The One’s first 100 days

On Arlen Specter
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The One’s first 100 days

while most in the media, step all over themselves to declare The One’s first 100 days in office an incredible success like none we’ve ever seen, i am just wondering what the big deal is — just where are the successes?

we know he has been the beneficiary of wildly inappropriate and unrealistic expectations – its tough to be a messiah. and yes, he has looked very busy. but set aside all of his rhetoric and increasing flip flops and well, here it is: he’s gone to a few countries; met with a few leaders (despots mostly); he’s talked a lot at press conferences and such; he has been photographed a lot; and he’s had a bunch of parties – some with conga lines – glad-handing and grinning all along the way.

2009 pulitzer prize winning politifact has compiled more than 500 campaign promises candidate Obama made, and has charted his progress on them. according to their estimates, The One has offered ‘no action’ on a whopping 410 campaign promises and in 100 days, he has broken six of them.

for those who voted for hope and change, how’s that working for you?

the ny post has compiled in honor of his first 100 days, a list of obama’s 100 mistakes — compiling everything from the disasterous porkulus, promoting fear to get compliance, the overturning of key pro-life initiatives, the decision to close gitmo, the cheats, crooks, and liars in the cabinet, taking over corporations and in essence becoming their ceo, the whole torture flip flopping fiasco, trillions of dollars in new debt, and well, on and on and on.

and of course there was that ‘unfortunate incident’ yesterday where The One’s lackeys buzzed nyc in af1 all for a photo op. where are the thinking adults? not in this administration.

but i’ve saved the most delicious for last. today in my huffington post briefing :cough: one of the pundits had this to say:

“Pundits have been feverishly speculating about what Barack Obama’s most important accomplishment is in the past 100 days. I say it came today. Senator Arlen Specter is switching from the Republican to the Democratic party. The specter of Specter as a Democrat will enrage Republicans and should come as big relief to Democrats. Specter’s move isn’t opportunism but a concession to reality. For now, Obama has won a major battle without firing a shot. This will be remembered as a turning point in the historic Obama presidency.”

pitiful. even his minions – the liberals who blindly follow The One – are searching for that one meaningful moment during his fluffly 100 days, falling short in such a big way. if moonbats only really knew how much we disliked arlen spector…now if only susan collins and olympia snow would follow him.


my cotillion sister, nicedeb, made this awesome photoshop in honor of The One’s 100th day as well as his fly over. isn’t it great? so is she!


notus: narcissist of the united states

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  • Dade Cariaga says:

    Combining my 2 comments for the previous post.

    With regard to the Specter defection, the Republicans did it to themselves.
    In response to your Ken’s query:

    I wonder if [Pat Toomey’s primary challenge] has anything to do with it?

    Yes. It had EVERYTHING to do with it. Spectre didn’t “hold the line” and adhere to each and every litmus test issue the modern Republicans put forth. Therefore, the more rabid elements of the GOP (well-represented on this blog) decided to challenge him in the primary.

    Looks like it backfired.

    Kate and others may say they’re happy to have him leave. But, take a look around, it’s not just Spectre. A recent poll showed that a mere 21% of voters identified themselves as Republicans.

    You want more people to leave?

  • Ken says:

    So when the Republicans gain the majority again Dade, you would have no problem with democrats who changed their principles so they were more in line with the majority?

  • Dade Cariaga says:

    Well, they already did.

    Colorado Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell and Alabama Senator Richard Shelby both switched from Democrat to Republican in order to join the majority.

    This is old hat.

    I’m not sure if it is principles that are changing, though. Without doubt, politicians are hypocrites. If we are completely honest, ALL of us are hypocrites from time to time.

    So, with that stipulation, Specter made a political move. Politics is a dirty game, as you well know.

  • PenniePan says:

    “The specter of Specter as a Democrat will enrage Republicans and should come as big relief to Democrats. Specter’s move isn’t opportunism but a concession to reality. For now, Obama has won a major battle without firing a shot. This will be remembered as a turning point in the historic Obama presidency.”

    What more can I add to that? This is an awesome day. You Republicans are crying and sputtering and playing defense because you really have nothing to say. You pretend you don’t want Specter but the reality is, YOU have lost big time.

  • Smokes_n_Jack says:

    Who gives a f*ck about you Republicans. You can berate Barack all you want but YOU are becomming more marginal every day. Even someone in your own party for 30 years hates your guts. This is our time and our progressive agenda will be advanced – THAT is our focus so count on it.

    And on Specter? We hate him too. He’ll be replaced by someone much more honest in his progressive opinions. But he’s useful now.

  • Jane says:

    Instead of mocking Barack Obama I would think you would use this plateform (such as it is) to regroup yourselves. I suppose though you haven’t hit bottom yet as a party but that is coming quicker then I imagined.

    You Republicans have earned your place in the wilderness. You deserve everything that’s happening to you now for the past 8 years.

    To Smokes ‘n Jack actually I think that is true about Specter. We need progressive elected officials who want to be part of our movement not just for political cover. Specter is a goner eventually.

  • micky says:

    “What more can I add to that? This is an awesome day. You Republicans are crying and sputtering and playing defense because you really have nothing to say. You pretend you don’t want Specter but the reality is, YOU have lost big time.”

    Of course we have something to say but since you told us to sit down and shut up would it matter if we said it or not ?

    Whos crying ? Where ? More rhetoric that sounds good but cant be proven Pennie ?
    Whay happened with Spector is typical. he knew he could get an enititlement with the democrats so like most losers thast what he did. He sold out for a pittance because he knew he couldnt elected by real conservatives.
    Hey, if you’re ever a victim of your own idiocy and ignorance, the libs will take you.
    Senators, citizens, it doesnt matter.

    “Who gives a f*ck about you Republicans. You can berate Barack all you want but YOU are becomming more marginal every day. Even someone in your own party for 30 years hates your guts. This is our time and our progressive agenda will be advanced – THAT is our focus so count on it.”

    Actually, you’re wrong. History is on the side of the GOP. In all of but one of the midterm elections held in the first term of any presidency since 70, the party out of the White House picked up seats. Put that together with the fact this congress has the lowest ratings ever in history and its going to a short year before that changes.
    Enjoy it while you can as 58% of the country does not think were headed in the right direction.
    Spector doesnt hate anyones guts. You’re the only idiots that would vote for him. Got it ?

  • micky says:

    “Specter is a goner eventually”

    Genius, pure genius.
    The guy is like 80 years old.

  • Ted says:


    These freaks will never admit to anything, but it never hurts to continue to point it out. The one consistent I can always point to with Dems/libs is they could care less about the common citizen, it all about money and power with them, always has been. They are of the opinion that they know what’s best for all people and wish to use the gov’t to force people to see things their way. It’ll backfire eventually because people don’t like to have gov’t micromanaging their lives, but in the meanwhile they’ll yip and yahoo. Basically, the Dems/ libs have become a group that hate God. Their fate will end as it always does with tyrants and those who are in opposition to Him.

  • PenniePan says:

    Ah, the downward spiral that is the GOP continues and I LOVE it!!!

    GOP: Grand Obstructionist Party (sore losers too!)

  • BikerDan says:

    Oh so the fainting has started up again. It must be hot in the room because we know it isn’t because BHO speaks well.

  • micky says:

    “GOP: Grand Obstructionist Party (sore losers too!)”

    Thats funny.
    How ironic that you brag about being able to filibuster, which is the ultimate act of obstruction and then you turn around and call us obstructionists ? You’re a riot.
    Its expected for losers to be sore but I’ve never thought I’d ever see such a bunch of pi$$ed off winners in my life as I have in the democratic party.

    Just remember this moonbats.
    First of all, Stewart Smally has to be seated first for it to be filibuster proof. But of course these so much idiocy in the air along with the CICs jet that he will probably get the seat.
    Second of all, whatever happens, its on you guys. You’re holding the ball, you’re in charge. So dont go bitching about the republicans when all hell breaks loose.
    Of course thats just wishful thinking on my part. It doesnt matter how much of the resposibilty is yours, you’ll find someone or thing to blame.

    ” Their fate will end as it always does with tyrants and those who are in opposition to Him.”

    Thats right Ted.
    These guys dont seem to learn from history. They’re delusional with glee only because they are so ignorant to history to see that this all cyclatic. Every generation has a group that thinks regardless of historys lessons they will be the ones that can make the square go in the hole.
    The problem is that when they lose they dont do it gracefully, they take everything down with them that they can

  • Ted says:

    Here’s a good example of what to expect in the future with libs at the helm:


    “Barack Obama’s nominee for “regulatory czar” has advocated a “Fairness Doctrine” for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period.

    The revelations about Cass Sunstein, Obama’s friend from the University of Chicago Law School and nominee to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, come in a new book by Brad O’Leary, “Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech.” OIRA will oversee regulation throughout the U.S. government.

    Sunstein also has argued in his prolific literary works that the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing.

    “A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government,” he wrote. “Democratic efforts to reduce the resulting problems ought not be rejected in freedom’s name.”


    Freedom and liberty would be a thing of the past. This is the type of America the libs want and something they have expressed in the past in more coded lauguage for decades now, a viewpoint which also has been expressed as such by those libs who post here, though not as directly as Sunstein has done.

  • crypticsound says:


    You are surrounding us!! You better have another Teabagging event. That went so well.


  • Pat says:

    In honor of our President’s 100th day in office, a little more salt rubbed into GOP wounds today by ending Bush’s ESA.

    “The Obama administration on Tuesday revoked a rule enacted toward the end of the Bush administration that it said undermined protections under the Endangered Species Act.

    Federal agencies must “once again consult with federal wildlife experts at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — the two agencies that administer the ESA — before taking any action that may affect threatened or endangered species,” the Interior and Commerce departments said in a statement.”

    This is more proof that he has every intention of dismantle-ing brick by brick the foolish and destructive policies of the Bush administration. Thank God!

  • Jane says:

    Barack Obama is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party and this country. Don’t undermine that.

  • Ted says:

    >>This is more proof that he has every intention of dismantle-ing brick by brick the foolish and destructive policies of the Constitution of the Untied States of America.


  • micky says:

    “Barack Obama is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party and this country. Don’t undermine that.”

    Oh, okay, whatever you say.

  • micky says:

    “Federal agencies must “once again consult with federal wildlife experts at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — the two agencies that administer the ESA — before taking any action that may affect threatened or endangered species,”

    Does that mean we can report liberals that think ?

  • micky says:

    “This is more proof that he has every intention of dismantle-ing brick by brick the foolish and destructive policies of the Bush administration. Thank God!”

    Unless of course its a war policy.
    there is more proof that Obama doesnt know his a$$ from a hole in the ground when comes to our enemies so he’ll keep those in place.

  • Ken says:

    “The specter of Specter as a Democrat will enrage Republicans and should come as big relief to Democrats. Specter’s move isn’t opportunism but a concession to reality. For now, Obama has won a major battle without firing a shot. This will be remembered as a turning point in the historic Obama presidency.”

    LOL! Won a major battle? It would be his first. Enjoy your triumph, it won’t mean much in a few years.

    “What more can I add to that?”

    Not much, Pennie, considering you’ve never had an independent thought so far.

    “He’ll be replaced by someone much more honest in his progressive opinions.”

    Hey, he used the words honest and progressive in the same sentence!! And they say the neo-socialists don’t have a sense of humor!!!

    “You Republicans have earned your place in the wilderness. You deserve everything that’s happening to you now for the past 8 years.”

    Enjoy your moments, for they shall not last. A few more years of this ridiculous spending, slashing defense, and complete incompetence at every level and we’ll be back. The best part is, the cry baby dems won’t be able to blame the Republicans for all the damage they do!!

    “GOP: Grand Obstructionist Party (sore losers too!)”

    Hardly Pennie. As I recall the dems are STILL whining about the 2000 election that they lost. Denying Al Gore the White House (thank God) still has them complaining. The best part is that you’ll complain all through the Obama disaster, until we take over the White House again. Please, keep it up!!

    “The Obama administration on Tuesday revoked a rule enacted toward the end of the Bush administration that it said undermined protections under the Endangered Species Act.”

    Oh my gosh, that one really hurt! However shall I sleep tonight!

    “Barack Obama is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party and this country.”

    As long as you believe it, that’s all that matters.

    Nice fix their Ted, you are 100% correct. Unfortunately, the kool aid drinking Obamabots that infest this site are too blind to see anything outside of the shine coming off of Obama’s halo.

    It’s going to be a hard fall indeed. Enjoy it while you can, neo-socialists.

  • Ted says:

    Checked out quite a few lib pol sites and blogs and one would think they’d be happy about Specter switching, but they aren’t. Most of them view it as great cover for the Dems to skirt more to the right and become even more of a “capitalistic corporate party” which would enable them to virtually disregard the progressive/liberal wing of the Dem party. Also a lot of angst over the country being in control of one party, something they also complained about when Bush was in office. Basically they view it as Specter having increased the number of intra-party obstructionists by one, and that the “center” of the Democratic Party is now squarely in the spot once occupied by Republicans.

  • cassiopeia says:

    HOLY F*CK! This blog owner actually admits in her sidebar she is a NEO-CON. Forget about the swine flu, I am worried about the germs here! BWAHAHAHAH

  • Ken says:

    Money quote:

    “DeMint said Specter’s switch “shows that there were not principles attaching Arlen to the Republican Party, but the Republican Party was the means to get elected.”

    DeMint continued: “I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”


  • Marsha says:

    I’m glad Spector the defector left. He was always an obstructionist to Republicans and could rarely be counted on anyway. He only embarrassed himself. He did accomplish getting all the swine flu hype off my TV screen though for which I am glad.

    Casseopeea take a hike, troll.

  • Ken says:

    “HOLY F*CK! This blog owner actually admits in her sidebar she is a NEO-CON. Forget about the swine flu, I am worried about the germs here! BWAHAHAHAH”

    You stay classy, lefties. Oh Jane, I’m sure this offended you as much as kate’s comment about the swine flu, right? I’m sure you’ll be calling out this child as to, how did you put it, “And for the love of God, please DO NOT MOCK those who are suffering and dying from the swine flue.”


  • Ted says:

    Here’s an example of the types of typical posts I’m seeing on lib sites.


    Democrats should not be all that eager to embrace this geriatric, washed-up opportunist and his blue-dog Dem positions. What we may be witnessing is the initial moments of America morphing into a truly one-party state: a DP made up of reactionary Democrats and conservative Republicans; corporatist to its core, anti-labor, tough on crime (e.g., whores for the prison-industrial complex), in favor of for-profit health care, and a pro-actively militaristic foreign policy (the obscene bipartisanship re: bailing out Wall St. already speaks for itself).

    The MSM can be relied upon to throw all of its weight (Olberman, et al) behind this new DP of ‘Rockafeller Republicans’ as the bulwark of sweetness and light against the GOP barbarians at the very gates of civilization; while forever castigating the left wing of the Democratic Party for their schizmatic sectarianism, because The United Front against the GOP is ALL IMPORTANT for the foreseeable future. And beyond.

  • Steve says:

    Great post!

    Would you like a Link Exchange with my new blog COMMON CENTS? Check us out here……

  • Marnia says:

    What’s wrong with you people? Give the man a CHANCE for gosh sakes! Why would you want him to fail? Why do you say he has? I am SHOCKED BY THE MEANESS on this blog toward our President!

  • micky says:

    Marnia, you’re serious, arent you ?

  • Ken says:

    “I am SHOCKED BY THE MEANESS on this blog toward our President!”

    Marnia is waking from what I call “the Liberal coma”. For 8 years every possible degrading and nasty name was thrown at our president. I saw the bumper stickers of “Not My President” everywhere, not to mention the signs at the protest that depicted his arrest and/or execution. We were told “Dissent is patriotic!!” for the last 8 years and then suddenly, overnight (on Jan. 19th to be exact) dissent became hate speech and racism.

    This is the world in which the neo-socialists live. They are happiest in the dark, far removed from reality and the real world. It’s where they thrive.

  • Ted says:

    This stupid flyover of NYC that Dear Leader ordered was the height of stupidity, sending people screaming and running under the impression another attack was happening.

    Isn’t it fabulous how Obama has reconciled with our enemies and put fear into the hearts of Americans? Does any image illustrate so neatly the wrongheadedness of the Obama administration than Americans scrambling in terror from Air Force One?

  • micky says:

    What stinks even more is that hes telling us he was just as unaware of this as everyone else was. Okay, whatever. In this administration its becoming pretty clear that one hand never knows what the other one is doing and that is far more dangerous than this stupid photo op could ever be. Its a good sign of anarchy whithin the fed when you’ve got the presidents private jet being taken for joy rides and he supposedly doesnt know anything about it.
    To add insult to injury he fakes his outrage and puts on the hero posture by saying he’ll launch a probe into this. Just firing the sh*thead who came up with this idea ought to be probing enough to where everyone gets the idea, but noooo, instead he has to spread some cash around by launching some useless investigation. What the hell is there to investigate ? Huh ? See if he can somehow tie it to Bush ?

    Its safe to say that in this presidents first hundred days hes done more damage single-handedly than the last 4 or 5 presidents have in their first hundred combined.
    Almost everyday since Jan 20th has been a gutting of every institution and value this country was built on.
    As much as I try to put my contempt aside I still cant keep from believing he will go down as the worst president this country has ever seen. Carters screw ups will seem like nothing compared to this guy

  • Ted says:

    >>micky said: What stinks even more is that he’s telling us he was just as unaware of this as everyone else was.

    He’s lying, obviously. No one takes AF1 out for a ride w/out him knowing. He ordered the photo-op and, quite frankily, he could care less if it if caused concern for the “little people.” The idiots in NYC would vote for him if he dropped a bomb on them, so why should he care.

  • Rope says:

    325k, couldn’t this have been used to study the mating habits of crawfish in Utah or the social behavior of dung beetles in Alaska?

  • micky says:

    “The idiots in NYC would vote for him if he dropped a bomb on them, so why should he care.”

    Yea, there was a thing on CNN or FOX yesterday where they were saying exactly that. New Yorkers were voicing that since they’re the largest block in the country besides Ca. that voted for him it would be really nice if he paid em a visit. The concurrence among the pundits and anchors was that Obama doesnt need to visit them because he could crap all over them and they’d still vote for him.
    Well, that big 747 just took a big crap on New York.
    I’d of laughed my a$$ off if someone shot it down. Other than the deaths of the crew, it would of been justified.

  • MAS1916 says:

    Obama has a lot to be ‘proud’ of in his first 100 days.. He has so badly damaged the country’s economy that the effects will be with us for a generation. The debt incurred by the Stimulus and Budget bills cannot possibly be borrowed.. It will therefore have to be covered by expansion of the money supply. This has already started.

    Inflation will be Obama’s HUGE middle class tax hike. Inflation is a tax because it is directly related to government spending and borrowing policy. Come election time in 2010, look for inflation, unemployment and interest rates to be in double digits.

    Obama flies high now.. just wait. We’ve been here before.

  • jeff says:

    {Ted said}: “He’s lying, obviously. No one takes AF1 out for a ride w/out him knowing. He ordered the photo-op and, quite frankily, he could care less if it if caused concern for the “little people.” The idiots in NYC would vote for him if he dropped a bomb on them, so why should he care.”

    I concur with that, sir. And I do not believe that it was accidental or a casual oversight. How implausible is it that BHO, in his world tour of despots, was going around saying, “they’re still terrorized…watch how they react when I do what I’ll do with MY airplane”?

    Really, for you scum-sucking, inbred, fruitcakes on the left (I’m asking as nicely as I can) that either endorsed or kept from objecting during that whole ‘911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB’ nonsense, is it honestly that far-fetched that Obama is a lackey for Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, et al, waiting to pick up the pieces of a ravaged America? If you ask yourself, “what did he have to gain by doing a low-level flyover in NYC?” wouldn’t you at least consider the possibility that his heritage, history, and influences could maybe have been grooming and positioning him for the role of “fox guarding the hen house?”

    Obama hates America.

    Obama loves Muslim terrorists.

    Ain’t sayin’…just sayin’…

  • micky says:

    “is it honestly that far-fetched that Obama is a lackey for Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, et al, waiting to pick up the pieces of a ravaged America?”

    I’ve always said that I never thought he was a closet Muslim but that his heritage and lineage did give him sympathetic sentiments for Muslims, maybe even Islam as a whole. This always gave me concern to what his decisions regarding Muslims anywhere in the world would be like. I think his apolgy tour in the middle east along with his first TV interview going to Al Jazeera made it pretty clear hes going to kissing their a$$es until it well kill a bunch of us. Maybe the fly over was his way of giving Al Queda or any of their supporters a good laugh.

  • micky says:

    Hey Nicedeb, can we order posters ?
    Those are friggen hilarious. I want to gift my moonbat relatives with a few for Christmas

  • Cindee says:

    It’s nice to feel like we’re a cool country again. Thanks Barack~

  • Mike_Morris says:

    Interesting. So does this mean that anyone left of Specter is a socialist now? Because if so, that is a LOT of people.

  • Rope says:

    It’s nice to feel like we’re a cool country again. Thanks Barack~

    Its all about being hip and cool. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

  • Jane says:

    PRESIDENT Barack Hussein Obama!! It is a great day today. Celebrate with us friends. Join us in celebrating America.

    Marsha, Ken, Kate, Rope, Micky, Dan, Kris, Ted, others…. Join us at least for today!

    Surely you can think of the good he has done? List them here!

  • Rope says:

    He kept 1/2 his promise on getting the dog.

  • PenniePan says:

    President Barack Obama.

    Vice President Joe Biden.

    Hello, aspiration! Goodbye, desperation! Hope Won!

    Opening dialogues with our enemies! THIS will keep us safer!

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    I love him, I voted for him, I have very high hopes for him, and I even like his puppy, but I am not enjoying our President’s Department of Justice in its first 100 days that’s for sure.

    When the torturers are arrested, tried, convicted, and punished, then I’ll believe we’ve changed the way Barack wants us to.

    Still waiting here.

    BTW, this is a really despicable post. Can you ever be decent about the President?

  • Jared says:

    Here’s a few things Barack has done in his first 100 days. He has been busy:

    Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney torture facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
    Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney overseas Gulags (so-called “black sites”).
    Banned the use of torture.
    Suspended Military tribunals of foreign detainees.
    Orders the withdraw of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010, with the residual force, between 35,000 to 50,000 leaving by December 2011.
    Passes $787 BILLION Jobs-Stimulus bill – which is already showing signs of success.
    Signed $32.8 billion bill for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, extending health care to 4 million uninsured children. A bill vetoed various times by Shrub.

    Th is a small, small sampling of what he has done. There are massive lists everywhere on the internet if you want more. Good job Mr. President. Can’t wait to see what your next 1,361 days hold.

  • Ted says:

    After the first 100 days, Dear Leader has made Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, and Pol Pot smile from the grave as they approve of his liberal political ideology and ambition. That’s quite a feat in such a short time.

  • Rope says:

    “We’re going to have to make sure that every single dollar is well spent. If we see money being misspent, we’re going to put a stop to it, and we will call it out and we will publicize it.”

    I hope this includes the New York Flyover, 325k.

    “We can no longer accept a process that doles out earmarks based on a member of Congress’ seniority, rather than the merit of the project.”

    So oysters mating in Alabama is important why?

    “Lobbyists won’t work in my White House!”

    OOPSIE how did William Lynn who is currently a vice president and lobbyist for one of the country’s biggest defense contractors get to be his deputy secretary of defense?

    Shall I go on?

    “I will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.”

    Well we know how this turned out, even the people voting for it didn’t read it before it was signed.

  • micky says:

    “Marsha, Ken, Kate, Rope, Micky, Dan, Kris, Ted, others…. Join us at least for today!”

    What ? You want a fake party ?

    “Surely you can think of the good he has done? List them here!”

    He lied to you guys about withdrawal dates
    Hes kept most of Bushs security policies.
    Hes still smoking.
    He reminded us to never forget 911.
    Hes made me laugh more than any president ever.
    Hes brought attention to disabled children.
    hes made gun manufacturing more profitable.
    Liberal artists are now painting things besides soup cans.
    Hes made me love George Bush more than I ever thought I could.
    Hes made me even like Jimmy Carter.

  • Ken says:

    Oh yes, let’s look at all that Obama has done. Unfortunately, technology does not permit me to list all of O’s mistakes, that might short out my computer, but here’s a good list to start with:

    For the neo-socialists who always seem to have a hard time with links to websites that don’t slobber all over Obama, I shall list a few.

    1. $787 billion for a 6.1% shrinkage of the U.S. economy. Hope. Change. Panic.
    2. Not fighting the release of CIA photos. Al-Qaida smiles.
    3. The Bow:
    4. Saying it is not a bow. (Pssst, that means he lied.)
    6. Saying there’s no pork in the stimulus. Yes there is.
    7. Appointing tax cheat Tim Geithner.
    8. Appointing under investigation Bill Richardson.
    9. Appointing tax cheat Tom Daschle.
    10. Appointing Marc Rich and terrorist pardoning Eric “Nation of Cowards” Holder.
    11. Appointing Janet “Man Caused Disasters” Napolitano.
    12. Appointing Hilda Solis (OK, her husband has the tax liens).
    13. Appointing anti-Semitic Charles Freeman Jr.
    14. Appointing tax cheat Ron Kirk.
    15. Appointing fund-raising cheat Gary Locke.
    16. Appointing under investigation Adolfo Carrion.
    20. The $100 million budget cut.
    21. Pretending to be unaware of the Tea Parties.
    22. Politicizing the Census. An attempt that failed. I think.
    23. Armenian genocide? Never heard of it.
    24. Taking crap from Danny Ortega.
    25. Apologizing to Muslims, whom the US helped.
    26. Apologizing to France — what, for saving her twice?
    27. Apologizing for liberating Iraq.
    32. Burning 9,000 gallons of fuel for an Earth Day photo op.
    34. Releasing the CIA memos to the public. While we are at it, why not make public those nuclear codes? The public has a right to know!
    35. Most expensive inauguration. Ever.
    36. Embracing what he dismissed in the campaign as the largest middle-class tax ever.
    50. Letting Nancy Pelosi write the $787 billion “stimulus’ plan.
    51. Relying on Tim Geithner to explain it.

    Anyway, you get the idea, there’s plenty more at link. If this is only 100 days, God help this country after 4 years.

  • micky says:

    “Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney torture facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.”

    And will simply send them to Baghram in Afghanistan.

    “Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney overseas Gulags (so-called “black sites”).”

    But still kept renditions allowing him to send them anywhere.

    “Banned the use of torture.”

    But still gives a speech a day.

    “Suspended Military tribunals of foreign detainees.”

    But would rather prosecute old administrations for defending us against them.

    “Orders the withdraw of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010, with the residual force, between 35,000 to 50,000 leaving by December 2011.”

    Which made all his campaign promises a lie and was actually Bushs plan all along but wont tell anyone.

    “Passes $787 BILLION Jobs-Stimulus bill – which is already showing signs of success.”

    Hardly, thats a riot. So far success is minimal and not reflecting at all the returns that depend on how interest and the priciple are paid back by my grandchildren.

    “Signed $32.8 billion bill for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, extending health care to 4 million uninsured children. A bill vetoed various times by Shrub.”

    Because it had 28 year olds making 68,000.00 a year on a bill designated for kids, and still does.

    “Th is a small, small sampling of what he has done. There are massive lists everywhere on the internet if you want more. Good job Mr. President. Can’t wait to see what your next 1,361 days hold.”

    No more please, I’m tired of changing my underwear from laughing so hard

  • micky says:

    “There are massive lists everywhere on the internet if you want more.”

    ‘This is where we learn how to talk’

  • kate says:

    ‘Banned the use of torture.’

    hey jared that is such a lie. The One tortures me daily.

    ‘Marsha, Ken, Kate, Rope, Micky, Dan, Kris, Ted, others…. Join us at least for today!’


  • Marsha says:

    Well I see the Obama slobbering wingnuts are out today in full force.

    Jane let me say that you and I don’t socialize. Ever. Got that? Good.

    Jared you are an idiot and you will know that when the terrorists from Gitmo move into that repo house next door to you.

    Pennie you are probably the reason Kate has the flu. Wash your hands in something other then Obama juice.

    Reluctant you don’t like what Kate says about Obama? Get your own blog and quit trying to stiffle our free speech. By the way, good luck on the prosecution of ‘the torturers’ thingy.

    Cindee “It’s nice to feel like we’re a cool country again. Thanks Barack~” Are you for real? Go back to myspace you dork.

    Ok I am done. I am not watching the speech. I’ll let Kate do the puking around here. I am going to watch FOX because they refuse to show it. I have no idea what’s on, I am just going to give them my business.

  • Jared says:

    Marsha = dumb but beautiful.

    Make sure all of you rightwingers watch President Obama bask in his success tonite. I am sure you will want to discuss it later.

  • Ken says:

    “Make sure all of you rightwingers watch President Obama bask in his success tonite.”

    Can’t I am doing something much more productive: clipping the toenails on my prosthetic feet.


  • micky says:

    “Make sure all of you rightwingers watch President Obama bask in his success tonite. I am sure you will want to discuss it later.”

    This makes me think of dumb blonde cheerleaders who dont know one bit at all how the game is played but cheer anyway because they all think they’re screwing the team capt after the game.

    Bask in his success ? the first thing he did was thank Bush for setting up an infrastructure in 2005 that is able to deal with this flu problem today.
    Quite honestly, so far most of its been the same posturing promises and platitudes I’ve been hearing for 2 years, he really has nothing to brag about.
    I was hosing chickensh*t off my patio while listening to him and thought of the irony

  • micky says:

    He was just asked if there will ever be a circumstance where he’ll use torture again.
    He said he’d do whatever is required as long as they’re not shortcuts that undermine who we are, he hasnt seen anything “YET” that would make him second guess that decision.
    Which sounds alot like if there was a guy who knew when and where his mom would be raped and murdered he’d torture the guy iin order to find out.

    The guys a flake, hes got these moonbats salivating over nothing, telling em what they want to hear. He knows the way Bush was fighting this war was working. Thats why hes keeping all of his security policies. Hes keeping torture, moonbats just think hes not.
    He doesnt want the rap if we get attacked again, he knows he can only blame Bush so much.

  • kate says:

    that reporter that asked the ‘enchanted’ question has a man crush on The One. ew.

  • Ted says:

    >>kate said: that reporter that asked the ‘enchanted’ question has a man crush on The One. ew.

    I like Dennis Miller’s comment on that.

    (paraphrased) “We’ve come to a sad point in America when contestants in the Miss USA pagent get tougher questions than the POTUS. It was like a bunch of Girl Scount Brownies fawning over one of the Jonas Brothers.”

    I watched maybe 3 minutes, Dear Leader was already lying, and if I wanted that I could just go to the WH or DNC websites or any number of lib blogs anytime of the day or night, so why bother watching it. And it really wasn’t a press conference, it was more of an infomercial, and a boring one at that. The part I saw was when the reporter essentially asked Dear Leader if he could fluff his pillow.

  • Rope says:

    ok Kate I should have read that before I ate breakfast.


  • Jane said: Marsha, Ken, Kate, Rope, Micky, Dan, Kris, Ted, others…. Join us at least for today!

    Darn, I missed the party. Was busy doing my part to stimulate the economy by going target shooting with my husband. Then we went home and watched American Idol.

    I’m guessing that those of you on Jane’s list above who did watch P.BO’s presser are envious, saying to yourselves “Now, why didn’t I do what Kris did”. I’m also guessing that you learned your lesson.

    I read the transcripts – P.BO is still busy campaigning, throwing a party for himself everyday, and failing in every way to deliver anything of substance to this country. He’s getting softball questions about his enchantment level, so the media lovefest continues.

    It’s about the only thing we can be guaranteed nowadays – the media’s endless slobbering over P.BO. Oh yeah, and we can be guaranteed that this vacant suit will run this country into the ground and keep right on going until he hits the center of the earth.

  • Jane says:

    It is amazing to me that you refuse to admit how truly remarkable Barack Obama is. His accomplishments are tremendous over these last 100 days. The press conference last night was a complete slam dunk in that he had complete command of the event. So you mock that the reporters like him. Big deal. The truth hurts you that for once in a very long time, a president is in the White House who is competent and in control. He is focused and is intent on an agenda for the country. He is doing what he was elected to do.

    You can continue to whine all you want, sputter, berate, pontificate all you want but it means really very little in the big scope of things. Most Americans are with him not you.

    And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose? To intimidate those of us who abhor them? To berate those of us who want more control? To those of us who think what you did last night dangerous and almost savage?

  • micky says:

    “It is amazing to me that you refuse to admit how truly remarkable Barack Obama is. His accomplishments are tremendous over these last 100 days. ”

    You keep saying in all your posts that hes done all these miraculous wonderful things yet you dont list anything at all. You jusy keep rambling off all these wonderful praises and cant lisy one damn example of anything you’re talking about. Crust o mighty you should hear yourself.

    “So you mock that the reporters like him. Big deal.”

    I got news for you. Reporters arent supposed to like anybody !!!

    ” He is doing what he was elected to do.”

    Bullsh*t ! I can give you at least 10 examples of things hes done that no one expected at all and has pi$$ed off about half of his folowing already .
    I hardly think he was elected to run up a 9 trillion dollar deficit in 9 years and spend 3.6 dollars, more in a hundred days than all three previous administrations ever did in their entirety !
    He said he was going to unite the country ?????????
    All polls show that this country is more divided than it ever has been in its entire history thinks to his insulting our troops, those that protect us from harm, many of those that voted for him and everyone that didnt

    “You can continue to whine all you want, sputter, berate, pontificate all you want but it means really very little in the big scope of things. ”

    What is the “BIG SCOPE” Jane ? HUH ? I’ll bet you cant even begin to tell me.

    “Most Americans are with him not you.”

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 37% of U.S. voters say the nation is heading in the right direction. That figure has not changed for three weeks. Most (58%) still say the United States is heading down the wrong track.

    Even your lovely NYTs cant doesnt hide this fact.

    “Americans (81%) are more dissatisfied with the country’s direction than at any time since the New York Times/CBS News poll began asking about the subject in the early 1990s, according to the latest poll. ”

    Try again Jane !

    “And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose? To intimidate those of us who abhor them? To berate those of us who want more control? To those of us who think what you did last night dangerous and almost savage?”

    Grow up. Svage ? Shooting at inanimate lifeless objects is savage ?

  • micky says:

    Sorry bout the typos but jeez you moonbats should hear yourselves. Its so damn frightening I’m surprised I could type at all.
    Its really quite disgusting how supposed adults can sound so pathetically assimilated like a bunch of swooning fawning moonies over a whats nothing more than a fricken personality that hasnt really done sh*t yet.

    Have some dignity, you’re all an embarassment to humanity.

  • Rope says:

    Jane said: And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose? To intimidate those of us who abhor them? To berate those of us who want more control? To those of us who think what you did last night dangerous and almost savage?

    Dangerous and savage? She was target shooting! But thanks for the laugh.

    Jane also said>It is amazing to me that you refuse to admit how truly remarkable Barack Obama is. His accomplishments are tremendous over these last 100 days. The press conference last night was a complete slam dunk in that he had complete command of the event. So you mock that the reporters like him.

    Complete slam dunk and he had complete command of the event. You damn straight he did, that happens when you hand pick the reporters and write the questions for them.

  • Jane says:

    ****Kate forgive me for this long comment. I know that it is usually Micky that is this classless but I need to respond to him for the last time.****

    “What is the “BIG SCOPE” Jane ? HUH ? I’ll bet you cant even begin to tell me.”

    Micky here is the Big Scope. Now, never address me again you white trash woman-hating violent loser.

    As Jared said earlier, Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney torture facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney overseas Gulags (so-called “black sites”).

    Banned the use of torture.

    Suspended Military tribunals of foreign detainees.

    Orders the withdraw of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010, with the residual force, between 35,000 to 50,000 leaving by December 2011.

    Passes $787 BILLION Jobs-Stimulus bill.

    Signed $32.8 billion bill for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, extending health care to 4 million uninsured children. A bill vetoed various times buy Bush.

    But also Barack has done the following:

    Told AFL-CIO union leaders in a videotaped address that the Employee Free Choice Act WILL PASS, pledging his administration’s FULL support.

    Overturned Bush administration’s limits on embryonic stem cell research.

    Budgets $634 billion over 10 years as a down payment on health care insurance.

    Cancels government contract with Blackwater Mercenaries.

    Voids George W. Bush’s so-called “signing statements”.

    Addressing Turkey’s Grand National Assembly, President Obama states the United States “is not and never will be at war with Islam.” Signaling a thaw, the story is carried on the front page of Tehran’s daily newspapers.

    Announced the US will engage in direct group talks with Iran aimed at ending Tehran’s nuclear program, marking another shift from former Bush’s policy.

    Signed Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women and others to sue for pay discrimination, even if the discrimination has prevailed for years, even decades.

    Cancelled Bush decision to allow oil-shale development on federal land in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

    Cancelled Bush decision allowing oil and gas drilling in parcels near national parks in Utah.

    Started a $75 billion plan to help 9 million struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure, offering refinanced mortgages or modified loans with lower monthly payments.

    Announces plans to drastically cut the world’s NEW-CLEAR arsenal.

    Began negotiations to reduce NEW-CLEAR arms with Russia.

    Persuades G-20 to open $1.4 trillion fund to restore international credit.

    EPA moves, for the first time, to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet.

    Unveiled his administration’s blueprint for a new national network of high-speed passenger rail lines.

    Halts DEA medical marijuana raids.

    Authorizes daring hostage rescue off the coast of East Africa
    Overturned gag rule, restricted federal money for international organizations that promote or provide abortions overseas.

    Lifts Bush’s ban on over-the-counter sales of ”Plan B” emergency contraceptive to women 18 and older.

    Overturned draconian 1996 Gingrich law restricting food stamp benefits to recipients with no dependents to three months of food stamps in a three-year period.

    Overturned Bush regulation mandating a waiting periods that prevented middle-income children from enrolling directly from a private health plan to a public program.

    Endorses legislation restricting credit card companies from imposing higher fees and interest rates on consumers.

    Released 1,991 Iraqi detainees held without charge by the United States on suspicion of links to insurgents or militants.

    Egyptian dissident, Ayman Nour, who was jailed after challenging the country’s longtime President Hosni Mubarak in the 2005 elections, was unexpectedly freed after pressure from President Obama.

    Lifted the 18 year ban on media coverage of fallen soldiers returning to Dover Air Force Base (instituted by Bush Sr.).

    Lifted the ban on family travel, remittances and gifts to people in Cuba along with allowing telecommunications companies to pursue licensing agreements in Cuba. Begins to reopen channels of communication with Cuba.

    Directs $900 million in aid to help rebuild Gaza.

    Pledged $302 million in aid for Haiti, who is struggling from last year’s devastating storms.

    Reversed Bush administration regulation allowing health workers to refuse to take part in abortions.

    Summoned bank CEOs to the WH, and informed them of the public’s anger over the financial crisis, warning them “my administration is the only thing between you and the pitchfork.”

    Announced plans to buy 17,600 American-made, fuel-efficient cars and hybrids for the U.S. government fleet.

    Joins UN declaration calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality, a major reversal of Bush administration policy.

    The U.S. joins 66 other UN member states condemning human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Cuts off funding for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project.

    Released Bush Justice Department’s torture memos.

    Released minutes of Bush administration’s torture interrogations.

    Receiving a rave response, the President tells CIA personal, intelligence agents must hold themselves to a “higher standard” when dealing with the nation’s most unscrupulous enemies, even when they believe adhering to anti-torture policy makes it more difficult to protect America from attack.

    Declined to rule out prosecutions for Bush officials who authorized torture, saying Attorney General Holder should determine whether they broke the law.

    Ends use of the phrase, “Enemy Combatant”.

    Ends use of the phrase, “Global War on Terror”.

    Al-Qaida suspect trial moves to civilian court, in an abrupt change in policy from the Bush administration. The suspect had been held in a military brig in South Carolina for more than five years. The Bush administration had argued that he could be held indefinitely without being charged.

    Met with families of the September 11th attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole to explain his decision to suspend military tribunals.

    Increased troop levels in Afghanistan by 17,000.

    Passed the LARGEST middle-class tax cut in US History — $282 billion. Wage-earners who don’t make enough to pay income taxes would get a reduction in the Social Security and Medicare taxes they pay.

    Cut income taxes for 95 percent of families and 97 percent of small businesses.
    Raising taxes on couples that make more than $250,000.

    Addressed the nation of Iran on New Year’s eve:

    “Today I want to extend my very best wishes to all who are celebrating Nowruz around the world. This holiday is both an ancient ritual and a moment of renewal, and I hope that you enjoy this special time of year with friends and family. In particular, I would like to speak directly to the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Nowruz is just one part of your great and celebrated culture. Over many centuries your art, your music, literature and innovation have made the world a better and more beautiful place. Ending the address with a Farsi saying, Eid-eh Shoma Mobarak — which translates to “have a happy New Year”.”

    Proposed eliminating decades old subsidies to college loan middlemen, replacing them with direct financial aid to students, saving $48 billions.

    Created a White House Council on Women and Girls, to help eliminate the challenges they face and to ensure that cabinet level agencies coordinate their policies and programs that affect women and families.

    Created a $15 billion initiative to spark lending to small businesses.

    Began the process to establish worldwide regulation of hedge funds and tax havens.

    Proposes to tax Off-Shore tax shelter of US corporations.

    Allocated $11 Billion of Stimulus funds to build Smart Electric Grid.

    Allocated $45 billion to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.

    Allocated $8 billion in state and local weatherization and energy efficiency efforts.

    Calling on Americans to volunteer, the President signed a $5.7 billion national service bill Tuesday that triples the size of the AmeriCorps service program over the next eight years and expands ways for students to earn money for college.

    Launched a $200 billion initiative with the Federal Reserve to jump-starting lending to consumers and small businesses.

    Allocated $87 billion of Stimulus funds to the states for Medicaid, the health insurance program for low-income people, and unemployment.

    Expands Pell Grants to a maximum award of $5,550 in the 2010-11 school year.

    Allocated $19 billion to digitize medical records.

    Allocated $60 million to the National Endowment for the Arts
    Releases 250,000 pages of White House papers from Reagan and Bush Sr. era, overturning Cheney’s ban.

    Reversed Bush administration regulation, in part, removing the gray wolf off the endangered species list in Montana and Idaho, but leaving the animal under federal protection in Wyoming.

    Signed a series of executive orders to “level the playing field” for labor unions with management.

    Union officials say the new orders by Obama will undo Bush administration policies that favored employers over workers. The orders will:
    –Require federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts change.
    –Reverse a Bush administration order requiring federal contractors to post notice that workers can limit financial support of unions serving as their exclusive bargaining representatives.
    –Prevent federal contractors from being reimbursed for expenses meant to influence workers deciding whether to form a union and engage in collective bargaining.

    Passed $410 billion 2008-2009 budget with significant increases in food aid for the poor, energy research, and other programs, over McSame’s crybaby hysterics.

    Conducted his first television interview with Arabic language television station Al Arabiya.

    Conducted a town hall meeting in France.

    Conducted a town Hall meeting with Muslim students in Istanbul.

    Expanded Medicare’s coverage of off-label drugs for cancer treatments.

    Began new campaign to combat AIDS complacency and the disease’s potential to strike the unwary.

    Dems win special election fo NY’s 20th Congressional district that Republicans said would be a referendum on Obama’s Presidency.

    Replaced Bush’s office of faith based initiatives with a new office that will reach out to organizations that provide help “no matter their religious or political beliefs” and that are conduced by BOTH secular and faith-based organizations.

    Banned on lobbyists discussing economic stimulus projects with federal officials.

    Addressing the EU, President Obama recommends the admission of Turkey into the European Union. Turkey moves to reopen the Greek Orthodox Halki seminary, which was closed to new students in 1971, at Obama’s request.

  • Ted says:

    (Note to self: Talking about shooting guns intimidates Jane)

    What a list. Looks like Dear Leader is a typical whimp who’s goal is to kill the type if ingenuity that made America great, talks to enemies and is too stupid to realize they’re going to snow him, going to increase the national debt by $10,000,000,000,000 with nothing to show for it except debt, embraces immorality, puts union workers who are so helpless they have to have their spouses pack their lunch for them in charge of a major car corp, wants to take from the achievers in life and redistribute their possession to those who are too lazy to make it on their own, funding projects that otherwise couldn’t make it on their own in order to buy votes, and is generally undermining our stance in the world community. Yep, the Big Scope is looking a lot like Marxism.

    I’m going to go shoot my gun at some targets of my choice.

  • kate says:

    jane you left off the dog…

    barack obama promised a dog for his girls. he got one and named it bo, after himself.

  • PenniePan says:

    Excellent list Jane! Good work. I have asked Blog Mistress Kate to email you my addy. Please email me.

  • Jared said: And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose?

    Get over yourself. I brought it up because it’s what I did last night instead of watching the presser. Think what you want – the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to do what I did last night.

  • kate says:


    ‘And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose? To intimidate those of us who abhor them? To berate those of us who want more control? To those of us who think what you did last night dangerous and almost savage?’

    excuse me, do NOT try to organize or control who says what on this blog. thats my job. it seems jane you need to review the bill of rights and specifically amendments 1&2. your pitiful lack of knowledge is embarrassing to you i would think, so do review.

    and fyi jane, you should see my new gun. i am the queen of the shooting range.

  • Jared says:

    Kris FYI: I am a 2nd Amendment Liberal. The only problem I have with you shooting is you should have done it after watching Barack’s speech.

    Oh and Katey: Kris in New England can defend herself can’t she? She is after all a woman with a gun. I have no idea if she is PMS’ing but you on the other hand…you do not need to jump on Jane for everything wrong in life now do you?

  • Ted says:

    Ever notice that RWers never have to say “I am a 2nd Amendment Conservative”? I’ve noticed over the years that libs tend to pick and choose which Amendments they like and don’t like, and they wish they had the ability to decide to whom certain Amendments should and should not apply.

  • micky says:

    “Kate forgive me for this long comment. I know that it is usually Micky that is this classless but I need to respond to him for the last time.****”

    So, you think you’re copying and pasting makes you know what the scope is ?
    Thats just a list of crap I could t6ear down in my own words.
    And then you go on to adress me as the one who is classless and follow it with a diatribe of name calling.

    Smooth move exlax.

    Here watch this, this is what knowing what the “SCOPE ” looks like baby !!!!!!!

    As Jared said earlier, Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney torture facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    Ordered the closing of the Bush-Cheney overseas Gulags (so-called “black sites”).

    Banned the use of torture.

    Suspended Military tribunals of foreign detainees.

    Orders the withdraw of combat forces from Iraq by August 2010, with the residual force, between 35,000 to 50,000 leaving by December 2011.

    Passes $787 BILLION Jobs-Stimulus bill.

    Signed $32.8 billion bill for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as SCHIP, extending health care to 4 million uninsured children. A bill vetoed various times buy Bush.
    I already tore Jarteds sh*t up and spit it out in my sleep, I didnt need to copy a fellow bloggers work either because I’m so clueless

    But also Barack has done the following:

    “Told AFL-CIO union leaders in a videotaped address that the Employee Free Choice Act WILL PASS, pledging his administration’s FULL support.”

    All this does is take away the secret ballot that most union enployees actually want to keep. Also, its only a pledge. ITS NOT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT !!!
    On contrast lets look at what happened with his “PLEDGE” to Caterpillar.
    He went and told the whole staff at Caterpillar (in front of the whole country in a video taped address) that layoffs “might not be necessary”.
    After Obama left the Caterpillar CEO not only contradicted Obama’s comment, but he suggested that even more layoffs might be necessary.

    Hows that for an accomplishment ? YUP ! Caterpillar is now laying off those employees they said they would.
    ———————————————————— Next…

    “Overturned Bush administration’s limits on embryonic stem cell research.”

    So what ? This required no votes, no salesmanship or skill, just a executive stroke of a pen.
    Even you could do this with a crayon.

    “Budgets $634 billion over 10 years as a down payment on health care insurance.”

    Obama plans to add 47 million people to the health-insurance right after that cheesy down payment and will follow the $700 billion TARP bailout, the $787 billion stimulus, and a 3.6 trillion dollar budget blueprint ontop of a national deficit that exceeds $11 trillion never mind having to pay back the priciple and the interest along with inflation that just about every economisy says will happen within 2 years.

    You’ll never get your health care from the fed. Do you even realize that ?
    There is no more money for it


    “Cancels government contract with Blackwater Mercenaries.”

    So what ? Bush would of done the same thing right around now !!!
    Hes sending home most troops anyway !!
    Dont you realize that Black water and hired security was only to fill gaps that our troops couldnt ???


    “Voids George W. Bush’s so-called “signing statements”.”

    Once again SOOOOO WHAT ?????????????

    Obama had not renounced them entirely. he himself still uses signing statements and only time will tell if he uses the power wisely.


    “Addressing Turkey’s Grand National Assembly, President Obama states the United States “is not and never will be at war with Islam.” Signaling a thaw, the story is carried on the front page of Tehran’s daily newspapers.”

    Yes, this is where he began his apology tour. So you want to brag about a headline in some no name newspaper and a benigne statement that means nothing ?

    “Announced the US will engage in direct group talks with Iran aimed at ending Tehran’s nuclear program, marking another shift from former Bush’s policy.”


    Ahmajinedad has basically just told Obama to screw off and that Iran will move ahead with its nuke plans as scheduled !!!


    “Signed Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women and others to sue for pay discrimination, even if the discrimination has prevailed for years, even decades.”

    And at the same time broke the promise he made that all bills will be allowed 5 days for review before signing.


    This is just all too easy, you know what Jane ? As I go down this list I’m realizing line by line that you do not have the foggiest clue about how this country is run or what half the measures your great leader implements will do to this country or the impact it will have on future generations.

    I will not finish in the typical obligatory name calling such as you launched at me but I will say that you prove my point perfectly when I say that you really dont know the scope of things around you.
    I’ll bet my life you couldnt argue not one of the above issues off the top of your head if your life depended on it and that you’re just a minless cheerleader who only knows the unsubstantial surface crap your fed day in and out by your BORG like minions.
    Most Obama loyals who know anything about what hes done and what the recent ramifications of his actions have been wouldnt of even put half the crap up that you copied because it actually works against him.

    ARENT YOU EMBARRASSED that the best you can do to convince me is to simply copy someones list as a means to try and display your knowledge ?


  • micky says:

    “Excellent list Jane! Good work.”

    Good work my a$$.
    Its not her work.

    She took it from right here.

  • Ken says:

    Quite and impressive list Jane!!

    From reading it, it would seem that Barack is the terrorists, criminals, and drug users best friend.

    Take a bow, O!!

  • micky says:

    Its ridiculous.
    If you copy the first few accomplishments on that list, place them in your search bar and google it you come up with a slew of sites that carry much the same thing.
    Janes came from the very top of the first page.

    Further proof that these bots cant think for themselves

  • Jane says:

    I’ve never claimed I compiled the list from my own research or that it was my words (unlike Micky who does all the time.) I simply provided a list of Barack’s accomplishments. Of course I found them on the internet and from a source I trust (just like the way you guys do stuff)!

    Micky you think your power of sleuthing are so slick well let me say you are not so good. In fact you are a liar. I did not get it from there. I don’t even know what that is. The list I used has been circulated around mulitple liberal sites now for 2 weeks. I had it saved to my desktop and am not even sure who the original site was. I edited it by removing some photos and adding in Jared’s list which also seemed to be from here.

    This is a good example of how you command no respect from liberals Micky. It is the way you respond to oponents Micky that causes most of them to ignore you. You and others post links to right wing sites like Hot Air or Malkin all the time yet if we post anything from liberal sites we are continually mocked and discredited.

    Micky you have ran almost all of the regular liberals away from this blog and the ones that still come here refuse to talk with you at all because of your ugliness. I have been a regular on this blog since it opened. Your like a child Micky, the bully on the playground. I would at least think some discourse between opponents is better then nothing but I am wrong. I guess it’s time for me to leave too and all of you right wing folks can just sit and congratulate each other.

  • Jared said: I am a 2nd Amendment Liberal. The only problem I have with you shooting is you should have done it after watching Barack’s speech.

    Ah yes, it’s the word liberal in your claim to be a 2nd Amendment liberal that reveals the lie of the statement. I find this especially hard to believe when viewed thru the lens of your first comment towards me; I quote again to refresh you:

    And Kris you bring up your shooting guns for what purpose? To intimidate those of us who abhor them? To berate those of us who want more control? To those of us who think what you did last night dangerous and almost savage?

    So Jared – you are a 2nd Amendment liberal yet you abhor guns, want more control and find my shooting at a paper target to be dangerous and savage.

    So which is it anyway? I’m confused…

    No one tells me what to do. I should have watched Barack’s speech. Typical of you neo-socialists, always in someone else’s business. You have never heard me in this space tell someone else what to do or think.

    I fully expect you to extend the same courtesy to me.

    As for your typical rant about whether I’m PMSing…I shall give it the respect it is due…


  • micky says:

    “I’ve never claimed I compiled the list from my own research or that it was my words (unlike Micky who does all the time.) ”

    I never said you did.
    My response was to Pemmie saying “nice work” Got it ?

    “I simply provided a list of Barack’s accomplishments”

    Thats your fault. You were supposed to show us that you knew what the scope of things was. Any fool can google “Obamas accomplishments”

    In addition, I do not copy others work. Although unlike you, Keith, and who knows I’m able to form a coherant conversation from the research and studying I do.
    You and everyone else has never been able to prove that I copy anyones works so ontop how stupid you already look it just makes you look that much more stupid when you launch accusations you cant and never will be able to prove.
    Its lame, weak, and pathetic as its the one thing in my life that I hate the most.
    And that is liars.
    I hate them with a passion.
    If you want respect, stop lying.

    “Micky you think your power of sleuthing are so slick well let me say you are not so good.”

    Not at all, I did howver point out how a retarded kindergartener could of founf=d that list.

    ” In fact you are a liar. I did not get it from there. ”

    It doesnt matter where you got it. The point is that you cant make an argument on your own without dropping someone elses work. Which is exactly what you did.

    “The list I used has been circulated around mulitple liberal sites now for 2 weeks. I had it saved to my desktop and am not even sure who the original site was. I edited it by removing some photos and adding in Jared’s list which also seemed to be from here.”

    Further poroof that neither you, Keith, or Jared can think for yourselves.

    “This is a good example of how you command no respect from liberals Micky.”

    Ask me if I give a sh*t.

    ” It is the way you respond to oponents Micky that causes most of them to ignore you. ”

    Not really, its because I squash your pitiful arguments in my sleep with knowledge and common sense. Not someplace that you guys like to do which is simply to m indless pi$$ing matches.
    Thasts why you ignore me. Because you know i’ll actually argue the point.

    “You and others post links to right wing sites like Hot Air or Malkin all the time yet if we post anything from liberal sites we are continually mocked and discredited. ”

    When I and others do we at least give credit to the source.
    YOU DID NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Micky you have ran almost all of the regular liberals away from this blog and the ones that still come here refuse to talk with you at all because of your ugliness. ”

    hey, I’m not in control of anything these people do with their lives. Thats Obamas job.

    “I have been a regular on this blog since it opened. Your like a child Micky, the bully on the playground. I would at least think some discourse between opponents is better then nothing but I am wrong.”

    Yes, you’re always wrong because you dont know what discourse is.
    I’ve offered civil discourse to all of you at one time or another only to be called names, berated, or insulted for actually wanting to argue an issue til the truth comes out.
    But you guys dont want truth. You just want power and to look right whether you are or not and to toss ad hominen attacks and lies.

    ” I guess it’s time for me to leave too and all of you right wing folks can just sit and congratulate each other.”

    AWWWW, are you gonna play the last card of liberal desperation and claim to be victim ?
    I think you’re just humiliated and embarassed that you’verbeen exposed for claiming to know what the “SCOPE” is but showed us you really dont.

  • Ken says:

    Don’t feel bad Kris, apparently you weren’t the only one who didn’t watch Barack last night:

    “Wednesday night’s primetime press conference to mark Barack Obama’s 100th day in office was viewed by 28.8 million people, according to Nielsen.

    That’s a 29% drop from the president’s last press conference, on March 24.”

    “Obama lost 21 million viewers from his first prime-time presser in February, according to James Hibberd”


  • micky says:

    The downward spiral begins.

  • BikerDan says:

    It’s not my blog but I am attached to this place because I respect Kate and we get into some damn good discussions here so I am gonna say some stuff. If I go too far, she’ll cuff me in an email.

    Why ruin this place for anyone of any political persuasion? This is a conservative blog but liberals have been here since the early days. I’ve been here since then too. Let’s fight it out with ideas and concepts and not with deeply personal or demeaning attacks and insults on each other. Sometimes stuff is said but some of you cross lines and don’t know when enough is enough. So both sides need to knock that crap off if you are doing it.

    Personally, I want the exchange of ideas. I like knowing what the enemy is thinking for the battles that lay ahead. But I also know when to step back (living with a hot blooded Italian woman for 35 years taught me that). I don’t need everyone to always agree with me to know I am right.

  • Jilly says:

    Hey I just came over from Nice Deb’s blog because she linked this post. Politics is a dirty contact sport but this is one really juicy but scary ass thread. Some of you are very articulate. Some of you need a good therapist.

  • Ken says:

    “Some of you need a good therapist.”

    You sound just like the voices in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • micky says:

    ” I don’t need everyone to always agree with me to know I am right.”

    But I feel we should do everything we can to make them know they are wrong and we are right or whats the point ? I’m sure you love that hot Italian very much and that its important because of that to back off once in a while. The same with my wife. But my relationship with moonbats is not a personal one with those I love and care about.

    I was invited here a few months back. When I opened the door and came in there was the typical name calling pi$$ing match going on which I quickly bought in to, I’m no better in that dept., I have to admit, sometimes its fun.
    Regardless, I believe the whole point (at least for me) is to exchange those ideas by comparing philosophies, ideologies, and discuss the implications and possible outcomes of certain policies.
    The only way we can determine whats best and whats not is if put these things are put up against each other in a process of elimination. There are those on this blog that are invited to do just that but instead choose to remain at the level they’re at only because they’re ill informed or know deep down the policies, ideologies or whatever it is to be discussed is flawed. This leaves them with the choices we see them making which is to bring in prepared lists from the Daily Kos and other lib sites or resort to personal attacks, as we just saw happen with Jane.

    I want these guys to know they’re wrong and I’m right. I want it pounded into their heads just how badly them and their leader is screwing up this country. I dont want to walk away from any fight for my country assuming that my opponents know or think I’m right. We dont have the luxury of assuming anything. The damage that will be done to this country could permanent if these guys are allowed to continue having their way and I will not sit by with my finger up my butt with some fake sense of security thinking that deep down inside they know I’m right.
    Thats what liberals do.
    I want it shown to them, spelled out in front of them so that there is no denying that what they’re doing is wrong
    True, most of them will never admit it but if we back off too early with just the assumption that they know were right we are shorting our kids futures and ours while doing a half a$$ed job.
    If this were just some other democratic president I wouldnt be so hell bent on cramming my views down their throats. But this is not just some other democratic president, not by any stretch of the imagination.
    This guy is the most dangerous thing I’ve ever seen running our country, or any country for that matter. Hell, hes barely even a democrat. If anything hes a collectivist, a marxist, and a socialist, all the three very important components you need to bring on communism are right there my friends !
    No my friends, I’m not sitting back and being content with just knowing I’m right. Theres way too much at stake here for that kind of complacency.
    Thats what got us in this mess in the first place.

  • This is a very good read. Im gonna be tweeting this post. Jonas Brothers are awesome!

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