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Earlier we told you about Trump putting his foot in his mouth once again when he called taking the brunt of an IED explosion in an armored vehicle a “little ride.”
Some of us at Victory Girls have loved ones who have served or are currently serving in the military — a husband, brother, son, and in my case, a son-in-law — so this inane comment really boiled our blood.
It also caught the attention of wounded warrior J.R. Salzman, who lost his arm and nearly his life in an IED blast. He took to Twitter to address Trump’s comment.
Was Trump reiterating what someone else told him, or did he come with that on his own? It's wrong either way.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
He got immediate pushback, most likely from a Trump supporter. His response was the perfect squelch.
.@JamesLux Excuse me? I not only served, but lost an arm and half my hand to an IED. Did you? @AG_Conservative @GTHOMSE
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
The Trump supporter wouldn’t give up — Dear Leader’s honor was at stake. Or something.
.@JamesLux @BillPutnamPhoto @jenn_ruth @AG_Conservative @GTHOMSE I served. I was blown up. You werent. But keep lecturing everyone, champ.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
Salzman posted a picture of how his brand new armored Humvee looked after he took his “little ride.”
This is what my seat looked like after I took my "little ride" from an IED. It was a brand new armored humvee.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
He also talked about the “little rides” he took after the explosion.
I went for "a little ride" after I was hit by an IED. First to Baghdad, then Germany, then Walter Reed for 9 months.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
And the “little rides” he continues to take.
And now I regularly take "little rides" to the VA for treatment for my TBI, and to get my prosthetic arm fixed.
— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) February 1, 2016
Yes, those are quite the “little rides” J.R. Salzman has taken since being wounded. I wonder if he would liken them to . . . say, Disney World. Maybe Six Flags?
But Donald Trump absolutely knows what he’s talking about when it comes to our military. He’s fit to be Commander-in-Chief from Day One. After all, he said just last year that the time he spent in a pricey New York military prep school was like serving in the actual military, despite the fact that he received several draft deferments from serving in Vietnam.
The hard truth is that Donald J. Trump is not fit to shine J.R. Salzman’s boots. “Little ride,” indeed.
Every attempt Trump has made to cozy up to veterans has just disgraced him further. He needs to go.
If ever this veteran has occasion to meet Trump, rest assured I will instruct him to kiss my rosy red arse.