Hey Schumer, Busting the Filibuster Will Backfire

Hey Schumer, Busting the Filibuster Will Backfire

Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans on busting the filibuster. Yet in a rare moment of playing offense instead of defense in politics, Senate Republicans came…

Democrats Embrace China’s Definition of Democracy

Democrats Embrace China’s Definition of Democracy

If the cynical use of the Neckbeard Riot of Jan 6 by Democrats wasn’t enough to convince you of their goal to disenfranchise 75 million Americans who…

Buttigieg Decides He Should Look At The Supply Chain

Buttigieg Decides He Should Look At The Supply Chain

Wow. If this awesome display of leadership from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is any indication, our troubles are over!

AOC Gets COVID, But No One Is Worried

AOC Gets COVID, But No One Is Worried

It was a moment of schadenfreude for many as the news broke across Twitter. “AOC has COVID, pass it on!”

Salon Twists Washington’s Farewell Address

Salon Twists Washington’s Farewell Address

George Washington’s Farewell Address is one of those enduring American documents which stands for all time. Yet a Salon writer is using it as a screed to…

Mass Formation Psychosis is a Way to Say Moral Panic

Mass Formation Psychosis is a Way to Say Moral Panic

“Mass formation psychosis” is the trigger phrase of the moment. The Left has gone into hyperdrive over it ever since Dr. Robert Malone uttered the phrase on…

The Hill: Unvaccinated Americans Need To Be Accountable

The Hill: Unvaccinated Americans Need To Be Accountable

Just this morning, The Hill published a piece from “Opinion Contributor”, Glenn C. Altschuler. Who is Glenn C. Altschuler? He’s a professor of American Studies at Cornell…

The Military Suicide Epidemic

The Military Suicide Epidemic

The suicide epidemic within our nation’s military is worse than we all thought. It isn’t just the veterans who are committing suicide in greater numbers, it is…

Biden White House Brags On Weak Job Numbers

Biden White House Brags On Weak Job Numbers

The political spin never stops for the Biden White House.

King Inslee’s Delusional Posturing On Lying Crimes

King Inslee’s Delusional Posturing On Lying Crimes

In the foggy, rainy land of Bigfoot, evergreen trees and meandering mountain passes lives a governor who thinks himself to be a king. His name, known across…

Biden Shuffle in CO Won’t Get Burned Homes Rebuilt

Biden Shuffle in CO Won’t Get Burned Homes Rebuilt

FICUS Biden’s handlers have an election to steal this November. In the meantime, they have to make sure Creepy Joe at least looks like a caring human…

Covid Treatments Rationed By Race

Covid Treatments Rationed By Race

Rationed by race. That is how far too many hospitals and states are rationing treatment of those ill with Covid. In other words, the criteria for care…

Pelosi Announces State Of The Union; Is Biden Ready?

Pelosi Announces State Of The Union; Is Biden Ready?

It’s official – Nancy Pelosi has invited Joe Biden to give his State of the Union address.

Nick Kristof Learns Why You Never Quit Your Day Job

Nick Kristof Learns Why You Never Quit Your Day Job

Former New York Times columnist Nick Kristof apparently had a dream. It involved going back to his roots in Oregon and becoming governor.

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial…

Ted Cruz On Tucker To Explain His Violent Terrorist Attack Comment

Ted Cruz On Tucker To Explain His Violent Terrorist Attack Comment

Ted Cruz has been a hero of the right for a long time. He’s smart and he can out argue anyone. He’s rock solid on The Constitution….

The End Goal Of Joe Biden’s Incendiary January 6 Speech

The End Goal Of Joe Biden’s Incendiary January 6 Speech

Remember way back in the olden days on January 20, 2021 when Creepy Joe Biden promised to be a uniter not a divider? There is nothing he…

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Ava Gardner