Georgia Governor Hits Biden And Stacey Abrams On MLB

Georgia Governor Hits Biden And Stacey Abrams On MLB

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, used his Saturday press conference to hit Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams on the loss of the Major League Baseball All Star Game…

Church: Marcotte Blames Religious Right For Mass Exodus

Church: Marcotte Blames Religious Right For Mass Exodus

It’s no secret that Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte hates Conservatives. It’s no secret Salon‘s Amanda Marcotte hates Christians, either. In a most recent post penned by the woman…

Capitol Shooter Background Is Inconvenient For The Left

Capitol Shooter Background Is Inconvenient For The Left

The background of the Capitol shooter is of supreme inconvenience to the left. Within an hour of the shooting, the media is reporting on anything and everything…

Colorado Bill Will Legalize Crime In Schools

Colorado Bill Will Legalize Crime In Schools

Legalize crime in schools? It’s on track to become a reality if Colorado’s SB-182 passes and is signed into law by Governor Jared Polis.

AOC Has More Solutions To Border Surge

AOC Has More Solutions To Border Surge

Although we should not be calling the border surge a “surge” (because, like, insurgents or something, she says) or call the border surge a crisis, AOC has…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.” ~~ Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Clyburn Peeved At Manchin For Not Supporting Voting Right Bill

Clyburn Peeved At Manchin For Not Supporting Voting Right Bill

Long time South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, who gave us Dementia Joe Biden, is quite peeved with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin for not supporting H.R. 1….

Latinx Activists Say No To Deporter-In-Chief Obama

Latinx Activists Say No To Deporter-In-Chief Obama

Obama, the Deporter-In-Chief is canceled. His record on kids in cages and deportations while he was President is coming back to haunt him.

School Board Member Sues For Spiritual Damage To Her Soul

School Board Member Sues For Spiritual Damage To Her Soul

A San Francisco school board member refused to resign from her position after a bunch of anti-Asian Tweets surfaced on her Twitter account. But despite the hateful,…

Biden Spendapalooza Does Not Please Ocasio-Cortez

Biden Spendapalooza Does Not Please Ocasio-Cortez

On Wednesday near Pittsburgh, President Joe Biden unveiled a whopping infrastructure plan that carries a price tag of over $2 trillion dollars. He called it “big” and “bold,”…

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Ava Gardner