Vivek Ramaswamy Racks Up Wins Against The Media

Vivek Ramaswamy Racks Up Wins Against The Media

Vivek Ramaswamy Racks Up Wins Against The Media

Vivek Ramaswamy is in an odd position. He really should drop out of the Republican presidential primary. But he’s doing an excellent job exposing the media’s biases with his quick answers and long memory.

While his days still in the running for president are nearing their end – the numbers and the support simply aren’t there for Vivek Ramaswamy – his skill in thinking on his feet and dissecting the media is something that the right very much needs. When the media is his target, it seems Vivek is at his best. The moment this last Wednesday when he absolutely flattened a Washington Post reporter over “condemning white supremacy” went viral for a reason.

The exchange stemmed from Vivek Ramaswamy getting the endorsement of former Iowa congressman Steve King – who Republicans openly shunned after he made racial comments back in 2019, and then lost his seat in the House – was a lot longer than the viral moment.

“Of course I condemn any form of vicious racial discrimination in this country. But I think that the presumption of your question is fundamentally based on a falsehood that really is the main form of racial discrimination we see in this country today,” he told the Washington Post reporter during a campaign event in Scott County, Iowa.

“Institutionalized racism is institutionalized racial discrimination that we see that doesn’t come from somehow discriminating against people on the basis of some tentative white supremacy. It’s based on affirmative action. It’s based on actually discriminating against people on the color of their skin in a way that’s actually institutionalized today,” Ramaswamy added.

The Washington Post reporter then jumped in, telling the GOP candidate, “You didn’t say that you condemn white supremacy.”

To which, Ramaswamy fired back, “I’m not I’m not gonna recite some catechism for you,” reiterating that he’s “against vicious racial discrimination in this country.”

“I’m not pledging allegiance to your new religion of modern wokeism,” the increasingly agitated White House hopeful went on, accusing the reporter of asking a “stupid question.”

“You want to know what the best way is to end discrimination on the basis of race? Stop discriminating on the basis of race – do that and we’re going to move this country forward,” Ramaswamy argued.

To no one’s surprise, the reporter did what Vivek said she would do, and said that he would not condemn white supremacy. The media just cannot help themselves – so she got a lovely little Community Note attached.

And here is where Vivek Ramaswamy has the media completely figured out. They cannot move beyond their script, and so he absolutely has NBC’s Dasha Burns tied in knots when SHE tries to pin him down on getting him to “condemn white supremacy.”

I guess this is Dasha Burns’ attempt to show her loyalty to political correctness after daring to tell some truths during the last election cycle about John Fetterman. She learned her lesson and knows better than to stray off script now, lest she earn the wrath of someone like Gisele Fetterman again. Except she got her butt handed to her by Vivek Ramaswamy, and they both knew it.

But Vivek wasn’t done! The media is such a rich target, and he may have finally found his wheelhouse.

The full tweet reads:

The media endlessly hyped stories about “white supremacy” and “extremism” in the U.S. military for years. Was it true? Nope. It was a total joke with no basis in fact. In fact the Biden administration commissioned a report that found extremism was nonexistent and then shamefully buried it by releasing it on the day after Christmas. I’m calling on the following news organizations to retract and apologize for their smears of American service members as white supremacists. @nbcnews @axios @bostonglobe @vice

He also then posted the links to each outlet’s article in a thread, so he brought the receipts.

Now, I could watch the media get pasted with egg on their faces all day long, so I’m definitely enjoying the show that Vivek Ramaswamy is putting on here. And other people are noticing, too – and suggesting that there might be a role for him in a future Republican administration.

The fact that Ramaswamy said that the question was “stupid” is what caught my attention. That is exactly how Republicans — no matter how new they are to the party — should deal with these things. The Coastal Media Bubble Democratic advocates truly believe that they’re intellectually superior to their audience. In reality, most of them need detailed instructions for the removal of sweatpants.

Republican politicians — aspiring or elected — need to learn how to say, “Wow, you’re an idiot,” to a hostile press. As most of you know, I have been writing about liberal bias in the mainstream media for over 20 years. I have seen waves of Republicans come through Washington who can’t grasp that The New York Times and WaPo will still brutalize them no matter how much you-know-what-kissing they do.

For the 14 people out there who are Ramaswamy fans: he’s not going to be president. I do see that he has a role to play in a future Republican administration, however. If a Republican does win back the White House, toss the press secretary gig to Vivek right away.

I’m already enjoying the thought of him saying, “Stupid question,” with the frequency that Biden’s former Spokesditz Jen Psaki said, “Circle back.”

After watching Karine Jean-Pierre stumble her way through press briefings – to the point that John Kirby was basically brought in to be her backup and job-share the position – having Vivek Ramaswamy as press secretary would be refreshing and hilarious. And the White House press corps (with the exception of Peter Doocy) would hate every second of it, which would make it even MORE enjoyable.

We are ten days out from the Iowa caucuses. Once the votes are tallied in that state, the odds that Vivek Ramaswamy has a path forward are pretty much zero. It’s time for him to pivot and do something he’s very good at – and embarrassing the media by being quick with his answers looks to be one of his skills that should definitely be used going forward.

Featured image: Vivek Ramaswamy by Gage Skidmore, cropped, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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  • Cameron says:

    The media is the enemy and you don’t hate them enough. At least Vivek understands that and reacts properly.

  • Bobsandiego says:

    Riveting exchange between Vivek and Dasha! Hurray for this bravery born out of understanding the true nature of racism in America. Reminds me of Larry Elder. Carry on Deanna Fisher!

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