Urgency Is Evidently A White Supremacy Value

Urgency Is Evidently A White Supremacy Value

Urgency Is Evidently A White Supremacy Value

One must not indicate that a sense of urgency surrounds any issue or meeting within the Oregon Department of Health. Why? Because urgency is evidently a white supremacy value.

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is a government agency that coordinates medical care and social well-being in the Beaver State. During the pandemic, OHA was responsible for coordinating Oregon’s vaccination drive and disseminating information about COVID-19—both vital tasks.

The agency’s office for equity and inclusion, however, prefers not to rush the business of government. In fact, the office’s program manager delayed a meeting with partner organizations on the stated grounds that “urgency is a white supremacy value.”

In an email obtained by Reason, Regional Health Equity Coalition Program Manager Danielle Droppers informed the community that a scheduled conversation between OHA officials and relevant members of the public would not take place as planned.

“Thank you for your interest in attending the community conversation between Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs) and Community Advisory Councils (CACs) to discuss the Community Investment Collaboratives (CICs),” wrote Droppers. “We recognize that urgency is a white supremacy value that can get in the way of more intentional and thoughtful work, and we want to attend to this dynamic. Therefore, we will reach out at a later date to reschedule.”

Yes folks, you read that correctly. If the word urgency is used, then all work stops. What an utter waste of time and taxpayer dollars!

By this reasoning, can someone at the Oregon Health Authority please inform us peons as to which words are acceptable and which ones might ALSO have connotations of white supremacy? We need to know so we can help you attain a wonderful workplace all full of sweetness, light, rainbows, and unicorn farts. 

Keep in mind, with this meeting canceled over the use of the word URGENCY, the Oregon Health Authority has been urgently dealing with Covid since early 2020, and now there are supposedly more cases on the rise

The increased spread has prompted the Centers for Disease Control to raise the COVID-19 transmission risk level to high in most Oregon counties, including Oregon’s most populated places.

The Oregon Health Authority’s Dr. Paul Cieslak said he’s not surprised by the CDC’s take.

“A lot of people are getting COVID and they are spreading it to some people who are being hospitalized by it, probably predominantly people who have not been vaccinated or who are at risk of severe disease despite vaccination because of underlying health conditions,” he said.

Are employees of the OHA ALLOWED to use the word urgency when trying to inform the public that it’s critical to continue masking and get all those shots so that Covid will eventually go away? Is critical a good word or a bad word to use? How about severe? 

This is the lunacy that has overtaken our schools, colleges, corporations, and government agencies at all levels. 

Disney went woke on multiple levels, including its failure of a fight with Florida over the supposed “Don’t say gay” bill, and now has a major flop with Buzz Lightyear on its hands. 

Halifax Bank customers in the UK are closing accounts, moving their credit cards, mortgages, and investments after the bank demanded that their employees be addressed by their pronouns. 

For parents who objected at school board meetings after they realized their kids were having critical race theory and DEI shoveled at them, the Department of Justice labeled them terrorists. 

Now we come to this newest and latest example of the wokeness, diversity, equity, and inclusion lunacy. Meetings are only allowed in the workplace if the white supremacist word URGENCY isn’t used. 

Imagine this scenario, the pandemic is in full swing, Oregon is struggling with the response, and a meeting is called to get a handle on things and presumably save lives. Then said meeting is cancelled. WHY? Because the horribly white supremacist word URGENCY was uttered. 

Turns out, this determination of words that are white supremacist in manner and origin has been in the works since around 2001. See this from 2020.


Furthermore, in regards to the fact that urgency is a white supremacy value, this comes from a woman named Tema Okun, who believes that the characteristics of urgency, objectivity, paternalism, and even working hard are..white supremacist in nature. Guess what folks, this is a white woman telling us this.

Fact of the matter is, the Oregon Health Authority has agenda items that need to be addressed that are of higher priority than someone getting triggered by the use of the word urgency. They need to stop wasting time over petty word crap and do their job.

Feature Photo Credit: Time wasted signpost via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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