Day of Rage Attacks: France, China, And Waiting

Day of Rage Attacks: France, China, And Waiting

Day of Rage Attacks: France, China, And Waiting

Hamas leadership called for a “Day of Rage” today, as anyone with ears to hear was willing to hear.

The Jews of the world were listening.

We have all seen – again, those who are willing to see the atrocities have seen – what Hamas was willing to do to innocent people in Israel. It didn’t matter if people were at a concert, or just living in their own homes, or just driving down the street. Hamas killed with indiscriminate aim, not caring who they murdered. Whole familes destroyed. Babies shot in their carseats. And with the “Day of Rage” being announced, anyone with a shred of common sense and memory knew what that could mean. We can remember – for those willing to remember – what ISIS was able to do with its “lone wolf” strategy. All it takes is a terrorist being right ONCE for there to be death on a massive scale.

So, whether anyone – including governments – wanted to admit it or not, this “Day of Rage” threat had to be taken seriously.

After all, given the state of our southern border, and given what we are seeing here in the United States at these pro-Hamas rallies (which have unmistakable 1930’s Germany vibes), can anyone be absolutely, 100 percent certain that not a single “lone wolf” heard the call from Hamas for a “Day of Rage” within the United States, and would be willing to act on it? Obviously, the answer has to be no. Barriers went back up around the U.S. Capitol Building, as you can see above. Police departments across the country are on alert, especially as rallies are taking place yet again.

As of this post, there have been two attacks and one death today. The death occurred in France, where a teacher was killed in a stabbing attack at a high school. The French have now put the country on the highest terror alert.

A 20-year-old knifeman fatally stabbed a teacher and gravely wounded two other people in an attack at a school in the northern France city of Arras on Friday that President Emmanuel Macron condemned as “barbaric Islamic terrorism.”

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said France was now on its highest state of alert and that the Arras attack bore a link to events in the Middle East, where Israel is conducting a military offensive to root out Hamas fighters after their deadly rampage.

The suspect, who has been arrested, was a former student of the Lycee Gambetta high school where the attack happened, a police source said. One of the attackers’ brothers was also detained nearby.

The investigation was handed to the anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office.

Police could not confirm local media reports that Friday’s attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar”.

But the attacker was on a state watchlist of people known as a potential security risk, a police source said. The “Fiche S” contains thousands of names and only a small number are actively monitored.

He was described by the police source as a Russian-born Chechen but by some French media as a Russian-born Ingush.

A security source said an elder brother of the alleged assailant was serving time in prison for links to Islamist militant networks and glorification of terrorist acts.

And in China, an Israeli was brutally stabbed in public. Right now, his attacker has been detained, according to Chinese officials, but they released no other details except to say that the victim was in “stable condition.”

Beijing police said they had arrested a suspect, a 53-year-old foreign man. They described the victim as a family member of an Israeli diplomat. No motive was given for the attack, and it was unclear if it was connected to the war between Israel and the militant group Hamas.

“The employee was transferred to hospital and he is in a stable condition,” an Israeli government statement said, without giving additional details.

A video posted on social media showed a man with a knife grappling with another man on the ground and stabbing him several times, leaving a trail of blood stains on the sidewalk.

Call me crazy, but I find it hard to believe that an employee of the Israeli embassy, a family member of a diplomat, just HAPPENS to be randomly attacked by a “foreign man” today, of all days.

The day is not yet over, and if more attacks occur, this post will be updated. We can all hope and pray that there will not be, but, as we all know – for those who are willing to pay attention – “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” There have always been and will always be evil people who slip through the cracks, and they only have to be right ONCE. That means those of us who wish to live freely and without fear, must be constantly on our guard, and thanking those who stand between the evil and the innocent.

Featured image: pro-Palestine rally in Melbourne, Australia, in May 2021, via Matt Hrkac on Wikimedia Commons, cropped, CC BY 2.0

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1 Comment
  • John Shepherd says:

    It is distressing to see American Jews cowering while Isrselis strike back. This is the United States. We have the Second Amendment in most States. It is time for Jews to get the message that gun control is a potential death sentence for innocent people. Get armed, get trained and be prepared to defend yourself. Rely on the police when you can but remember “Nobody’s coming. It’s up to you.” You are your own first responder. Get rid of the victim mentality.

    Beyond the emotional “Punch a Nazi in the face” all respectable people should be out documenting these demonstrations, identifying and photographing as many participants as possible and establishing a website to name and shame the Nazis.

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