Donald Trump continues to speak his mind about illegal Mexican immigration, today accusing the Mexican government of using the United States as a dumping ground for the “worst…
If strict gun control would truly solve everything, then why is Chicago such a violent wreck? Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, 9 people were killed…
The socialist Syriza government of Greece is projecting that austerity referendum is being soundly rejected by the Greek people. Early returns in the historic referendum showed the…
Fireworks were exploding over American skies last night to commemorate Independence Day, but the explosions were not limited to the heavens. They were detonating among Republican presidential…
This Independence Day, America is recovering from a few weeks of Democrat revelry in the shredding of the Constitution. Our freedoms are being trampled in the name…
Good morning patriots! I thought in honor of the birthday of our nation, I would share with you some beauty. Let us start with the beauty of…
This morning, Victory Girls writer and co-founder Cassy Fiano Chesser, and her husband Matt, welcomed their second daughter Clara into their loving family. She was born at…
Openly-gay actor George Takei went on a shocking and often incoherent rant in an interview with a Phoenix TV station, calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “a clown…
The Democrat tally is now officially up to five. Jim Webb, former senator from Virginia, has announced today that he is in the running for the Democratic…
I’m so sick of the Left’s orchestrated outrage when confronted with facts. They get their panties up in a wad over everything that doesn’t further their progressive…
While Americans were fussing about flags and gay marriage, Daesh was doing their sick perverted version of an outreach. Normal people do things like open houses, Vacation Bible…
Last night, the State Department released the first of several document dumps to the media and world. Why is this of interest you ask? Well, the documents…
Be alert and be aware. Former Homeland Security Secretary, Tom Ridge took to Fox News earlier this week to state that the terror warnings of lone wolf…
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