Wendy Davis is Pretending to Support 20-Week Abortion Bans

Wendy Davis is Pretending to Support 20-Week Abortion Bans

Last summer, Wendy Davis famously stood in front of the Texas legislature for eleven hours, filibustering a bill that would outlaw abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The majority of Texans supported the bill. The majority of Americans support late-term abortion bans, too — including women. Yet Davis stood there for hours and hours, fighting tooth and nail to give women the right to kill their babies up until the moment of birth. Backed by throngs of screaming pro-abortion supporters, the cries for her to run for governor came fast and loud.

Unfortunately, Davis proved to be an amateur on a larger stage. She’s been pedaling those pink sneakers backwards as fast as she can, as she’s been finding out more and more that she’s completely out of touch with Texas voters. She originally claimed to be all for gun control, but then decided that she actually loved guns. She laughably tried to claim that she was pro-life, and also claimed that she was against late-term abortions. While it was her publicity stunt that launched her into the national spotlight, she has tried to keep that quiet, not even mentioning it on her campaign website. And who can forget her bio debacle that made her a national laughingstock?

Now Davis is trying to pull the wool over Texans’ eyes again, claiming now that she’s all for a 20-week abortion ban. Her only stipulation is that the ban leave exceptions for babies with disabilities and… be completely up to the woman and her doctor. So basically, it’s an abortion ban that bans absolutely nothing.

Davis, a Fort Worth senator and the likely Democratic nominee for governor, told The Dallas Morning News’ editorial board that less than one-half of 1 percent of Texas abortions occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Most of those were in cases where fetal abnormalities were evident or there were grave risks to the health of the woman.

“I would line up with most people in Texas who would prefer that that’s not something that happens outside of those two arenas,” Davis said.

But the Democrat said the state’s new abortion law didn’t give priority to women in those circumstances. The law allows for exceptions for fetal abnormalities and a threat to the woman’s life, but Davis said those didn’t go far enough.

“My concern, even in the way the 20-week ban was written in this particular bill, was that it didn’t give enough deference between a woman and her doctor making this difficult decision, and instead tried to legislatively define what it was,” Davis said.

So best case scenario, Davis is arguing for using abortion as a form of eugenics. She’s also arguing that she would support a “ban” that would still allow women to get late-term abortions. She’s flip-flopping so much that pretty soon, John Kerry will be calling her for tips.

The real question, though, is how this will affect her support among her fervent pro-abortion supporters. Most of her support during the filibuster came from outside of Texas, provided by Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. That trend has continued through the election, with a large portion of her donations coming from out of state. She’s being backed by the likes of NARAL, Emily’s List, and Planned Parenthood. How are they going to take her backtracking? How will they feel about their abortion superstar not wanting to take center stage as a pro-abortion warrior anymore? It could spell big trouble for Wendy Davis. After all, without their support, she’s got no supporters at all.

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