Unless you are living off the grid or have ignored any and all social media these last few weeks, you’d know that today is the idiotic #ADayWithoutAWoman…
Alas comes another day of virtue signaling complete with left-leaning publications telling us what we should do on this day to show solidarity for the “sistahood”. From…
It sounds like a great idea. More competition leads to lower prices. It’s the free market in action, right? President Trump is onboard with it. Don't worry,…
If you are like any other person who tried to read the GOP House bill to replace Obamacare yesterday (here, if you care to try), and went…
Some schools are actually going to be closed on Wednesday for the “Day Without A Woman” strike. Why? Well, because teachers are primarily women, and there are…
While the media cycle furiously churns about Trump pointing the finger for wiretapping at Obama and his administration, North Korea decided to shoot off a few missiles….
This Wednesday the Leftwing March for Women collective (the intellectual giants known for their knitted pussy hats and vulva costumes) has called for a General Strike: A…
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, college graduates used to be able to separate reality from fantasy. Not so for the Princeton class…
While the President Trump wiretap story was sucking all the air out of the internet, this video began going viral. It’s a cell phone video taken by a…
I got a good chuckle out of an article this morning on Salon that discusses and offers up a complete six-step plan. In this piece, the author…
A college professor in Vermont was attacked by a group of college students who were protesting a speaker whose views were unpopular with the liberal student body….
We’ve heard a lot about what seems to be a pretty innocuous meeting between former Senator, now Attorney General, Jeff Sessions and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak….
The Mainstream Media, Democrats and “The Deep State” are all positively giddy with the news that Vice President Mike Pence used a private email account to conduct…
Missouri Democrat Senator Clair McCaskill is in high dudgeon over the Jeff Sessions controversy. She sanctimoniously tweeted out how she never ever met with any Russian ambassador…
Leadership changes at work are always “fun” and a challenge. It takes a while for the culture in the company and the culture the new management team…
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