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Trump Veepstakes Is A Serious Parlor Game

Trump Veepstakes Is A Serious Parlor Game

Trump  Veepstakes Is A Serious Parlor Game

It’s time for that ever-so-popular quadrennial parlor game, who will fill-in-the-blank __________ pick for Vice President? Usually the purview of political nerds and talking heads. Donald Trump will be a lame-duck as soon as he is inaugurated and his Vice-President needs to beginning running for 2028 AND be a loyal -hardworking Vice-President at the same time. This time, it’s too important. The Republic is at stake. The choice must be a wise one. Let the Trump Veepstakes begin.

Donald Trump loves to keep people guessing, to gig the establishment and send the Bloodhounds down false trails. As our Carol wrote, are we being punked with some of these names? Who can blame him? The Never Trumpers, especially, think Trump is stupid, so he might as well play with them. The Daily Wire wrote about his two latest: South Carolina’s Junior Senator Tim Scott and Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, the very telegenic, current Conservative IT girl. They are also-rans in my Trump Veepstakes, but let’s see what the Daily Wire has to say:

Former President Donald Trump named two people during an interview over the weekend when asked about who he is considering to be his vice presidential running mate.

Trump mentioned Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem when asked during a Sunday interview with Maria Bartiromo about who he was considering.

Hmmm. Let’s see:

The best part of that video was Trump thinking of the Veep as President and that the RFK, Jr. as Veep story was false. That’s a non-starter. Kristi Noem and Tim Scott? Sorry, but those are laughable. These may be digs at Governor Nikki Haley, who is still running. Haley appointed Tim Scott to the Senate, although he has since won on his own. Kristi Noem has the same kind of rumors dogging her that dog Nikki Haley so, um, that’s another knife to the ribs.

Trump also told Bartiromo:

“Well, I have a lot of good people. We have a lot of really good people,” Trump said. “I have a lot of good ideas, but I haven’t — and there’s no reason to do that quickly.”

He said that he would not make the decision for “a while,” adding that the top thing that he wants in his vice president is someone who would be a good president.

And former adviser Kellyanne Conway thinks that Trump should pick a person of color and added this to the Trump Veepstakes:

Kellyanne Conway, a former senior adviser to former President Trump, posited in an op-ed published Monday that he should choose a person of color to be his running mate upon clinching the Republican nomination.

Conway, who was Trump’s 2016 campaign manager and later his counselor in the White House, listed Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) among the options.


“With a crisis on the border, economic dissatisfaction, fears about crime, a parents’ rights renaissance and multiple wars and threats across the globe, Mr. Trump’s deputy must be able to navigate chaos and challenges at home and abroad,” Conway wrote.
She also argued Trump’s running mate would need to be able to “mitigate the damage and turn the tables” on the issue of abortion. Democrats have racked up several key electoral victories in the roughly two years since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.

“Taking all of this into consideration, if I were advising Mr. Trump, I would suggest he choose a person of color as his running mate, depending on vetting of all possibilities and satisfaction of procedural issues like dual residency in Florida,” Conway wrote. “Not for identity politics a la the Democrats, but as an equal helping to lead an America First movement that includes more union workers, independents, first-time voters, veterans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and African Americans.”

Identity Politics no matter what she said. Look, Tim Scott is too nice, Marco Rubio doesn’t have it. Love the guy, but he couldn’t sell ice in the desert. Congressman Byron Donalds is wonderful, but too young and not ready.

My pick is Ron DeSantis in the Trump Veepstakes. Five minutes after DeSantis paused his Presidential Campaign, he looked so happy. I think he had too many advisors in his ears. He would make a great Vice President, ready to lead on Day One and ready to spin up his 2028 Presidential run.

Trump should be bold. Two White guys is a totally bold move. But, keep Donalds closed. He is smart and he is a killer. Just what we need.

Featured Composite: All Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • Hmm. I’ll have to take a closer look at Scott in the debates and what I can find of him in the Senate, before I agree with the “too nice” assessment.

    It’s awfully hard to show that you are an ace pilot when the Migs all ignore you.

  • GWB says:

    I’m just going to say that the horse race drama for years leading up to the election is so much of what is wrong with our country today. The petty vendettas, the drama over what is considered to be a worthless job, the sniping and personal gotchas… everything.

    If we could just restrict our government to its Constitutional authorities and responsibilities, this stuff would go away. If we don’t believe in our President as a Mighty Savior to lead our country and deliver us from all of the ills of the world and provide us meaning and substance, then we might be able to say, “Oh! It’s an election year? I had better study up on the candidates this week.” And Reps and Senators could go back to a nice sinecure without doing much work. (I’m a BIG fan of “Don’t just do something! Stand there!”)

    I loathe celebrities for the most part, and I only have one Savior and King (and He isn’t lowering Himself to run for elected office). When we can start electing Grover Clevelands again, life will be much saner.

  • REDACTED says:

    Youngkin with a possible Tuca

    • GWB says:

      I wouldn’t mind Tuco for President (though he doesn’t meet the Constitutional criteria).
      “When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”

  • John Shepherd says:

    The Ron DeSamtis fantasy lives on. Sorry Toni, Trump blew that bridge up. When he folded his campaign DeSantis said he will support the Party’s nominee as had previously promised to do. Does that sound like someone who want be the next Mike Pence? Mean tweets have a cost.

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