The 2016 Election and The Anger Surrounding Trump: Why Situational Awareness Is Important

The 2016 Election and The Anger Surrounding Trump: Why Situational Awareness Is Important

The 2016 Election and The Anger Surrounding Trump: Why Situational Awareness Is Important

Since National Review’s Against Trump series unraveled, there has been more chaos added to the mix of the upcoming Iowa caucuses and inevitable for Election 2016. In the words of Jonah Goldberg:

…the fecal matter hit the rotor blades.

As a proud jet wife, I always love a good aviation reference. I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning… and in my laundry room. The good, strong smell of angry jet fuel. In all of this haze of those against Trump and those rallying to his side, we’ve Lost The Bubble (got confused as to what is really happening here) and some have lost their SA (situational awareness) big time.

Goldberg questions in his piece, which can be read here, why he has to support Trump if he is the Republican frontrunner and brings up an argument I’ve heard time and time again with regard to supporting Trump:

(On anti-establishment) Some reply, oh no, it shows that the people are angry! I hear this all the time. And I agree. And I’m angry too. But you know what? Being angry is not a frick’n argument. I’m angry that Washington has drowned the country in debt. I’m angry that Obama has been a failure. I’m also angry that broccoli doesn’t taste like chicken and that Fox canceled Firefly. Being angry is probably a necessary condition for fixing a lot of problems, but it isn’t sufficient to the task. And it isn’t a particularly powerful defense of Donald Trump.

Trumps super-bombastic remarks have been the source of anger with the Dump Trump lot as well as GOP supporters. Trump speaks like an angry New Yorker and holds back nothing. His anger, to some, is promise. His anger is the contradiction the the wussifying of the United States that GOP supporters see as a prominent theme on the Democratic side, and as a gradual progression of the past 8 years of the Obama administration. This is the jet fuel needed to send this aircraft into space, but if we’re not careful, we’ll be looking for the black box and the smoking hole before too long.

So, Trump throws a tantrum, critics of the editors of The National Review throw tantrums, anti-Trump liberals throw tantrums… and this gets us where?

Yep. That makes things sooo much better, doesn’t it?

If you’re looking for deep political analysis here, I’m not flying into that storm right now. Forgive me for channeling my hearts and flowers — I may have been living in the hippie-dippie Pacific Northwest too long — but I am going to wax philosophic for a moment, so please don’t go all up on the governor on me. There’s a whole lotta anger going on and this anger is getting individuals who should be on the same side all spooled up at the speed of heat. You’ve got Trump supporters who think he’s Sierra Hotel (Sh*t Hot) with fangs out, the Delta Sierra (D is for Dumb and you already know what ‘Sierra’ stands for here) celebrities who are angry and speaking out against Trump, and you’ve got Republicans who should be united arguing amongst themselves and in public arenas creating one big, huge CF (cluster —-)!

Yes, the fecal matter has hit the rotor blades, but we cannot afford to have a campaign with bad fuel in our tank while we fly through the goo, folks. We just can’t. If we think Bernie and Hillary and their supporters are not enjoying this, we are dead wrong. Just this past week, an Alaska Airlines pilot was charged with flying drunk. The FAA does not like drunk pilots. We cannot afford to be drunk at the controls here. This jet can crash and go down and (as some fighter pilots may put it) “back to the taxpayers” (and we already have enough on our plate).

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