Guest Opinion: It’s time to assess our personal future

Guest Opinion: It’s time to assess our personal future

Guest Opinion:  It’s time to assess our personal future

I heard Congressman Jim Jordan say the sick condition of our nation will be self-corrected because a lot more people are watching now. In other words; nothing’s going to change and nothing’s going to happen. We’re still at the mercy of the media, the corrupt members of congress and the lawless actors in our intelligence and justice operations.

That reminded me of a gathering of veterans I attended back when Obama was in office. Someone asked a young officer who had served in Iraq if we could really win that war instead of turning tail once again. He unequivocally answered, “NO”. He followed up saying, “we would have to hunt down and kill everyone involved in Al Qaeda and ISIS including their sons who would grow up with hateful hearts and train to come after us again in a few years and we simply don’t have the heart for that”.

Similarly, I see a divided America mired in another hopeless war. This time, with our own citizens on our own soil – and it’s far more than just political. In response to the ruination of our society we would have to clean government with aggressive criminal prosecutions of all who have cheated our elections, ignored and even supported violence in our cities and brought false actions against people who have done nothing more than stand up for their rights. Our timid and impotent republican leadership does not have the heart for that.

Polls continue to show Biden and Trump in a near tie with voters, telling me that half the people responding want this free republic to come to an end now.  They support higher prices of all essential goods and fuels with a goal of collapsing our economy. They openly support a lawless and corrupt government, rampant and growing crime, open borders and the endless war in Ukraine that we are financing now, and will likely join under future democrat control. They would vote against Donald Trump, a man determined to end such conditions, because they believe the false prosecutions, lies and rumors they’ve heard, or they are victimized by a strange fault of peer pressure.

My faith and trust in the country I loved and served in uniform has been irreparably broken. There is not a single arm of the government that I will be able to trust in the remaining years I have on this earth.

The news is saying we have a return of mask mandates on the way.  I expect the dutiful left will happily wear their masks, close their businesses and stand in little circles to buy whatever is available at the market or approved by their digital currency provider.

In all likelihood we will verbally beat each other bloody during the presidential primaries and in the end when a Republican challenger claims 90 million votes after the national election season the news will announce that a half functioning Joe Biden got 100 MILLION votes.  As before, nothing will come of allegations surrounding cheating or fraud. The typical unspoken response from the left and the media will be, “So what, you lost!

As we watch our heritage of freedom and opportunity burn to ash and the social divide in our nation grow more rigid, we are faced with the grim reality of the picture before us. It is one we don’t want to recognize.  It is of a country where half the people yearn to maintain a civil society that respects the law and works to leave a better future for their children. They consider securing our border to stop drug smuggling, human trafficking and an unimpeded illegal invasion as a great accomplishment.

The other side revels in the violence of burning property, destroying what others work for and mocking what they believe.Their goal is the total destruction of the only country ever created to give people the power to control their government and they consider being able to imprison anyone, anytime, on any charge they might invent as a great accomplishment. They gloat over the rest of us being cowed to the point of being able to do nothing more than complain and wonder how we reached a point where nothing seems real and the people to whom we’ve granted power have destroyed the trust necessary to keep our republic alive.

Recently, the glowing TV I had fallen asleep with greeted me with a blue screen and a Dish TV message that said:


I was confused and annoyed. Half awake, I pondered a dark scenario. What if the next ‘information’ that came was orders from the government on where I should go for my ‘interview’ and what to bring with me in order to report my personal belongings such as weapons or emergency supplies? What if I was to bring my banking information in exchange for the new Central Bank Digital Currency that could track and regulate all that I do? What if I tried to call a friend, but there was no cell service?

Of course, nothing like that can really happen in America, can it? But wait! Isn’t that what we said about Trump being impeached over Hillary’s fake dossier? Or shutting down the economy? Isn’t that what we said about people being denied the right to earn a living because they didn’t choose to get a questionable vaccination?

Regardless of political affiliation, religion or occupation we are all in dark place and had better do some serious examination of who and what we plan to vote for in 2024.



Today’s Guest Opinion is written by Jim Boyer, the Panhandle Pundit; a life long ski bum and realistic environmentalist, retired building contractor and long time property rights advocate. Speech writer, marketing specialist in demographic targeting, public speaker –  has worked on local state political campaigns and held local public office.

Featured photo (cropped, edited, altered) used for this article is public use. 





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  • Cameron says:

    We’ve allowed these people free reign because all we wanted was to mind our own business and to be left alone. The other side views us and this country as an unforgiveable evil and they think if they just purge enough of us and burn enough of this nation down, Heaven on Earth will be their reward.

    It’s going to take a lot of normal people pushing back and not backing down.

    • Scott says:

      They’re becoming cocky, and no longer trying to hide their crimes.. Hopefully that will stir the complacent to action before it’s too late… For myself, I have NO plans on boarding a cattle car…

  • Stephen C says:

    Succinct, on point, chilling

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