blessed during the course of being vice president to have many situations where it becomes too clear me that there are people … of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don’t need to be, um, limited by other people’s limited, um, understanding of who can do what,” she rambled.

Possibly the funniest part of this entire interview is just O’Donnell letting Kamala Harris just trip all over herself without trying to help. He just keeps nodding with that frozen pained smirk on his face. He knows what is happening, and since this interview is not in person, he can’t find a way to cut her off or fix things. But bless their hearts, the Kamala fanboys are trying SO HARD to make fetch Kamala Harris a thing.

It should be painfully obvious to any honest observer at this point that Kamala Harris was promoted above her cognitive capacity. In the Senate, she had limited opportunity for exposure on a national level, so when she did do something, it was always something that played to her political benefit, like her grandstanding during the Kavanaugh hearings. But her hubris led her to think that she could be president, and when she had her clock cleaned during the primary debates, that should have been the end of it. Except that Joe Biden had promised to pick a “woman of color” to be vice president, and Kamala Harris won the luck of the draw. Much the way that Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be vice president, and gave him a career beyond the Senate, Biden did the same for Harris. Except that when Harris is no longer vice president, she will have a lot of retirement to look forward to, because her odds of being elected president on her own merits are pretty rock bottom. She’ll end up having a memoir written for her, she’ll make a decent amount of money from that, and she will just fade into obscurity.

That is, unless fate intercedes and Joe Biden misses a step – literally. Then we may be having daily helpings of Kamala Harris word salad being shoved down our throats. I think I’d rather starve.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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