Happy Halloween from the Victory Girls Blog!

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
~An Old Scottish Saying~

Eat, drink, and be scary!

Stephen Green Becomes the First Parish Councillor in the UK with Down Syndrome

Stephen Green lives in Nottinghamshire, in England, with his father. He’s 47 years old, and he was recently elected to serve on the Nuthall Parish Council. He…

Yep.  Abby’s Tired of Bronco Obama and Mitt Romney  (Video)

Yep. Abby’s Tired of Bronco Obama and Mitt Romney (Video)

This is possibly the greatest YouTube video ever and I suspect if I were in a swing state, I would feel just like Abby.

MSNBC Criticizes Romney for Holding a Storm Relief Drive for Victims of Sandy

Uh, excuse me sir, but your bias is showing. Since the East Coast was pummeled by Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have called off campaigning….

Seriously?? THIS is the New Obama Slogan? (Photo)

“FORWARD” has been Team Obama’s slogan for the entire campaign. However, in these last remaining days, they’ve introduced a new Obama slogan: it’s now “FORWARD!”. Yep, they…

Woman Steals from Handicapped, Partially Blind, Wheelchair-Bound Woman, Named Democrat of the Year

If you ever wondered why Democrats are commonly referred to as “corruptocrats” and thieves, there’s a perfect example in Jefferson County, Colorado. Estelle Carson was accused of…

New Michael Moore Ad Features Elderly Woman Threatening to “Cock Punch” Romney if Elected

New Michael Moore Ad Features Elderly Woman Threatening to “Cock Punch” Romney if Elected

OK — we all know that this threat isn’t literal. (Or hope, anyway.) Still, this is one of the most vile, disgusting political ads in recent history….

New York Flooding, People Dying, and Obama’s Campaigning

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Hurricane Sandy is currently being blamed for 16 deaths. Over 7 million people in New York City are without power. Much…

How Shocking: Labor Department to Delay Jobs Report Until After the Election

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? And the crisis at hand is Hurricane Sandy. It’s only a little over a week until the election,…

Single Mom Lies to the Air Force, Plays Victim Card When She’s Kicked Out

Rebecca Edmonds is a Navy brat who says she always wanted to serve in the military. She participated in ROTC, and the Air Force offered her a…

“The Children of the Future” Sing Creepy Songs of Dear Leader Obama  (Video) and Saturday Links!

“The Children of the Future” Sing Creepy Songs of Dear Leader Obama (Video) and Saturday Links!

Children of the Corn? Village of the Damned? Stepford Children? Whatever it is, it’s wrong, and you will not enjoy this. *Shudder* This is sad, disgusting and…

Another Benghazi Gut Punch: Megyn Kelly’s Interview with Dead Navy Seal’s Dad, Charles Wood (Video)

Charlie Woods is the father of former U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who died in the terrorist attack in Benghazi and he wants answers. He was interviewed…

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

As if the debacle that was Benghazi couldn’t get any worse, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin drops this bombshell: CIA officials on the ground in Benghazi during the…

Biden to Fallen SEAL Tyrone Woods’ Father: “Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?”

If you needed a primer on how little the Obama administration cares for our fallen or their families, all you’d need to do was look at how…

Obama Wants Your Daughter’s Virginity

Obama Wants Your Daughter’s Virginity

As if Barack Obama couldn’t get any more desperate, he’s now resorted to sexual double entendres to try to win votes. Obama’s newest ad stars Lena Dunham,…

Ted Turner: Gosh, It Sure is a Good Thing So Many of Our Troops Commit Suicide!

No, really. The douchebag actually said that. I don’t care what his reasoning behind these comments were. They’re so vile and disgusting that nothing could excuse them….

Obama: Male Politicians Shouldn’t Make Decisions on Abortion

In typical liberal (and pro-abortion) fashion, Obama has chimed in on abortion to say that male politicians shouldn’t weigh in on abortion. Why is it typical liberal…

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Ava Gardner