Remember Them and Salute Them This Memorial Day

Remember Them and Salute Them This Memorial Day

Every year on Memorial Day, I give a few moments of my time to say the names of some of my brothers and sisters who have passed…

From The VG Bookshelf: Sacred Duty by Senator Tom Cotton

From The VG Bookshelf: Sacred Duty by Senator Tom Cotton

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is an Army veteran who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Between his tours, however, he was assigned to the famed “Old Guard,”…

The Individual Stories Of Memorial Day

The Individual Stories Of Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day where we, as a nation, stop and pause to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice: their lives for our freedoms.

Maureen Dowd v. Trump; Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Maureen Dowd v. Trump; Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Maureen Dowd, of the New York Times, is at it again. Her latest column about Donald Trump, “Crazy Is As Crazy Does”, tells us way more about…

Alabama Ends Marriage

Alabama Ends Marriage

Well, the title of this piece is not quite right. However, in response to the legalization of same-sex marriages by the Supreme Court in 2015, Alabama lawmakers…

Slurring Pelosi Is Now A “Fashion Icon”

Slurring Pelosi Is Now A “Fashion Icon”

Slurring your sentences? Been a victim of too many Botox treatments and fillers? Have slipping dentures? You, too can be a “fashion icon” like Slurring Nancy Pelosi!

Rolling Thunder Motorcycles Will Ride In D.C. For The Last Time

Rolling Thunder Motorcycles Will Ride In D.C. For The Last Time

Tomorrow will be the last time Washington D.C. will hear the rumble of thousands of motorcycles, as this is the last year for the Rolling Thunder D.C….

Why Does France Keep Getting Attacked?

Why Does France Keep Getting Attacked?

For those who haven’t heard, France has been attacked again. At least 13 people were injured in an explosion in the French town of Lyon yesterday, putting…

Abortionists File Lawsuit Against Alabama Abortion Ban

Abortionists File Lawsuit Against Alabama Abortion Ban

Now it starts. After screaming feminists held protests all across the nation, afraid that they would lose the right to kill their unborn children, abortionists set out…

Tornadoes: AOC’s New Climate Change Boogeyman

Tornadoes: AOC’s New Climate Change Boogeyman

Both my husband and I are native Midwesterners — I grew up near Chicago, he in Wichita, KS. We now live in the Kansas City metro, so…

Stelter Claims He Didn’t Really Love Avenatti

Stelter Claims He Didn’t Really Love Avenatti

Brian Stelter of CNN is trying a teenage girl excuse to get out of trouble for having a big ol’ crush on Michael Avenatti.

Adam Schiff Says Trump’s Declassification Memo Is ‘Un-American’

Adam Schiff Says Trump’s Declassification Memo Is ‘Un-American’

Trump issued a detailed memorandum last night in which he directed all U.S. intelligence agencies to cooperate fully with Attorney General William Barr’s spy gate investigation. Furthermore,…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.” C. S….

Assange Charged With Espionage And Media Rushes To Protect Their ‘Journalist’

Assange Charged With Espionage And Media Rushes To Protect Their ‘Journalist’

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange is in big trouble. First Ecuador kicked him out of their embassy. Secondly, his chickens are coming home to roost. The Department of…

Lauren Underwood Accuses DHS Of Intentionally Killing Migrant Children

Lauren Underwood Accuses DHS Of Intentionally Killing Migrant Children

The news of a 6th child dying while in DHS custody sent the media and Democrats into a tizzy. Fingers of blame were once again pointed at…

Typhus and Sky-High Trash Plague Los Angeles

Typhus and Sky-High Trash Plague Los Angeles

California. Home of swimming pools, movie stars and now Typhus. Despite the City of Los Angeles’ effort to clean up “sky-high” piles of trash near Skid Row…

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

They New York Times goes all in on their support for killing unborn babies. A recent Op-Ed by a late term abortion provider about the “dangers” of…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner