Biden Claims We Are In Competition With China, Not Conflict

Biden Claims We Are In Competition With China, Not Conflict

Biden Claims We Are In Competition With China, Not Conflict

He protected us! And it’s only a competition! That’s it. That’s the ticket. Cue the applause for doing something! U.S. sovereignty remains intact because Biden shook his finger and China folded up their balloon and scurried away. He said that during last night’s State of the Union, so it must be true, right??

Here’s what he said in his speech. 

Before I came to office, the story was about how the People’s Republic of China was increasing its power and America was falling in the world.

Not anymore.

I’ve made clear with President Xi that we seek competition, not conflict.

I will make no apologies that we are investing to make America strong. Investing in American innovation, in industries that will define the future, and that China’s government is intent on dominating.

Investing in our alliances and working with our allies to protect our advanced technologies so they’re not used against us.

Modernizing our military to safeguard stability and deter aggression.

Today, we’re in the strongest position in decades to compete with China or anyone else in the world.

I am committed to work with China where it can advance American interests and benefit the world.

But make no mistake: as we made clear last week, if China’s threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did.

And let’s be clear: winning the competition with China should unite all of us. We face serious challenges across the world.

Yes, that’s all he said. Keep in mind, these comments regarding China were A. spoken when he was well over 3/4 the way done with his speech, and B. leave a LOT to be desired when it comes to a strong foreign policy and national security footprint. Why? This is why. 

China refused a conversation with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin following the downing of the suspected Chinese balloon, the Pentagon said in a statement Tuesday.

The Defense Department submitted a request for a call between Austin and China’s Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe immediately after the US fighter jets shot down the balloon on Saturday afternoon. But China declined the request, according to the Pentagon.

“We believe in the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between the United States and the [People’s Republic of China] in order to responsibly manage the relationship,” Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said in the statement.

Oh, so China didn’t want to play the diplomatic dance? Go figure. Yes, they insisted it was a weather balloon that went off course, and yes, they are insisting that the U.S. was wrong to shoot down their poor innocent balloon. 

We are now finding out that, surprise!, China has been working on balloon surveillance technology for quite some time. And has sent test balloons over Japan, India and other places along with at least five test incursions towards/touching the U.S. in the last four years. How many others have been floating around? Good question. 

Never mind that, we are in a “conversion” I mean competition with China!

Evidently we are in such desperate need of competition with China that Biden blurts out this angry ad-lib during his speech. 

Oh I’m sure there are lots of countries that would just LOVE to have the kind of unchecked power that China has…evidently Biden thinks we all want that. As for our national security and foreign policy, it’s all good! Biden is here to assure us we aren’t in conflict, balloon or no balloon. 

Except China is totally refusing to take calls from U.S. and DOD officials.

That’s some exceptionally strong leadership there! NOT. Here’s something else. Prior to the State of the Union, a hearing was held by the House Armed Services Committee. This piece of information is highly disturbing. 

Yet we are supposed to believe Joe Biden when he insisted that he protected us and we are only in competition, not conflict with China. Yeah, pull the other leg Big Guy. 

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Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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