Trump Not Warned About Covid-19 In November

Trump Not Warned About Covid-19 In November

Trump Not Warned About Covid-19 In November

It was the hot “gotcha” question of the White House Coronavirus Task Force press conference on Wednesday. Was President Trump given intelligence about the outbreak of a virus in Wuhan, China in November of 2019? You could almost smell the blood in the water. The press finally caught Donald Trump with blood on his hands from the deaths of Americans killed by Covid-19. Except, once again, it was wrong.

Before the press conference began, news sites were publishing articles based on unnamed sources and commented on by Never Trumpers and experts from previous administrations. ABC News reported:

As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.

Four unnamed sources, of course. These unnamed sources said that it could be a “cataclysmic event”. The article cites the National Center for Medical Intelligence. A quick search and I found out that the National Center for Medical Intelligence was established and dedicated in 2008, at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The goal was to be the premier collector and analyzer of medical intelligence from around the globe. Again, from ABC News:

The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images. It raised alarms because an out-of-control disease would pose a serious threat to U.S. forces in Asia — forces that depend on the NCMI’s work. And it paints a picture of an American government that could have ramped up mitigation and containment efforts far earlier to prepare for a crisis poised to come home.

White House reporter Cecilia Vega broke the story on Good Morning America with Michael Strahan, and the report sounds devastating:

And, Miss Vega did ask about it at the Task Force press conference. These people won’t even try to commit an act of Journalism.

The always smug Bill Kristol weighed in:

ABC News wasn’t alone. CNN also breathlessly reported Trump’s alleged, fecklessness. Although to be fair, CNN added a wiggle word:

US spy agencies were tracking the rise of the novel coronavirus as early as November, weeks before that information was included in President Donald Trump’s daily intelligence briefing, a former US military official told CNN.

While the exact date of the first report remains unclear, sources told CNN that intelligence gathered in November and in the weeks following offered multiple early warnings about the potential severity of the pandemic now surging in the US.

The exact date was unclear because it was fake news. Colonel (Doctor) R. Shane Day, Director of the National Center For Medical Intelligence took the unusual step of issuing a statement:

“As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on particular intelligence issues,” he stated. “Nonetheless, in the curiosity of transparency through this present general public well being disaster, we can ensure that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-similar item/evaluation in November of 2019 is not accurate. No such NCMI products exists.”

No wiggle word in there. Col. Day does not say the story has the timeline wrong or some other way to weasel around. No. He says the products don’t exist.

Maybe these “journalists” should look up the phrase “bias confirmation”. We could use some good strong reporting about China and the World Health Organization. Trying to pin Trump with November knowledge of the Coronavirus is not helpful to anyone.

And, they won’t apologize to President Trump or the American people.

Welcome Instapundit readers!

Featured Image:

Donald Trump Laconia Rally, Laconia, NH by Michael Vadon July 16 2015“Donald Trump Laconia Rally, Laconia, NH by Michael Vadon July 16 2015” by Michael Vadon is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • I am not remotely surprised or shocked. The media providers live in an echo chamber, and are not capable of investigating their way out of an unlocked room.

  • GWB says:

    the Countrywide Middle for Clinical Intelligence
    a National Middle for Health care Intelligence
    Go back and check that quote again, please. *smh and laughing* Put a leash on that auto-corrupt!

    As to the lies? Yeah, I’m about as shocked as NC. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to horsewhip them (the media) for their continual BS – particularly when they’re stirring up such panic and fear.

  • […] Democrat Party Sues To Expand Mail-In Votes, also, Best Handle This Much Better Victory Girls: Trump Wasn’t Warned About COVID-19 In November Volokh Conspiracy: Law School Honor Code Violation Is Basis For Denying Bar Admission Weasel […]

  • aldomeir says:

    Neat trick for the NCMI to warn about COVID-19 in November, when China didn’t report anything about it till late December. Then ordered the information destroyed before finally officially saying something about by mid-January.

  • OldParatrooper says:

    Prior to being called the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NMCI) that facility and the medical intelligence mission was the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC). I worked with those guys in the mid-80s. IIRC, before it was called AFMIC it was an Army facility. Don’t remember what they called it.

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