The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

The Megyn Kelly Trump Interview

Have you caught the Megyn Kelly Trump interview yet? It’s all over the internet and social media. People are chatting it up and saying it was a hard-hitting, tough interview. And that Trump’s days are numbered because of it.

I’m not sure about that, but she did ask the questions! I even submitted one to her when she asked her listeners on SiriusXM to submit questions. I wanted to know how he thought he handled COVID. And we’ll get to that in a moment.

First, I’d like to share this gem when Megyn Kelly asks Trump, “Can a man become a woman?

And he sits there for a good second with, “Ummm.

If you are a fan of Megyn Kelly, you know she recently decided to stop playing the pronoun game. She’s a staunch supporter of two genders and has become quite the voice for women. Megyn has a lot of great guests on, wide variety of guests on her show, which airs on the SiriusXM channel Triumph on weekdays at 11:00 CST.

We also all know that infamous moment when she moderated the 2015 Presidential debate where she asked Trump about his thoughts on women and quoted him when he called them fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.

The next night, after the debate,  Trump was still hot under the collar about the debate and got himself in more hot water when he took to CNN and told Don Lemon that Megyn was bleeding from wherever.

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes,” Trump told CNN’s Don Lemon on Friday night. “Blood coming out of her wherever.” – CNN, August 8, 2015

That comment got him disinvited from the conservative event RedState Gathering by RedState’s then-editor Erick Erickson. Trump was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the event.

So, was it a surprise that Megyn Kelly would interview Donald Trump for her show? Absolutely not. She’s a pro. She’s a journalist. She is doing her job. Plus, it would get more eyes and likes for her YouTube channel. Am I right? However, Megyn did admit that she was getting some flack for interviewing Trump.

She addressed her fans’ concerns, “How could you after how he treated you?” Because I’d be a fool if I didn’t was pretty much her answer and how she is professional, and if you can’t take a little bit of harsh words from people, then you will never have anyone to interview anymore.

Here is Megyn Kelly talking about the behind-the-scenes interview with her Trump interview. Her thoughts on how it went.

She also interviewed Ron DeSantis on her show. And while she says she has spoken to or had Vivek Ramaswamy as a guest several times over the years, she has yet to do a sit-down one-hour interview like she did with Trump and DeSantis. At least, not to my knowledge. I’ve been unable to find a full one-hour interview with him. And from listening to her talk about Vivek, I feel she’s not a fan, especially since the last GOP primary debate. I wouldn’t think that would stop her from interviewing him, though.

As far as Trump’s response regarding COVID. He claims he did a great job and didn’t receive the credit he thinks he deserves. Megyn pushed back, claiming that Trump made Fauci a star. She further reminded Trump that he gave Fauci a presidential commendation regarding COVID before he left the White House, asking Trump if he would have wanted a do-over.

Trump also said he left the governors to run their states as they saw fit during the pandemic. And when it came to the vaccines, people had to figure out if it was right for them. He simply made the vaccines available by rushing them out (because we’ve never seen anything like this was his reason), but it was up to each individual to decide if it was right for them.

So, does that answer anything for you? We can’t go back and undo any of it. I know my answer.

My concern is that Republicans are so far divided with Trump versus DeSantis that we won’t win anything anymore. I’ve heard rumblings that if Trump is the candidate, then DeSantis people (and others) will stay home. Also, if DeSantis is the candidate, Trumpers will do a write-in. I know someone who said that if a neocon like Nikki Haley became the candidate, he’d vote for RFK JR.

It’s a good thing we won’t have to worry about that one vote.

Feature Image: DonkeyHotey/Flickr/Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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  • You talk about divisions in the Republican Party being a problem and you are helping to divide.You never see Democrats publicly do the same as they are about winning at any cost Forget the pandemic crap no one knew what to do . Fauci had been around for along time . Trump took his advice at first but latter suggested other treatments which he was called out for. Megan’s got you moment was not pure journalism.She does not like Trump. Furthermore think back to the great Flue epidemic after world war 1all the deaths. Should Trump have just thrown up his hands and let the bodies build up .

  • Atomic Mom says:

    I am a RdS supporter. However, if Trump is the nominee, I will be showing up to vote for him. Anyone that stays home is foolish. Not only does the top of the ticket matter, down ballot races are vitally important: state, local races affect your day to day. Show up to vote!

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