The Seth Rogen Attacks on Ben Carson Continue: Says Carson is “Bonkers” in Interview

The Seth Rogen Attacks on Ben Carson Continue: Says Carson is “Bonkers” in Interview

The Seth Rogen Attacks on Ben Carson Continue: Says Carson is “Bonkers” in Interview

As if you needed another reason to not see Steve Jobs in theaters. Actually, Seth Rogen said that Dr. Carson was “F*cking bonkers”. Because, hey-we have a retired brain surgeon versus so-so actor who only made it through the 10th grade in a battle of the minds. It’s a toss up, for sure. I know who I’d put my money on!

Seems as if Mr. Rogen has developed quite the disdain for the soft-spoken doctor who wants to throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP nomination. Last week, Rogen, a Hillary Clinton supporter, an avid marijuana smoker (color us shocked) AND a dual Canadian/American citizen, expressed his dislike for Ben Carson because of his statement arguing that Jews might have had a better chance at resisting the Nazi regime had they not been disarmed by that regime in advance. His response to this?

And you could just imagine the response Rogen got on Twitter:

Some responses indicated that individuals will boycott Rogen’s films and even hinted that perhaps he was a racist and couldn’t handle a black president in 2016:

To which he responded:

He’s smug, too. So precious. As if Rogen couldn’t be enough of a dolt, he went on to elaborate this weekend in an interview to explain his position on the inflammatory tweet:

“They implied that if their [right-wing] politics were applied to the Holocaust that Jews wouldn’t have been killed. To me, it wasn’t just about the Holocaust thing. It was about the [Oregon] shooting and how he said that people shouldn’t just stand there and let themselves get shot, and that the correct thing to do if someone has a gun in your back is to point them at someone else and have them go rob that person? I mean, I just read a lot of the stuff this guy was saying and he seemed like someone that I just detested. At face value, what he’s said is absolutely despicable. That guy is totally f*n’ bonkers.”-Seth Rogen

So now, it’s “despicable” and “f-en bonkers” to want to take a gunman down and preventing the him from harming us and other people around us? Nope. According to the Seth Rogen school of thought (although the jury is still out on if he actually thinks) we need to stand there in a stoned stupor holding the bag of Funyuns. I can’t help to think that THIS is what we got when we legalized marijuana in several states. This. Seth. Rogen. Light ’em up, Seth. Braincells. Another one bites the dust. Perhaps you should conserve what little of them you have left, dude.

Bonkers. You know what’s bonkers? Rogen actually said that his dual citizenship in the United States “made his life easier”. Probably because pot is easier to smoke here than it is in Canada, but I digress..he obviously feels he’s an authority of some sort and entitled to spew his dung to the masses. To whom do we owe the pleasure? This hasn’t been the first time and it most certainly won’t be the last. You know what else is bonkers? For individuals to NOT arm themselves (if given the option) from being slaughtered. Bonkers is having a large ego and speaking your truth while resorting to acting like a snively-nosed baby using foul language and name-calling with no rational argument when someone speaks theirs. Bonkers is doing this before your next film drops in theaters. And the most (f-en) bonkers thing of all? Paying the full price of a movie ticket to see some foul-mouthed chucklehead get paid far more than he’s worth!

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