The Cheney TDS Delusions Lead Them To Abandon All Their Principles

The Cheney TDS Delusions Lead Them To Abandon All Their Principles

The Cheney TDS Delusions Lead Them To Abandon All Their Principles

Liz Cheney and her father Dick just cannot quit Donald Trump. Their hatred of him has led the two, and likely Lynne as well, to abandon all previously held principles.

As Carol pointed out the other day, Liz lectured Republicans on how misguided we are for planning to vote for that ORANGE MAN BAD Trump guy. And then informed us she plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November.  On Friday her father threw his endorsement to Kamala as well. 

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Dick Cheney said in a statement. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he added.

Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said that the vice president was “proud” to have Cheney’s support.

“He joins hundreds of Republicans who are backing the Vice President and her patriotic vision of America over former President Trump, because, as Vice President Cheney said, the very future of our republic is at stake in this election,” O’Malley Dillon said in a statement.

You see, they are both absolutely adamant that it is Donald Trump who is the greatest danger to this Republic. Their reason? January 6. As such, they are both accusing Republicans of abandoning their own principles in order to support Donald Trump, and thus placing this country in danger. 

Ms. Cheney said that her decision to support Ms. Harris was based primarily on concern for democratic principles, saying, “Donald Trump presents a challenge and a threat fundamentally to the republic.” But she also argued that Mr. Trump’s policies, including his support for tariffs and an isolationist foreign policy, were antithetical to conservatism.

Let’s chat about who would be a danger to this Republic shall we? 

Who was the architect of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that led to hundreds of our soldiers wounded and thirteen killed? Harris-Biden

Who is adamantly for teachers unions, who pushed to keep schools closed well into 2022? Harris-Biden

Who is responsible for promoting bail funds for rioters and calling for defunding the police? Harris-Biden

Who is pushing for more and higher taxes including on unrealized capital gains? Harris-Biden

Who is responsible for having Hamas say NO nearly ten times to any deal offered while throwing Israel under the bus? Harris-Biden

Who is responsible for the terrorists who’ve crossed into this country and the nearly 9 million illegals we are dealing with across the U.S.? Harris-Biden

Who is responsible for 7 soldiers injured fighting against ISIS in Iraq? Harris-Biden

Who destroyed careers over vaccine mandates and covered up Joe’s cognitive decline? Harris-Biden

Who is trying to shut down millions of acres in Wyoming to tourism, hunting, and oil & gas exploration? Harris-Biden

Who is working to shut down oil and gas altogether while pushing EV mandates? Harris-Biden

The Inflation Reduction Act has reduced…NOTHING. Who is responsible? Harris-Biden

Who has called for restricting our Freedom of Speech? Kamala Harris

Byron Donalds nailed the Cheneys delusions perfectly. 

Keep in mind, it was the Democrats who coined the phrase Darth Cheney in an effort to describe their hatred of the man and his family. 

And yet, here we have the Cheneys trying to tell us that it is DONALD TRUMP who is the most dangerous man to ever walk the planet. Keep in mind, Liz already used her father once in an effort to salvage her WY Congressional seat, and failed miserably. 

Now they are back and are telling Republicans that the only way forward is to vote for the progressive socialist named Kamala Harris. 

Liz’s TDS remains strong. So strong she’s thrown all her principles into the toilet and thinks her grandiose endorsement along with that of her father’s will move the needle for Kamala.

Yet Liz persists in her delusions and even insists that Kamala’s DNC Convention speech was Reaganesque. Which is one helluva stretch given that Ronald Reagan stood up to Berkeley rioters, tried to keep Communists out of the Screen Actors Guild, enacted consequences when air traffic controllers went on strike, lowered taxes, helped our economy thrive, and walked out on Gorbachev twice.

As we’ve seen the last three and a half years, the Harris-Biden team is coddling terrorists and keep our borders insecure, and tanking our economy. 

Yet the Cheney TDS delusions are so strong they refuse to see the ACTUAL danger staring them in the face, and have abandoned all principles because of it.

They’ve brought this upon themselves because once the Democrats no longer find them useful, they will be drop-kicked to the curb.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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