Tammy Bruce Filets Richard Blumenthal On Twitter, Delicious

Tammy Bruce Filets Richard Blumenthal On Twitter, Delicious

Tammy Bruce Filets Richard Blumenthal On Twitter, Delicious

Senator Richard Blumenthal (DaNang, CT) issued a threat to the Republicans on Twitter,regarding the next SCOTUS pick after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. DaNang Dick Blumenthal is a typical Twitter keyboard bully. The fearless Tammy Bruce fileted him, and it was a yummy delicious filet.

For years, Richard Blumenthal bragged about his Vietnam service. After getting multiple deferments, Blumenthal finally latched on to a spot in the Marine Reserves. He worked on Toys for Tots, a worthy cause, and rebuilt a campground. He held himself out as a Vietnam veteran. From the NY Times:

At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life.

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam.

Can you say “Stolen Valor”? Sure you can. I have no problem with anyone who got deferments for any reason. Those who took deferments probably saved lives, if you catch my drift. I do have a problem with claiming you were “there” when you were not. Instead of being humbled by being called out for his lie, Blumenthal has stayed the arrogant cyprinid that he is.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday night (May her memory be a blessing.) and immediately the speculation began about her replacement. Richard Blumenthal tweeted his threat:

Oh my, Dick. Recklessly and reprehensibly. How regrettable? But, radio host and Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce got out her filet knife and removed the bones from Dick Blumenthal.

Chef Tammy wasn’t done yet.

Bet Dick didn’t even feel the cuts.

Dick Blumenthal could learn a lesson in grace and class from President Donald Trump:

Caught off guard, Trump gave the perfect answer. He could have dinged Ginsburg for saying things about Trump that were not judicious. He didn’t.

Tammy Bruce is on it. The Democrats have tried to undermine every institution in our country. For months, they have been fomenting violence, and in some cases financing it. Tammy’s answer, “Or what?” is right. Or what, Dick? What have you got left? Tammy has more knives, I am sure.

Featured Image: Richard Blumenthal Official Portrait/Public Domain

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  • cirby says:

    It’s funny to see “nothing is off the table” change when they suddenly realize that the Republicans are sitting at the same table, with the exact same options – but with more resources and years of practice at the “bad” options.

    Like when Nancy Pelosi realized that people know where her house is, after that dude pooped in her driveway. “Hey, political violence is really, really wrong, please don’t burn my house down!”

  • Loretta says:

    I like this lady! You go gjrl!! Got my vote. We citizens are so tired of the Dems and their hatred!!! This Dem for these past 3 years ashamed of the party!! This election Proud to vote for President Trump!! And the whole team. Great Vice-President also!! Can’t wait til debates!!

  • Mary says:

    If it was possible, Tammy should replace RBG.

    • Windy Wilson says:

      Actually it is. There’s nothing that says a Supreme Court Justice has to be a judge, John Marshall, Earl Warren, and William Rehnquist were not judges before they were appointed to the Supreme Court.

      • Windy Wilson says:

        If Tammy Bruce has a law degree, it will make things easier. In the early days of the Republic law school was not a requirement, merely that a person have “read the law”.

        And it’s not like there is not precedent for people never having been judges before going to the Supreme Court. In California Rose Bird was appointed Supreme Court Justice by Jerry Brown. It was said she could find reversible error in any and every capital punishment case.

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