Tim Walz – The Covid Snitch Line And Isolating Mom

Tim Walz – The Covid Snitch Line And Isolating Mom

Tim Walz – The Covid Snitch Line And Isolating Mom

Tim Walz not only abandoned his soldiers at the critical point before deployment, but isolated his Mother in her home and set up a snitch line for the public to call on neighbors who broke isolation rules. We have been focused on Walz’s lack of honor, but his lack of soul and socialist tendencies need to be exposed, too. Now, that the quickly coronated Kamala Harris has chosen the Minnesota Governor as her Fool, it’s important to understand who he is in the 2024 Presidential Race.

Our Nina did a great job of exposing Tim Walz as a Blue Falcon. Read her post here. It is enlightening. Kamala bleated that she honors everyone who raised their right hands to serve. Fine for her, but those of us with loved ones who serve know the importance of training and fighting together.

Let us talk about some of Walz’s more recent sins. Sins like the snitch line for narcing on your neighbors during Covid. First though, Tim issued a stay at home order for the whole state regardless of population density or co-morbidities.

tim walz

Don’t have your friends and neighbors over. I feel so blessed to live in the free state of Tennessee with Governor Bill Lee and Knox County Mayor Glenn (Kane) Jacobs. We were able to live our lives and make our own decisions. To enforce his stay at home order, Walz set up the snitch line:

Remember about Walz’s neighborliness:

“One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness,” Walz said just days ago during a “White Dudes for Harris” livestream. And true to that mantra, “neighborliness” coerced at the threat of gunpoint is indeed how Walz has governed. While conservative and centrist critics alike have correctly honed in on Walz’s abysmal record for enabling and encouraging the riots after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Walz’s economic record quietly rivaled his destructive social policy.

“Neighborliness” coerced at the threat of gunpoint and your neighbors snitching. Charming. And, this final paragraph from the Washington Examiner:

The choice of Walz makes clear that Harris isn’t running away from her past flirtations with nationalizing the healthcare industry or imposing a federal jobs guarantee — she’s embracing it. Walz is fine with us correctly acknowledging that their proposals are indeed socialist as long as we pretend it is neighborly.

Just to show you how little Tim Walz thinks of other people. He isolated his mother after heart surgery during Covid. He left groceries on her porch!

That is a mortal sin on the Governor’s part. What a heartless, cold, soulless b*stard. Denying your friends, neighbors and Mother human contact. Hubris and hypocrisy. Mind your own damn business, really?

The New York Times approves of how Walz Dads:

The Political Appeal of the Aggressively Normal Dad
The vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz, and his online fans, have elevated Midwestern dad vibes into nostalgic art.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota presents as a regular dad from the Midwest. He hunts. He fishes. He ice fishes. He is a fan of football, whether high school, college or pro. He takes photographs of fun birds and posts them to social media. He is so normal that his normality has become exceptional.

I don’t know about Midwestern Dads. I had an Appalachian Dad. My Dad never let his Marines deploy without him or his Mother be isolated. My Dad didn’t snitch. My Dad wasn’t a soulless coward.

How are these fascist creeps getting any votes?

Featured Image: Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Public Domain

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  • Cameron says:

    It’s OK. His mother will still vote for him even if she’s dead.

  • A reader says:

    He did not abandon his soldiers. That is a lie. You literally have a child in the military last I checked and you should know how retirement works. Heck, one of the other writers here may have family members who’ve retired and they can tell you. Things do not move fast in the military. The Minnesota National Guard even issued an official statement on this back in 2022. He retired in May and his soldiers were deployed several months later. You are lying if you say otherwise.

    • Darleen Click says:

      He’s a Blue Falcon, putz. And he’s been playing fast and loose with the facts of his service, too.

      Cope harder, hon.



    • Que says:

      Lemme guess: you have never served and you have no immediate family members who have.
      Neither have I ever served, although I have a family member who is a commander in the US Navy. However, his career trajectory is very different from Walz’s.
      So I take seriously the observations of Thomas M Gregg, who writes at Substack. Gregg describes himself as a “US Army Vietnam veteran with combined 28 years active & reserve service.” I believe he was also a noncommissioned officer.
      So this man knows a lot about how the military works, and this is what he wrote about the guy he calls “Bugout Tim:”

      “Though Walz was within his rights to retire—assuming that no stop-loss order had been issued for the 1/34 IBCT—his decision to put personal ambition over his duty as his unit’s senior enlisted soldier was selfish and dishonorable. Noncommissioned officers, especially those in senior positions, are expected to maintain the standard and set the example. Walz, who held the highest enlisted position in his battalion, did the opposite. He bugged out. How he justified that decision to himself is not for me to say. But I know that I’d have been ashamed to do any such thing.
      Every one of the soldiers of the 1-125 FA who did deploy to Iraq put his or her life on hold. Every one of them left jobs, school, family, and friends. That was the deal they struck with America when they put up their right hands to take the military oath of office or enlistment. And they stood by their word.
      Tim Walz did not.“

      Gregg’s full article can be found here:

      Sorry, you lose. Actually, no, I’m not sorry at all.

    • Toni Williams says:

      You are adorable. As the acting CSM, he would have had notice of deployment quite a ways out. Especially in the National Guard, you don’t get several months’ notice. You get about a year. In addition to the regular logistics (men and materiel), there are family situations and employers to deal with. Walz knew. He still could have run for office while in the Nat Guard by applying for waivers (see also, Tulsi Gabbard). Tim bugged out on his soldiers and therefore earned the shameful Blue Falcon badge.

    • Cameron says:

      Cry harder, little bot. You and your kind aren’t the gatekeepers of information any more. But it’s not a shock you support him. Democrats love people that duck out on responsibility.

      • Scott says:

        Personal responsibility is RAAAYYYCISSSS

        • Scott says:

          Check the video around 24:30.. Proves this POS straight up lied about his past. 100% proof of Stolen Valor. You lefty morons can defend him all you want, but you’re just beclowing yourselves, and this evidence is incontrovertible. He had his congressional challenge coin made with the CSM emblem! He bailed on his contract, his commitment, and his men, then lied about his rank for personal gain. You either admit this, or it’s clear that you’re as willing to lie to advance your agenda as he is. https://youtu.be/sVMkvv8PQhk

    • SFC D says:

      He cut and run. Circumvented the chain of command in order to retire. Lied about the rank he retired at. You know nothing about the Army. There’s only one liar here. You. You cannot truthfully defend this man.

    • vernon pendergast says:

      No, his unit got the notice they were going to deploy several months before they actually did. He knew. Deployments take time and planning.He left the soldiers he supposedly “commanded” as a senior enlisted, high and dry.

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