Monkeypox By Any Other Name is Still Gay

Monkeypox By Any Other Name is Still Gay

Monkeypox By Any Other Name is Still Gay

In case you hadn’t noticed, Covid-19 is so last year — except for Covidians at Twitter and the New York Times, but I repeat myself. The disease du jour is now Monkeypox, but our social betters are wringing their hands over the name. It’s … stigmatizing, they insist. We must call it something else.


Demanding to Rename Monkeypox

And, right on cue, the New York City Council is demanding the World Health Organization give the disease a different name. The name “Monkeypox,” apparently, may be stigmatizing to “vulnerable populations.” Here’s CBS New York’s take on the kerfuffle, which curiously doesn’t identify exactly whom the “vulnerable populations” are. One thing is certain, however, they’re not monkeys.

But unless you’ve been living under a rock this summer, you’re aware that Monkeypox has affected mostly gay men. As of this writing, there are over 3000 confirmed cases in the United States, with about 1,150 of those in New York City. Moreover, in NYC, only 1.4 percent of those self-identify as straight, with the remainder calling themselves gay or bisexual. Worldwide, most Monkeypox cases have occurred in gay men as well.

But let’s change the name, not the behaviors, right?


Tucker Carlson Renames the Pox

In this midst of this semantics ballyhoo, Tucker Carlson stepped up to offer his new label for Monkeypox. But he didn’t think this up on his own, he told his Fox News audience — this new name is the result of a Twitter poll:

“So, we had a vote. There was no ballot harvesting. You can trust our counting.”

And the new name? Drumroll, please.


“And the new name for monkeypox is now officially – and we’re declaring it – schlong covid.”

Get it? “Long” Covid — “Schlong” Covid.

Well, okay. I don’t think it’s a knee-slapper, but that’s just me. As they say in marketing, “your results may vary.” But whether you like Tucker Carlson or not (and I’m not a fan), you must admit: the man knows how to troll the progressive media.


Chadwick Moore Has Thoughts on Monkeypox

If you watch Fox News at all, you’ve probably seen Chadwick Moore. He’s been a guest on Tucker Carlson’s program, as well as Greg Gutfeld’s late night show. Moore is a gay man who, like Dave Rubin and Rob Smith, is out of the closet and is also conservative.

And because he’s not only a gay man, but a New Yorker as well, Moore has thoughts on the Monkeypox issue.

He thinks it’s kind of funny.

Writing in The Spectator, Chadwick Moore calls Monkeypox what it is: a gay disease. First, he points out that the name is not racist, as some have claimed, nor is it a “black disease.” The Danish researchers who discovered the disease in 1958 first identified it in laboratory monkeys; hence, the name. Secondly, the current outbreak outside of Africa arose from a May, 2022, orgy in the UK. Imagine that.

So Chadwick Moore is not wringing his hands over a name. Nor the disease, either.

Moore also finds the gay community’s angst over Monkeypox to be hypocritical, especially when compared to Covid. He writes:

“The gay establishment’s allegiance to the Covid narrative exposed just how lockstep this community has become when enforcing the rules of authority. Covid was about allegiance to the state and powerful institutions — it was about cozying up to the liberal world order….” 

“It’s childlike. During Covid, busybody homosexuals clung to the teacher’s skirt, pointing fingers at everyone who was breaking the rules. Now, with their community in the crosshairs, they just want to be left alone to “make educated choices.”


The Saga of BabethePigBoi

As an example, Moore points out the story of how a California man — a “pleasant young man,” writes Moore, tongue-in-cheek — contracted Monkeypox. This fellow, who calls himself “BabethePigBoi” on Twitter, had just recovered from Covid and then went whole-hog back into partying, attending a “birthday orgy” on July 9. BabethePigBoi admitted he had sex with about 15-20 men. Not only that, but our hero apparently has a proclivity to consume the urine of his gay contacts.

But BabethePigBoi wasn’t done. No, he attended yet another orgy where he encountered another 15 men. The following Friday he hooked up with three more men, and on Saturday participated in a four-way.

What could possibly go wrong?

You know the answer: BabethePigBoi contracted Monkeypox. He documented his tale of woe on Twitter, which went viral, but then he took his account private. However, if you have a strong stomach, you can read all of his archived tweets here.

And what words of wisdom does BabethePigBoi offer for gay men who are at risk for Monkeypox? This:

“My 2 cents: it’s reductive to tell gay people to not have sex, it didn’t work in the early days of AIDS and clearly it’s not working now. But do your best to make educated choices, check your counties case numbers frequently, and if you can, avoid groups and anon encounters.”

Of course. Responsibility for your actions — what’s that? Dismissing personal behavior is standard operating procedure for progressives in the culture, from college girls who find themselves pregnant after meaningless hookups, to the obese who accuse doctors of “fat-shaming” when they’re advised to lose weight. It even goes all the way to the President, who blames Putin for the disastrous economy. Nothing is ever anyone’s responsibility, and there’s always someone else to blame.

Monkeypox and the wailing over its name show yet again that liberals don’t do adulting very well.


Featured image: naeim/Pixabay/cropped/free for use. 

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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  • NTSOG says:

    Today’s news reports deaths from the Monkey Pox in Brazil and Spain. I’m sure there will be more if ‘orgies’ are a common practice for so-called enlightened men. I do feel sorry for the monkeys of the planet whose name is being sullied by self-indulgent and self-adulating schlong dippers.

  • seagypsy says:

    I voted for “fart box fever”, sounds like a Ted Nugent parody.

  • NTSOG says:

    And from London Breed, Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco, comes another example of double speak so typical of progressive dictatorships around the world:

    “We know that this virus impacts everyone equally — but we also know that those in our LGBTQ community are at greater risk right now.”

    Well if those Alphabet folks are at greater risk who is it and what are they doing that places them ‘at risk’ and what might THEY do to reduce that risk?

    As for the rest of us the risk we face indirectly from Monkey Pox is due to the behaviour of said Alphabet men ‘dipping their wicks’ in each other.

    • GWB says:

      “We know that this virus impacts everyone equally — but we also know that those in our LGBTQ community are at greater risk right now.”
      That sentence is self-contradictory. It does not impact everyone equally if you pretty much have to be in the bathhouse/’pride’ scene to get it. This is not Covid. You can’t get it walking past a Pride Parade. You have to participate.

      And there are people who actually are so dull to critical thinking they will just nod and say, “Yeah, all of us are at risk, we better do something.”

      • Scott says:

        Sounds like the only folks that are at risk for reasons other than their own behavior, based on what we know of the spread of the disease, would be women involved unwittingly with bisexual men.. somehow I don’t see that being a large percentage of those involved…

  • GWB says:

    the New York City Council is demanding the World Health Organization give the disease a different name
    And, that right there is one of the idiocies of our age. Like the NYC Council has any leverage to ‘demand’ anything. The only right response (even for something as twisted and awful as WHO) is “And I’m supposed to care what you think… why?”

    the current outbreak outside of Africa arose from a May, 2022, orgy in the UK
    I could have sworn it was in Italy.

    Moore also finds the gay community’s angst over Monkeypox to be hypocritical
    We already knew that sort of thing from the AIDS epidemic, though.

    it’s reductive to tell gay people to not have sex
    Hmmm, maybe because most “gay” men are really just animalistic perverts who can’t control themselves? And are more representative than the handful who really meant it when they said “We just want to marry and be left alone”?

    Responsibility for your actions — what’s that?
    Yep. Hedonism is the primary pillar of Progressivism. It is that which drives the Progressive church in the west.

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